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Reborn Development Blog

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Posts posted by Aurorix

  1. TsVcZlN.png

    Stardust jumped up at the first instant she felt Lotus' touch, nearly launching a blast of magic in her face just from her frantic nerves alone. Were it not for her quick words I'm sure more blades of grass would be fried. For some reason her grasp was... somehow soothing. The way she spoke too, how long has it been since she's heard some tone other than disappointment or mocking let alone trying to console her. Maybe if only for that alone Stardust would actually begin to calm down and listen to the bug's words.  "D-don't panic? That's easier said than done." She stared down at her shaking hands, which were slathered with dirt and mud from the moist ground around the plant life.  "I-I killed him. He's dead now because of me..." Tears started to build up in her eyes,  "A-am I a bad person? I-I just... I just..."

  2. Merica’s scales are glistening! (+2 Res)


    Attack: 12 (12-0)
    Hit: 83 (94-11)
    Crit: 0 (2-3)


    Wisp B
    Attack: 7 (10-1-2)
    Hit: 82 (90-8)
    Crit: 1 (3-2)


    Mercia attacks! 51 Hit!

    Wisp B takes 12 damage!


    Wisp B counters! 52 Hit! (16)

    Mercia takes 7 damage!

    The phoenix rider sails forward locking onto the wisp. The two trade blows with floating ball of fire looking to have taken the worst of it... well as bad as a floating ball of fire can look anyways.


    "U-understood!" The succubus stutters before flying over the the singed dragonborn.  "I won't be able to get the soot off you but I can at least take care of the burns." She holds both hands out towards Owena with deep concentration as a glow envelopes both her and her wyvern. The burns slowly fade away into nothing before she releases her concentration,  "There, that should do it. Good luck out there!"


    Owena is healed to full HP!


    EXP: 30/100
    Cheat Sheet:

    Map Theme
    Alunda (15/15) | Heal Eq.
    Argos von Bodin (11/18) | Wooden Sword Eq.
    Aristotle The Bull  (21/22) | Iron Javelin Eq.
    Aya (17/17) | Soldier’s Drum Eq.
    Ignacio Blightwater (20/20) | Devil’s Anchor Eq.
    Korinna (20/20) | Hatchet Eq.
    Mercia Erwood (13/20) | Iron Bow Eq.
    Owena Erwood (18/18) | Iron Axe Eq.
    Eulalia Anastasius (20/20) | Blessed Iron Eq.
    Vlassis (7/20) | Iron Lance Eq

    Power Core Crystal (10/10)

    Skell Sword A (0/20) | Slim Sword Eq. Taunted
    Skell Sword B (0/20) | Slim Sword Eq.
    Skell Sword C (20/20) | Slim Sword Eq.
    Skell Sword D (20/20) | Slim Sword Eq.

    Fiend A (16/22) | Iron Lance Eq.
    Fiend B (10/22) | Iron Lance Eq.
    Fiend C (22/22) | Iron Lance Eq.
    Fiend D (22/22) | Iron Lance Eq.

    Demon A (22/22) | Hatchet Eq. 
    Demon B (22/22) | Hatchet Eq.
    Demon C (22/22) | Hatchet Eq.
    Demon D (22/22) | Hatchet Eq.

    Wisp A (19/19) | Fire Eq.
    Wisp B (7/19) | Fire Eq.
    Wisp C (19/19) | Fire Eq.
    Wisp D (19/19) | Fire Eq.

    Bowaton A (17/17) | Iron Bow Eq.
    Bowaton B (17/17) | Iron Bow Eq.
    Bowaton C (17/17) | Iron Bow Eq.
    Bowaton D (17/17) | Iron Bow Eq.

    Bosses/Special Enemies:
    Asterios (40/40) | Axe of Asterios Eq. (Dropable)

    Revenant A (10/10) | Claw Eq.
    Revenant B (10/10) | Claw Eq.

  3. Alunda & Ignacio holds


    [Enemy Phase]



    The Minotaur snorts, "Not bad, but lets see if you can handle it when my men go on the offensive!" He gestures his head forward and on queue the soldiers move forward.


    Skellsword A moves to L10 and attacks Arisotle



    Aristotle has the advantage! (+15 Hit/Eva, +1 Damage Dealt, -1 Damage Taken)
    Aristotle is inspired by Mercia! (+10 Hit/Eva) 
    Skellsword is Daunted by Owena! (-5 Hit/Eva/Crit)

    Aristotle hardens his resolve! (+2 DR)


    Attack: 7 (9-3+1)
    Hit: 96 (81-15+15+10+5)
    Crit: 0 (1-3)


    Skellsword A
    Attack: 1 (9-5-1-2)

    Hit: 80 (115-5-15-10-5)

    Crit: 3 (9-1-5)


    Skellsword attacks! 47 Hit! (87)

    Aristotle takes 1 damage!


    Aristotle counters! 60 Hit!

    Skellsword is defeated with 7 damage!


    "Eh hee hee hee!" The skeleton chatters before raising his sword high and swinging it down onto the spartan warrior. However, it barely leaves a scratch on his armor before he pummels the skeleton apart. Like his kin, his bone burn a bright red before blowing away as ash.


    Wisp A moves to E10 and attacks Owena



    Wisp will attack twice!

    Owena is inspired by Mercia! (+10 Hit/Eva) 
    Wisp is Daunted by Owena! (-5 Hit/Eva/Crit)




    Wisp A
    Attack: 7x2 (10-3)
    Hit: 73 (90-2-10-5)
    Crit: 0 (3-2-5)


    Wisp attacks! 14 Hit! (61)

    Owena takes 7 damage!


    Wisp follows up! 61 Hit! (91)

    Owena takes 7 damage!


    The elemental fire spirit floats through the air moving towards the wyvern rider. It launches two balls of fire at the dragonborn both exploding on contact and leaving her majorly wounded.


    Demon A move to F9 and attacks Owena



    Owena is inspired by Mercia! (+10 Hit/Eva) 

    Demon is Daunted by Owena! (-5 Hit/Eva/Crit)



    Demon A
    Attack: 9 (12-3)
    Hit: 71 (88-2-10-5)
    Crit: 0 (7-2-5)


    Demon A attacks! 87 Miss!


