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Reborn Development Blog

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Status Updates posted by Catilena1890

  1. And now to start customizing my profile.

  2. Goodnight Reborn and all who are crazy enough to call it home. I'm retiring to my nest for the night.

  3. If the forum could stop dying every hour or so, that'd be real great. *kicks it* Ame has enough to deal with, don't make it worse for her.

  4. Dudes, where is the chat for this place?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Catilena1890


      Aww, I've downloaded too much to get it right now. Maybe I'll try next month. I'll stick to terrorizing the forums for now.

    3. Tempest


      Oh. You have limited download?

    4. Catilena1890


      Yep. I'm on satellite internet and I have reason to believe I am approaching my cap. Truly annoying, it is. Woe be those who live in the boonies.

  5. So far, I have derailed every single conversation I've been in on this site in some way. I'm so proud XD

  6. I think I have established myself as "That purple Fennekin girl who uses gradients in every single post she makes."

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Tempest


      Nothing wrong with that ^^

    3. Felicity


      I Dub thee... ^That^

    4. Foamy


      I am inclined to agree.

  7. think I have established myself as "That purple Fennekin girl who uses gradients in every single post she makes."

  8. Bacon and chocolate chip oatmeal. Dinner of champions.

  9. I am so sick of fighting a different problem every day. Anyone got any good stories to share?

  10. I missed you guys <3

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