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Post Comments posted by Damage

  1. I liked Apophyll, I think its a fun arc. Just it really breaks up a tense situation with like 3 other tense situations. Like the kids are potentially being tortured but you gotta get a badge. Kiki is slowly dying but is more concerned with fighting you than helping kids? Cain thought splitting up was a good idea while fighting the terrorists? A previously unseen member of meteor was ALSO tormented by the the thoughts of what they were doing and was secretly conspiring against them while helping a young girl. Its so many things going on at once that if this all played out in real time, the kids would have been moved while you were storming the castle with Amaria. Cain would have probably been killed by Meteor since there is no way they could have known you would drive a private boat to their hidden swamp base. Solaris would have detonated the camerupt without stepping foot on the mountain. (why was he gonna chill on an island he was blowing up?)

    The arc has so many great storylines that are all like their own arc but stuffed into one. If they all had their own time to breath and not overlap I think it would flow nicer. I don't think anyone dislikes the story. Most people don't spend too much time criticizing something they don't care about. 


    Early game isn't really bland imo. The character writing and dialogue is pretty strong. Meteor is actually threatening and their introduction as a group that could actually deal with the protagonist is good. I wouldn't be too hard on early game decisions just because you came into your groove in the later part of the story and game development. Is late game better? Sure. Is early game bad? No. The third gym is probably one of the best in pokemon. A serious threat, a gym leader turned evil. A gas chamber that could kill the main character if they lose. A relatively hard typing combined with dealing with more evolved pokemon while your starter and other mons can't be final stage yet. Story wise and gameplay wise it just straight up works well.

    Is more content good? Maybe. Too much stuff and it feels like bloat and takes away focus. Too little stuff and it feels like you're missing out. But you've hooked people on for like a decade now so its safe to say you've been making a series of pretty good decisions and will likely continue to do so... as long as you don't GoT season 8 yourself lol.

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  2. Years ago I started a screen play on this and the thing that bothered me about the pacing was the kids getting kidnapped then cain getting kidnapped while you race against the clock then save everyone in city then one of the kids getting sick. The flow I ended up saying made the most sense was. Kids get kidnapped, You turn on power. Rescue everyone and take kids to island to relax while you figure out how to get past boulders. Garchomp surgically removes and hands over ass. Everyone takes you through subway. Heather/Cain bounces. You and Anna rest while she gets worse. You bounce back get medicine then while everyone learns about forest you sneak back into town to go to Byxbision to get a badge and power up before getting on with magic forest and Serra questline. Kiki-Serra has like 5 badges worth of story and 6 badges worth of content. Level up should probably continue during this time just modify the need for hms to make traversal here flow better. 

    Either way Imma love the game cause its fun and even with that relatively small mess it still works overall. Just needs a little pacing work.

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  3. This is all crazy enlightening stuff. Ame learned new coding techniques. Other members learned some more behind the scenes going-ons and I learned that I would blow my brains out if I ever tried developing a video game.

  4. 5 hours ago, Amethyst said:

    i appreciate u cass

    and yeah
    i have so many regrets
    i've committed to them, but regrets nonetheless
    i really appreciate everyone's patience here


    but have a snippet of one of starlight's maps just so you can see a little bit of what we're working on here.

    There's no need for regrets for what's been done... its already been done and regret wont help. Keep doing ya thing, take one step at a time and be proud you've come this far. The game will reach its completion.

  5. wait wait wait... I'm keen to guess. Filter being a good ability means his whopping three weaknesses would be targetted. Simple enough. Attack with a solid physical move since his defense is trash. But being the poke is built around defense and stall make it so he casts a barrier or something on transform.  Have the game stall the player out. Have someone like Sirius that can tank hits until you are down to the last mon to make it so if it has pressure it force stalls you to struggle. Probably immune to destiny bond because Reborn. 


    Orrrrr two healing moves and a healing item plus 1 protection move and one offensive move... probably fairy along with pressure in a field that totally benefits it alone to force you to kill all offensive options. Since pressure isn't on any non-legendary... I think it would mean that you would die out long before mime.


    Option 3... lol get rekt. level 100 mime in a fairy field. 2x speed and 4x SpA.

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