    "Lets see if you all are good enough to keep his highness safe." The axe toting demon speaks nonchalantly before following up on his elemental compatriot and attempts to finish off Owena. However, with the sight of her sister nearby it endowed her with the determination to hold on and dodged the demon's attack. "Heh, not bad miss. Now I wanna see you do that again." Was he... encouraging you? Yep he definitely was.


    Fiend A moves to G9 and attacks Argos



    Fiend has the advantage! (+15 Hit/Eva, +1 Damage Dealt, -1 Damage Taken) 
    Argos will attack twice!
    Argos is taking cover behind pillars!! (+15 Eva, -1 Damage Taken)

    Argos is inspired by Mercia! (+10 Hit/Eva) 
    Fiend is Daunted by Owena! (-5 Hit/Eva/Crit)
    Argos is showing off! (-2 DR)
    Argos is channeling the Dynamic Mayhem Blade! (+2 Damage Dealt)

    Attack: 6x2 (11-6-1+2)
    Hit: 88 (91-3-15+10+5)
    Crit: 0 (2-2)


    Fiend A
    Attack: 10 (11-3+1-1+2)
    Hit: 62 (89-12+15-15-10-5)
    Crit: 0 (2-2)


    Fiend A attacks! 84 Miss!


    Argos attacks! 90 Miss!


    Argos follows up! 69 NICE Hit!

    Fiend A takes 6 damage!


    "No hard feelings my lord, but know this is for your own good!" The lance wielding fiend spoke before thrusting his lance forward. The swordsman however used swung his big sword to the side parrying his attack away before following up with an attack of his own.



    "Heh, you think an attack like that will hit me? You're gonna have to be faster than that!"


    Wisp B moves to K9 and attacks Vlassis



    x will attack twice!

    x is inspired by Mercia! (+10 Hit/Eva)




    Wisp B
    Attack: 8x2 (10-2)
    Hit: 79 (90-1-10)
    Crit: 2 (3-1)


    Wisp attacks! 87 Miss!


    Wisp follows up! 52 Hit! (22)

    Vlassis takes 8 damage!


    On the other side of the room, another set of enemies moves forward, this time with their eyes set on the Wandering Deamon. The wisp closes in fires two balls of fire with only one making its mark.


    Demon B moves to J8 and attacks Vlassis



    Demon B has the advantage! (+15 Hit/Eva, +1 Damage Dealt, -1 Damage Taken)

    Aristotle is inspired by Mercia! (+10 Hit/Eva)

    Aristotle hardens his resolve! (+2 DR)




    Demon B
    Attack: 5 (12-6+1-2)
    Hit: 92 (88-1+15-10
    Crit: 6 (7-1)


    Demon B attacks! 55 Hit! (65)

    Vlassis takes 5 damage!


    "So you're the so called 'Wandering Deamon' but lets see if you can hold up to the real deal!" The axe wielding then boomerangs his axe at the warrior causing decent gash on his shoulder.

    Fiend B moves to I9 and attacks Argos



    Fiend has the advantage! (+15 Hit/Eva, +1 Damage Dealt, -1 Damage Taken) 
    Argos will attack twice!
    Argos is taking cover behind pillars!! (+15 Eva, -1 Damage Taken)

    Argos is inspired by Mercia! (+10 Hit/Eva) 
    Fiend is Daunted by Owena! (-5 Hit/Eva/Crit)
    Argos is showing off! (-2 DR)
    Argos is channeling the Dynamic Mayhem Blade! (+2 Damage Dealt)

    Attack: 6x2 (11-6-1+2)
    Hit: 88 (91-3-15+10+5)
    Crit: 0 (2-2)


    Fiend B
    Attack: 10 (11-3+1-1+2)
    Hit: 62 (89-12+15-15-10-5)
    Crit: 0 (2-2)


    Fiend B attacks! 42 Hit!

    Argos takes 10 damage!


    Argos attacks! 16 Hit!

    Fiend B takes 6 damage!


    Argos follows up! 56 Hit!

    Fiend B takes 6 damage!


    Not paying attention to his rear the other soldier gets an easy shot in on the underworld prince. "Always keep an eye on your 6'. Hasn't the general drilled this into you by now?"



    He swats him back with two sword strikes,  "Errgh! Yea, yea I get it!"


    "Don't answer me with words, your actions are worth far more." To which he only receives angered grumblings from the prince.


    Revenants are summoned!


    Turn 2

    [Player Phase]




    Argos regains 3 HP!


    EXP: 26/100
    Cheat Sheet:


    Map Theme
    Alunda (15/15) | Heal Eq.
    Argos von Bodin (11/18) | Wooden Sword Eq.
    Aristotle The Bull  (21/22) | Iron Javelin Eq.
    Aya (17/17) | Soldier’s Drum Eq.
    Ignacio Blightwater (20/20) | Devil’s Anchor Eq.
    Korinna (20/20) | Hatchet Eq.
    Mercia Erwood (20/20) | Iron Bow Eq.
    Owena Erwood (4/18) | Iron Axe Eq.
    Eulalia Anastasius (20/20) | Blessed Iron Eq.
    Vlassis (7/20) | Iron Lance Eq

    Power Core Crystal (10/10)

    Skell Sword A (0/20) | Slim Sword Eq. Taunted
    Skell Sword B (0/20) | Slim Sword Eq.
    Skell Sword C (20/20) | Slim Sword Eq.
    Skell Sword D (20/20) | Slim Sword Eq.

    Fiend A (16/22) | Iron Lance Eq.
    Fiend B (10/22) | Iron Lance Eq.
    Fiend C (22/22) | Iron Lance Eq.
    Fiend D (22/22) | Iron Lance Eq.

    Demon A (22/22) | Hatchet Eq. 
    Demon B (22/22) | Hatchet Eq.
    Demon C (22/22) | Hatchet Eq.
    Demon D (22/22) | Hatchet Eq.

    Wisp A (19/19) | Fire Eq.
    Wisp B (19/19) | Fire Eq.
    Wisp C (19/19) | Fire Eq.
    Wisp D (19/19) | Fire Eq.

    Bowaton A (17/17) | Iron Bow Eq.
    Bowaton B (17/17) | Iron Bow Eq.
    Bowaton C (17/17) | Iron Bow Eq.
    Bowaton D (17/17) | Iron Bow Eq.

    Bosses/Special Enemies:
    Asterios (40/40) | Axe of Asterios Eq. (Dropable)

    Revenant A (10/10) | Claw Eq.
    Revenant B (10/10) | Claw Eq.

  4. SkwoBok.png

    The bee slowly opened her eyes after there were a few moments of silence, only to jump back onto her bum. She back crawls backwards frantically, slamming into the back of Pinecone's legs.  "I-I... I just..." Before she could finish her ramblings, glancing over her shoulder she could see another tall beefy bug towering over her.



    "Aiiiiiiieeeeeee!!!" She let out the loudest scream she could muster before panic firing magic at the bug.


    Stardust move to D8, activate Charisma+

    Bend move to C8, Perform for Stardust

    Stardust attack Raider B


    Aristotle has the advantage! (+15 Hit/Eva, +1 Damage Dealt, -1 Damage Taken)
    Aristotle is inspired by Mercia! (+10 Hit/Eva) 
    Skellsword is Daunted by Owena! (-5 Hit/Eva/Crit)

    Attack: 7 (9-3+1)
    Hit: 96 (81-15+15+10+5)
    Crit: 0 (1-3)

    Skellsword A

    Aristotle attacks! 80 Hit!
    Skellsword A takes 7 damage


    The armor spartan launches his javelin at the skeleton managing to knock its sword arm clean off. However, life still runs through these scorched bones as the creature reaches down and clonks it back into place. 


    EXP: 11/100
    Cheat Sheet:


    Map Theme
    Alunda (15/15) | Heal Eq.
    Argos von Bodin (18/18) | Wooden Sword Eq.
    Aristotle The Bull  (22/22) | Iron Javelin Eq.
    Aya (17/17) | Soldier’s Drum Eq.
    Ignacio Blightwater (20/20) | Devil’s Anchor Eq.
    Korinna (20/20) | Hatchet Eq.
    Mercia Erwood (20/20) | Iron Bow Eq.
    Owena Erwood (18/18) | Iron Axe Eq.
    Eulalia Anastasius (20/20) | Blessed Iron Eq.
    Vlassis (20/20) | Iron Lance Eq

    Power Core Crystal (10/10)

    Skell Sword A (4/20) | Slim Sword Eq. Taunted
    Skell Sword B (0/20) | Slim Sword Eq.
    Skell Sword C (20/20) | Slim Sword Eq.
    Skell Sword D (20/20) | Slim Sword Eq.

    Fiend A (22/22) | Iron Lance Eq.
    Fiend B (22/22) | Iron Lance Eq.
    Fiend C (22/22) | Iron Lance Eq.
    Fiend D (22/22) | Iron Lance Eq.

    Demon A (22/22) | Hatchet Eq. 
    Demon B (22/22) | Hatchet Eq.
    Demon C (22/22) | Hatchet Eq.
    Demon D (22/22) | Hatchet Eq.

    Wisp A (19/19) | Fire Eq.
    Wisp B (19/19) | Fire Eq.
    Wisp C (19/19) | Fire Eq.
    Wisp D (19/19) | Fire Eq.

    Bowaton A (17/17) | Iron Bow Eq.
    Bowaton B (17/17) | Iron Bow Eq.
    Bowaton C (17/17) | Iron Bow Eq.
    Bowaton D (17/17) | Iron Bow Eq.

    Bosses/Special Enemies:
    Asterios (40/40) | Axe of Asterios Eq. (Dropable)



  6. XT3ACY9.png

    "Wait, Fiscus-!" Baldur reached his hand out towards the mounted archer as he just... stood there on the front line. He couldn't say much else before the group of enemies all swarm the nomad... and fail miserably. He couldn't tell if it was they're ineptness or Fiscus' skill.  "Okay... never mind I suppose. I swear to the gods..." Looking over at Reiko's situation it seems like she'll need assistance, but the butler is unsure whether now is a good time to patch her wounds or not. If he were to get caught up in anything, he'd leave all the support in Tabitha's and Mim's hands. He can't let that happen!  "Phoenix, quickly cover Thistle!"


    Kane move to J14 and Knife the Ascetic


    Vlassis has the advantage! (+15 Hit/Eva, +1 Damage Dealt, -1 Damage Taken) 
    Skell Sword will attack twice!
    Vlassis is inspired by Mercia! (+10 Hit/Eva)
    Vlassis is going on instinct (+2 Def)

    Attack: 10 (12-3+1)
    Hit: 96 (86-15+15+10)
    Crit: 0 (1-3)

    Skell Sword B
    Attack: 0x2 (9-6-1-2)
    Hit: 89 (115-1-15-10)
    Crit: 8 (9-1)

    Vlassis attacks: 53 Hit!
    Skell Sword B is defeated with 10 damage!


    Before the skeleton could readjust himself after being knocked out of shape, he was met with the sharp end of Vlassis' lance. It lets out a ghastly groan as the erupts in red and turns to naught but cinders and ash.


    Eulalia lacks a target and therefore her bolt merely leaves the floor singed and a bit more sparkly.


    EXP: 9/100
    Cheat Sheet:


    Map Theme
    Alunda (15/15) | Heal Eq.
    Argos von Bodin (18/18) | Wooden Sword Eq.
    Aristotle The Bull  (22/22) | Iron Javelin Eq.
    Aya (17/17) | Soldier’s Drum Eq.
    Ignacio Blightwater (20/20) | Devil’s Anchor Eq.
    Korinna (20/20) | Hatchet Eq.
    Mercia Erwood (20/20) | Iron Bow Eq.
    Owena Erwood (18/18) | Iron Axe Eq.
    Eulalia Anastasius (20/20) | Blessed Iron Eq.
    Vlassis (20/20) | Iron Lance Eq

    Power Core Crystal (10/10)

    Skell Sword A (11/20) | Slim Sword Eq.
    Skell Sword B (0/20) | Slim Sword Eq.
    Skell Sword C (20/20) | Slim Sword Eq.
    Skell Sword D (20/20) | Slim Sword Eq.

    Fiend A (22/22) | Iron Lance Eq.
    Fiend B (22/22) | Iron Lance Eq.
    Fiend C (22/22) | Iron Lance Eq.
    Fiend D (22/22) | Iron Lance Eq.

    Demon A (22/22) | Hatchet Eq. 
    Demon B (22/22) | Hatchet Eq.
    Demon C (22/22) | Hatchet Eq.
    Demon D (22/22) | Hatchet Eq.

    Wisp A (19/19) | Fire Eq.
    Wisp B (19/19) | Fire Eq.
    Wisp C (19/19) | Fire Eq.
    Wisp D (19/19) | Fire Eq.

    Bowaton A (17/17) | Iron Bow Eq.
    Bowaton B (17/17) | Iron Bow Eq.
    Bowaton C (17/17) | Iron Bow Eq.
    Bowaton D (17/17) | Iron Bow Eq.

    Bosses/Special Enemies:
    Asterios (40/40) | Axe of Asterios Eq. (Dropable)




    Skell Sword has the advantage! (+15 Hit/Eva, +1 Damage Dealt, -1 Damage Taken)
    Korinna is inspired by Mercia! (+10 Hit/Eva)
    Korinna is vanquishing the Dawn! (+10 Crit)

    Attack: 10 (14-3-1)
    Hit: 64 (84-15-15+10)
    Crit: 13 (6-3+10)

    Skell Sword B

    Korinna attacks: 4 Hit! (No Crit)
    Skell Sword B takes 10 damage!


    Korinna's axe flies forward smashing straight into the abdomen of the skeleton and making bones fly backwards in a spread out mess. It wasn't long, however, until the cackling of said bones signaled their reformation back into its humanoid form. The empty eye sockets flash a red crimson for a brief moment before the monster beings movement once more.



    The swordsman tilting his head at the fighter's statement, "Apron string? I'm not wearing my apron though. I left it the kitchen."


    EXP: 4/100
    Cheat Sheet:


    Map Theme
    Alunda (15/15) | Heal Eq.
    Argos von Bodin (18/18) | Wooden Sword Eq.
    Aristotle The Bull  (22/22) | Iron Javelin Eq.
    Aya (17/17) | Soldier’s Drum Eq.
    Ignacio Blightwater (20/20) | Devil’s Anchor Eq.
    Korinna (20/20) | Hatchet Eq.
    Mercia Erwood (20/20) | Iron Bow Eq.
    Owena Erwood (18/18) | Iron Axe Eq.
    Eulalia Anastasius (20/20) | Blessed Iron Eq.
    Vlassis (20/20) | Iron Lance Eq

    Power Core Crystal (10/10)

    Skell Sword A (11/20) | Slim Sword Eq.
    Skell Sword B (10/20) | Slim Sword Eq.
    Skell Sword C (20/20) | Slim Sword Eq.
    Skell Sword D (20/20) | Slim Sword Eq.

    Fiend A (22/22) | Iron Lance Eq.
    Fiend B (22/22) | Iron Lance Eq.
    Fiend C (22/22) | Iron Lance Eq.
    Fiend D (22/22) | Iron Lance Eq.

    Demon A (22/22) | Hatchet Eq. 
    Demon B (22/22) | Hatchet Eq.
    Demon C (22/22) | Hatchet Eq.
    Demon D (22/22) | Hatchet Eq.

    Wisp A (19/19) | Fire Eq.
    Wisp B (19/19) | Fire Eq.
    Wisp C (19/19) | Fire Eq.
    Wisp D (19/19) | Fire Eq.

    Bowaton A (17/17) | Iron Bow Eq.
    Bowaton B (17/17) | Iron Bow Eq.
    Bowaton C (17/17) | Iron Bow Eq.
    Bowaton D (17/17) | Iron Bow Eq.

    Bosses/Special Enemies:
    Asterios (40/40) | Axe of Asterios Eq. (Dropable)



  9. ithTyeU.png

    Alunda was momentary stunned at this whole interaction and its absurdness, luckily their debating was enough for her to gain her bearings. "Are you kidding me right now?! Why would you think randomly destroying things would help our situation!? Do you see with you eyes how big that thing is!? It stretches to the ceiling! If that thing starts 'reacting rapidly' everyone here would be caught up in it! If Thanatos wanted you to break something he would've said so! Honestly, I can't believe I have to explain something like this!" She stomps in frustration.



    The lad lowers his blade,  "I-I see... So I guess I won't then..." The swordsman turns to the archer on the giant bird and gives her a big thumbs up.



    "Hey, don't worry about it! It's not your fault. If I studied more I would've known what it meant, so don't worry about it!"


    Are you sure you don't want to break the Core Crystal?






    Attack: 9 (12-3)
    Hit: 79 (94-15)
    Crit: 0 (2-3)


    Skell Sword A


    Mercia attacks: 17 Hit!

    Skell Sword A takes 9 damage!

    Meanwhile, the phoenix rider proceeds to fire an arrow into the nearest Skeleton swordsman. His bones rattle as a couple of his ribs are pierced by the arrow but then lets out a eerie laugh as if to mock the archer.


    EXP: 2/100
    Cheat Sheet:

    Map Theme
    Alunda (15/15) | Heal Eq.
    Argos von Bodin (18/18) | Wooden Sword Eq.
    Aristotle The Bull  (22/22) | Iron Javelin Eq.
    Aya (17/17) | Soldier’s Drum Eq.
    Ignacio Blightwater (20/20) | Devil’s Anchor Eq.
    Korinna (20/20) | Hatchet Eq.
    Mercia Erwood (20/20) | Iron Bow Eq.
    Owena Erwood (18/18) | Iron Axe Eq.
    Eulalia Anastasius (20/20) | Blessed Iron Eq.
    Vlassis (20/20) | Iron Lance Eq

    Power Core Crystal (10/10)

    Skell Sword A (11/20) | Slim Sword Eq.
    Skell Sword B (20/20) | Slim Sword Eq.
    Skell Sword C (20/20) | Slim Sword Eq.
    Skell Sword D (20/20) | Slim Sword Eq.

    Fiend A (22/22) | Iron Lance Eq.
    Fiend B (22/22) | Iron Lance Eq.
    Fiend C (22/22) | Iron Lance Eq.
    Fiend D (22/22) | Iron Lance Eq.

    Demon A (22/22) | Hatchet Eq. 
    Demon B (22/22) | Hatchet Eq.
    Demon C (22/22) | Hatchet Eq.
    Demon D (22/22) | Hatchet Eq.

    Wisp A (19/19) | Fire Eq.
    Wisp B (19/19) | Fire Eq.
    Wisp C (19/19) | Fire Eq.
    Wisp D (19/19) | Fire Eq.

    Bowaton A (17/17) | Iron Bow Eq.
    Bowaton B (17/17) | Iron Bow Eq.
    Bowaton C (17/17) | Iron Bow Eq.
    Bowaton D (17/17) | Iron Bow Eq.

    Bosses/Special Enemies:
    Asterios (40/40) | Axe of Asterios Eq. (Dropable)


  10. 0ecdRIO.png
    "Oh not a bad idea! We might be able to delay pop’s plans!" The swordsman pushed his way past the pillars towards the towering core crystal. However, some strange dreadful feeling churned in his gut. There were warnings plastered all over the crystal.



    "Hey, the warnings all over this thing. It says... uhhhh... ‘Warning: Highly V-o-l-a-t-i-l-e’ I don’t know what that means, you still think it’s safe to break it?"


    Are your sure you wish to break the Core?





  11. ytgCLAn.png

    It takes all of Alunda's might to suppress her frustration with the prince.  "I had a feeling something like this would happen so I checked your room and found these on top of your dresser." She pulls out the keys in question and jingles them a bit for emphasis. An awkward stare down between servant and master occurs before the winged woman proceeds to unlock all the cuffs. As soon as the lock clinks open it feels like a huge weight that you've long come accustom is released. These cuffs definitely have some magical properties to them. Soon all requested weapons are handed out as well as a small pouch of high-grade medicine is handed to everyone.


    "Well, its good to see everything is in order." Turning towards the door another new figure comes in waving to the group, was this Thanatos?



    "I don't have much time before Hades catches wind of my disappearance so I'll keep this brief." He was leaning on the door frame, his body concealed under a large cloak



    "Straight to business, eh Thanny? Is my father working you to the bone as usual." Argos cuts off the man, approaching him before extending his fist out.



    "Heh, well apparently there's no rest for the bringer of death." He follows up by completing a fist bump with the prince and a small chuckle follows. Thanatos adjusts his cloak and straightens up,



    "Back to the point, I've set up a riot inside the facility. Soon they'll start getting all the guard's attention, or well all of them loyal to Hades. During that time Alunda will lead everyone down a route devoid of any interferences, since I doubt Argos committed the path to memory. Unfortunately, I won't be able to assist you since Hades would get suspicious if natural death suddenly started ceasing for an extended period of time. However, should everything go according to plan you all should slip out without a hint of trouble. Alunda, I'm sure you know where the rest stop is once you're far from the Sotiria. Stay there until I manage to get under the radar once more." His head perks up,  "It should be about time now anyways. Good luck." He waves goodbye before disappearing in white light and black smoke.



    "Alright everyone! You heard the man! Let's head out!" With that the group makes their way through the winding corridors, however as we all know nothing goes according to plan. Entering the center of the Sotiria they're met with a large glowing crystal that extends from the floor to the ceiling. Not only that but a platoon of guards set up in a defensive position. 





    "So... you're actually going through with this." Emerging from behind the crystal a towering Minotaur with a large axe appears. 



    The prince looks in shock,  "T-teach! What are you doing here!? What's with all these guards!?" The bull-man grunts.



    "Think of it like a final test to see if you're ready to leave out on your own. I promised your mother I wouldn't let you do anything beyond your league."



    "Okay but how did you know about all this and what's with all these guards? What if I decided to go alone, I would've be floor'd!"



    "You've been my pupil since you were but a child, I know when you're plotting something." He grunts as if somehow offended, "If you decided to not round up a group you'd be a bigger fool than I thought you were. This beating would've been a good wake up call. Enough talk however, your diversion won't last long right?"



    "Grrrr... Fine! Everyone, looks like we're fighting our way through here! Get ready for combat!" He does an exaggerated arm motion forward before drawing his sword.


    Objective: All Escape or Defeat Asterios
    Loose condition: All Party Members Fall

    Additional Goals: Destroy the Power Cyrstal


    EXP: 0/100
    Cheat Sheet:


    Map Theme
    Alunda (15/15) | Heal Eq.
    Argos von Bodin (18/18) | Wooden Sword Eq.
    Aristotle The Bull  (22/22) | Iron Javelin Eq.
    Aya (17/17) | Soldier’s Drum Eq.
    Ignacio Blightwater (20/20) | Devil’s Anchor Eq.
    Korinna (20/20) | Hatchet Eq.
    Mercia Erwood (20/20) | Iron Bow Eq.
    Owena Erwood (18/18) | Iron Axe Eq.
    Eulalia Anastasius (20/20) | Blessed Iron Eq.
    Vlassis (20/20) | Iron Lance Eq


    Power Core Crystal (10/10)


    Skell Sword A (20/20) | Slim Sword Eq.
    Skell Sword B (20/20) | Slim Sword Eq.
    Skell Sword C (20/20) | Slim Sword Eq.
    Skell Sword D (20/20) | Slim Sword Eq.

    Fiend A (22/22) | Iron Lance Eq.
    Fiend B (22/22) | Iron Lance Eq.
    Fiend C (22/22) | Iron Lance Eq.
    Fiend D (22/22) | Iron Lance Eq.

    Demon A (22/22) | Hatchet Eq. 
    Demon B (22/22) | Hatchet Eq.
    Demon C (22/22) | Hatchet Eq.
    Demon D (22/22) | Hatchet Eq.


    Wisp A (19/19) | Fire Eq.

    Wisp B (19/19) | Fire Eq.

    Wisp C (19/19) | Fire Eq.

    Wisp D (19/19) | Fire Eq.

    Bowaton A (17/17) | Iron Bow Eq.
    Bowaton B (17/17) | Iron Bow Eq.
    Bowaton C (17/17) | Iron Bow Eq.
    Bowaton D (17/17) | Iron Bow Eq.

    Bosses/Special Enemies:
    Asterios (40/40) | Axe of Asterios Eq. (Dropable)




  12. rdBw01Z.png

    "Ugh... My head... Where am I? Why is there this immense feeling of guilt?"



    Name: Hades
    Class: Soldier -> Dark Rider

    Class Skill: 
    Command Over Life & Death [Self-Healing] (At the start of each allied round, regain Health equal to half their Magic rounded down if a Healing/Buffing staff is equipped or restore status if an Ailment healing or inflicting staff is equipped. Grants Staff (E) weapon proficiency.)

    /Promoted Class Skill: 
    Call of the Underworld [Mission from God] (Once per battle, can declare the name of one First Class unit. When entering combat with a unit of that Class or one of its promotions, is considered to have Weapon Triangle Advantage. If the enemy has WTA, both effects nullify. If they already have WTA, both effects stack.)

    Lord of Darkness [Heroic Light] (Whenever entering battle with an enemy using Dark Magic, gain a +5 RES bonus. In addition, +5 DMG bonus against Monsters and Undead.)

    Character Skill: Aegis (When suffering an attack from Bows, Hidden Weapons, Tomes and Dragonstones, there is a (SKL+LCK)% chance to reduce the damage dealt by half.)

    Affinity: Wind (+2.5 Hit/Evasion/Crit/Dodge)

    Personal Flaw: Innate Refusal to Harm: Can’t initiate an attack, Crit is set to 0 & -2 Damage Dealt against Mercenaries, Heroes, Fighters & Dread Fighters 
    Personal Skill: More Paperwork… : When a unit within 3 spaces is reduced to 0 HP,  Hades regains 5 HP.
    /Personal Skill: Your Sentence is Inevitable: When in combat against an enemy with an enemy with HP <= 50%, +15 Hit
    //Personal Skill: Blazing Shield: When in combat against someone using Anima magic: +5% Aegis activation rate

    Preferred Stats: Skill, Defense
    Weapon Proficiency: Lance (D), Anima (D), Staff (E) -> Spear (A), Lance (C), Thrusting (C), Sword (D), Anima (D), Staff (E)

    Level: 1
    Total Level: 1
    Progression Spent: 330/330

    Initial Stats:
    HP: 24 [+1] ( 65% )
    STR: 5 ( 53% ) 
    MAG: 0 ( 27% )
    SKL: 5 ( 39% ) 
    LUK: 1 ( 21% )
    DEF: 5 [+2] ( 36% )
    RES: 0 ( 36% ) 
    SPD: 4 [+1] (53%) 

    MOV: 5
    CON: 8
    AID: 7

    Rerolled: Promoted Class Proficiency (Original: Great Merchant)\



  13. vDu5eQn.png     ytgCLAn.png

    "Ah heh heh heh..." An awkward laughter was all the came from the underworld prince a he glances towards the direction of Korinna. Alunda, meanwhile, just keeps silent and stares at the ground in embarrassment. 



    "Oh right! I totally forgot about those. Luckily for you the keys should be riiiiiight here!"  He dramatically reaches into his inside coat pocket and his expression turns from one of confidence to confusion to panic. He frantically starts going through all the pockets he has before slowly turning back to Aya



    "Say... Aya. You wouldn't have happened to take the shackles keys? Did you?"  You could practically see the sweat dripping down the swordsman's face at this point.

  14. ytgCLAn.png

    At the sound of 'Lund-' her glare immediately transferred to Aya,  "'a little messy' is an understatement. Do you want word to get to Hades before we even set foot outside the compound and I thought I told you to never call me that! I'm your senior and you will address me as such! Also another thing, you empowering him to these idiotic things isn't helping!" By now the succubus has long released the prince from her grasp and has been closing the distance between her and the newbie. Argos put himself between the two, mainly just facing Alunda,



    "Alright Alunda, I understand. I'm sorry for getting a bit too riled up but we weren't wrong about everyone agreeing to join! I also know you're just trying to keep me safe and I thank you for that, so lets just settle down."



    She grips the bridge of her nose and lets out a long sigh filled with a lot of pent up emotions. 



    "You're right, I'm... sorry for bursting out like that." She grabs her shoulder and droops her head in embarrassment, she then remembered something important, "Oh, Lord Thanatos said he'll be here in a few moments."



    "That's good to here, he's better at explaining stuff than I am."

  15. 0ecdRIO.png

    His confidence was reinforced seeing the thumbs up from his assistant in the corner of the room, however, his composure was just as quickly broken from Eulalia's comment.  "R-really? I don't really know what this sattire thing is but a play about me would be awesome! Though, it probably won't be able to capture all my glory!" He spoke flustered at first before pounding his chest with his fist. 



    When Aristotle confirmed a wash of relief then excitement coursed through the boy's face not noticing any hint of sarcasm in his voice,  "Ah hell yea Ari!" The boy instinctually did a small hop a swung his fist in the air, "I can't wait to see you in action! Truth be told I've always wanted to spar against another person going by the name 'Bull'! We definitely have to do that sometime!"



    Now turning towards Korinna, he shrugged,  "Sorry, thats gonna be a 'no way' from me chum." He follows that up by doing another flip in place and crossing his arms,  "That's just the Invoker style, you get me? Heh heh." He said that last part with the cheekiest of grins.



    "Wow, Vlassis, you're a more mellow fellow than one would think coming from a man called the wandering demon. Not that it is a bad thing, Welcome aboard!" The boy followed with a warm smile.



    "and the sibling duo joins us as well! With that we have just enough to make the trip through to the surface! Nice! However, there's still one more..."



    The boy just starred awkwardly at the squid man. It was hard enough to decode what he was saying let alone understand his meaning,  "I... don't know what the other gods have to do about this, this whole thing isn't really for anyone of them. All I want to do is stop all the unnecessary deaths happening. But I'm glad you're coming all the same." He gave an awkward thumbs thumbs up to the squid before looking everyone over.



    "I think thats everyone... yea it is! Yes!" A noticeable easing of the muscles and a sigh of relief come from the prince of the underworld,  "Phew, I was afraid no one would join. Guess I was worried for nothing huh?" Before anyone could respond the sound of metal clanging and loud stomps echo through the door. Then out from the doorway is what seems like a woman wearing holy attire but with demon-like wings and a tail standing there both in equal amounts flabbergasted an enraged.



    "First, I'm forced to buy all the weapons for the group, one of which is a giant cursed fucking anchor. Then with those said weapons, sneak around this temple with 2 giant winged animals with the rattling of metal following us. And what to I hear coming from this room? The sound of a door slamming off its hinges and music echoing through the halls. What part of KEEPING HIDDEN doesn't get through your thick skull!?" She storms over to the prince, pinches him by the ear and drags his head down.



    "OW OW OW! I'm sorry okay? I've just been practicing this for 3 weeks and I wanted to show it off!"



    "Oh? So you're perfectly fine practicing useless theatrics but when it comes down to actual studying you can't even garner a spec of focus or drive huh?" Still glaring down at the son of Hades with the occasional eye lock-on to Aya as well. She speaks a bit more loudly as if addressing the entire group.  "Your supplies are inside the gangs strapped to the animals, I'm sure you all know what you ordered and can find it." While you would love to do exactly that, the problem of your bindings is still present as no one exactly released them yet. Yea... definitely not the most organized group. Good luck with that.

  16. TsVcZlN.png

    The tiny astrologist looked at their current situation. Remembering the Hive Battle tactics that were shoved down her throat when applying for her position at the Bee's Guard they lacked the man power to maintain their foot hold. If they could only get one more person to... Her mind stopped thinking for a moment remembering the light tablet she brought with her just in case she needed to defend herself. She never intended on bringing it out, let alone use it on someone. She rustled it out from her satchel and brushed off the dust that clung to it. She then realizes that she never actually fired magic it at a target before. Channeling and releasing was not a problem, but actually hitting where she wanted to? She takes a big gulp. "Okay Stardust, this is the only way to get out of here! Its you or them and you have much more important things to accomplish than lying in the dirt!" She out from behind bend and makes her way through the grass hiding behind one of it's blades and trying really hard to ignore the now dead bug by her feet. She placed the palm of her right hand in the center of tablet as white energy began to glow from its surface. Lifting her hand light energy began to droop from her finger tips, like lifting your hand out of a jar of viscous honey, before coagulating into a sphere of pure energy which rainbow flickers would occasionally shoot out due to inexperience in control. The sphere condenses even smaller to the point where it looks like the brightest star twinkling in the night sky. Closing her fingers, save for her pointer and thumb forming a finger gun shape with the magic star at the tip of the finger that now points to the axe wielder. Visibly shaking everywhere, the tiny bug aims for the bug's knee to try and incapacitate rather than kill him.



    "I'm sorry! I'm sorry! Please don't kill! Please don't kill!" She mutters to herself frantically before releasing two bullets of light energy towards the bandit.


    Stardust move to C8 and shoot the Raider in the knee

  17. XT3ACY9.png

    The butler let out a sigh of relief seeing that Lizaveta wasn't going to be stubborn. Alright, time to access the situation...  "Crimson, take care of that swordsman and Phoenix clear a path to that mage in the back!" Baldur proclaims shooting his arm forward to emphasize his point before preparing himself to follow-up after Arthur.  "Don't fuck up. Don't fuck up. Don't fuck up."


    Arthur move to I18 and Wind Fencer B, Press the Assault on Reiko

    Kane attack Fighter A

    Baldur move to J16 and attack Scholar A with a shove empowered tenderizer strike

  18. As chatter began to rise, it was abruptly interrupted by the sound of the door slamming open and some kind of odd music being played by the only person not cuffed. Someone had just jump kicked the door open, the hinges definitely didn't like it either as the door now leans over. Momentum still carrying the figure forward it goes into a series of front flips and twirls, somehow not hitting anyone, all the way to the other end of the room. The figure then stands with its back facing the group, a hood up, its left hand making a claw-like shape in front of its face with the right wrapping around its chest. Something about that coat is familiar.  



    "I see you're all here, good." Yep, that voice is totally that boys voice.  "As promised I've assembled you all here and I will make true of my offer. However... the climb out of the underworld will not be an easy one. Scorching fields, tornadoes of fire, seas of magma and hellish fiends lie between us and the surface. That's the easy part, however, as we also have a war to stop and a weapon to destroy! All of these are daunting tasks I know, and I will not fault anyone who does not feel up to the task. If you are getting cold feet do not worry, I shall have someone escort you out of the place and you can enjoy Asphodel to your hearts content. However, should you yearn for justice and peace then know that..." The boy dramatically takes off his hood as he says those last few words, before turning around halfway, his coat trailing behind him, and giving an over exaggerated point towards the group,



    "Then know that I, ARGOS VON BODIN! 'THE INVOKER OF MAYHEM', also known as THE SON OF HADES and often addressed as THE UNDERWORLDLY PRINCE, shall accompany you to that surface and help ensure justice for all!" He twirls his pointed finger into a fist pump,  "What say you all!? Who's with me!?" His eyes glance towards the one playing the music, almost as if asking 'How am I doing? Am I doing good?'.

  19. Chapter 1: Break Out! Teacher vs Pupil!
    Year 1420, Month ??? Day ???


    Your endless toil continues. After that strange boy talked to you no short time ago, nothing happened. Was he just some sort of lost soul who went mad? Maybe it was just your imagination. Either way, this doesn’t change your current situation.


    Those physically able help lug huge slabs of hellstone bricks into place, some help chisel out said bricks or cast them into molds, and others toil away at the ground making the ground level and fit for construction.There is no time for rest as all souls are whipped and forced to work at full speed. Underworldly wretches keep all in check, tightening chains, whips of fire, and all means of “motivation”. After some unknown time, a break is issued as collapsed workers always lead to delays. Your body’s have become all too used to these long hours followed by short breaks. However, your break comes to you strangely early as its jarring on an instinctual level. Your soul prepared for another long session is shaken up by this sudden course. You’re led individually to an area of the Sotiria you’ve not yet been before. You are given clean views of the looming castle of Tartarus, where the Chthonic gods reside, before being brought inside the Sotiria itself. 


    The air feels much fresher in here, or maybe it's the lack of ash and the smell of burning charcoal. Your journey ends in a small room whose purpose is yet unknown as it's quite empty, devoid of any furnishings whatsoever. Slowly, more and more folks trickle in, each colorful in their own unique way yet all are still in shackles. Well, save for one girl. What’s going to happen? Every moment of silence feels like an eternity in this silent room, especially with the stares of everyone in the room. Maybe someone should break the ice?
    Or don’t and let it be lame and awkward. I can’t force y’all to have fun.



  20. XT3ACY9.png

    Baldur was still out of it coming into the castle, lost in his own thoughts. He was going on auto pilot, silently following the group as he lagged behind. It wasn't until the sound of comat rang through his ears that he was brought back to earth and he already noticed Lizaveta was fucking up.  "Great, I can't take my eyes off her for one second." Shaking off whatever was eating away at him, he focused his energy on the scholar forming a glowing light on the back of her collar before dragging her back forceably.  "Scarlet, don't rush in so carelessly. We both know you're not one for taking an axe to the face. Crimson cover her!" He gestured his free arm forward to the fire mage's attention


    Baldur move to K20, Shove Lizaveta down to K18

    Crimson move to K17 and Fire the Fencer

  21. UgnoDA7.png

    Oh no no no no! She's gonna end up dead here and that bird rider is right. Everyone on the ground is dead and there's nothing she can do about it. She can't join them! She won't join them! She quickly runs over to the armored flute player and grabs him by the wrist.



    "You're coming with me!" She then drags the ant forward with her before stopping in front of Pinecone and adjusting Bend's position so his back would be to her and he would be facing the enemies. The tiny bee then proceeded to wrap a cloth with healing ointment around her brother's cut hand.  "Stupid marauders, throwing away their stupid lives just to kill us for some stupid reason." Once she finishes with that she points to the enemies ahead of them.  "Go stop them from harming me! But please try not to kill them!" Afterwards, she placed both hands on Bend's back, got behind him and peaked around his left side giving a sort of pouty face to the bandits.


    1. Stardust to B10, Vuln her meat shield stupid idiot brother

    2. Bend forceably to C10, serenade for Stardust

    3. Stardust engage Aqua-ing (Charisma+)

  22. Convoy:

    Name                | Type ( )       | RNG | WT | MT | Hit | Crit | QL      | Special
    Axe of Asterios | Hacking (E) | 1       | 8     | 8    | 85  | 10  | 17/20 | Earth Affinity Locked: RNG is increased to 1-2



    "I... Charon...     .     .     .    Shop..."


    Current Funds: 0,000g


    Physical Weapons:


    Iron Sword - 500g

    Slim Sword - 750g
    Iron Rapier - 500g

    Wooden Sword - 500g
    Iron Blade - 500g

    Slim Lance - 750g
    Iron Lance - 500g

    Iron Javelin - 1000g
    Iron Pilum - 500g

    Iron Halberd - 500g
    Pike - 500g


    Iron Axe - 500g

    Quarterstaff - 500g
    Iron Mace - 500g

    Hatchet - 1000g
    Hand Axe - 750g

    Iron Dagger - 500g

    Iron Knife - 500g
    Chakram - 1000g

    Poison Dart - 500g
    Bolas - 500g

    Training Bow - 500g
    Iron Bow - 500g

    Iron Longbow - 1000g
    Yew Bow - 1000g

    Wooden Greatbow - 500g
    Iron Greatbow - 500g
    Iron Crossbow - 1000g



    Magic, Staffs & Performances:


    Fire - 500g
    Singe - 500g

    Wind - 500g
    Ice Shard - 500g

    Thunder - 500g
    Jolt - 500g

    Lightning - 500g
    Photon - 500g

    Prelude - 500g
    Flash - 500g

    Blessed Iron - 500g
    Light Screen - 500g

    Flux - 500g
    Worm - 500g

    Miasma - 500g
    Shade - 500g

    Swarm - 500g
    Hustle - 500g

    Heal - 500g

    Clear - 1000g
    Shove - 1000g

    Slow - 1000g
    Befuddle - 1000g

    Hermes' Whistle - 1000g
    Artemis' Song - 1000g

    Soldier's Drums - 500g
    Charming Flute - 500g

    Surprising Shimmy - 1000g
    Distracting Dance - 1000g



    Consumable Items:


    Healing Items:

    Vulnerary - 2000g
    Concoction - 4000g



    Self-Only Healing Items:
    Herbs - 500g
    Tonic - 1000g
    Potion - 2500g



    Door Key - TBD
    Chest Key - TBD




    Affinity Stone - 3000g
    (When bought a single affinity element is linked to it. When equip, the user the user will have that affinity)

    Affinity Gauntlet - 500g
    (Does nothing on it's own but multiple affinity stones can be attached to it granting the wearer all the affinities from all the attached stones. Also grants Crit equal to this equation: (# of Stones Attached - 2)*5

    Stat Ring - 1000g
    (When bought a single stat is linked to it. It will increase that stat by these given amounts: +3 HP, +1 Str, +1 Mag, +2 Skl, +3 Luk, +1 Def, +1 Res, +1 Spd)


    Special/Limited Time:


    Limited Time (Most Likely for only Part 1):

    x1 Trident - 2500g

    Name  | Type ( )          | RNG | WT | MT  | Hit | Crit | QL      | Special
    Trident | Piercing (E)   | 1      | 7     | 7     | 80  | 0     | 20/20 | Grants +15 Hit/Eva against enemies with the Fire Affinity. Water Affinity Locked: Can spend 2 extra Weapon Quality to shove the opponent 1 space back if an attack lands. Must be declared as attack is initiated.


    x1 Jolting Axe - 2500g

    Name         | Type ( )       | RNG | WT | MT  | Hit | Crit | QL      | Special
    Jolting Axe | Hacking (E) | 1      | 8     | 8     | 75  | 0    | 20/20 | Grants +15 Hit/Eva against enemies with the Water Affinity. Thunder Affinity Locked: Can spend 4 extra Weapon Quality to deal half of the dealt damage to the enemy to an adjacent unit. Must be declared as attack is initiated.


    x1 Glavenus - 2500g

    Name      | Type ( )     | RNG | WT | MT  | Hit | Crit | QL      | Special
    Glavenus | Crush (E)   | 1      | 7     | 8     | 70  | 0    | 20/20 |  Grants +15 Hit/Eva against enemies with the Dark Affinity. Fire Affinity Locked: Can spend 2 extra Weapon Quality to target the Foe's Res instead of Def. Must be declared as attack is initiated.


    Limited Stock:
    x1 Angelic Cloth - 5000g
    x1 Blade Ring - 5000g
    x1 Energy Ring - 5000g
    x1 Secret Scroll - 5000g
    x1 Goddess Icon - 5000g
    x1 Iron Shield - 5000g
    x1 Element Ring - 5000g
    x1 Dancer Ribbon - 5000g

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