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Posts posted by sandy

  1. Ame is cruel. She don give us jack shit. And Swablu are found in the Adventurine Forests by headbutting the trees. c:


    looks like ill need to get headbutt i have an idea on where it is if its not bought from within the fighting gym then i'll have to start serching. from the way im seeing things saphira being 1 of the last gym leaders we may not see her in 11 i havent played 10.5 so i dont really know if im right theres plenty of time to add more pokemon be4 having to fight here :)

    i got no reason to hate ame she's given me the only fan made pkjemon game ive ever played and im loving it

  2. if its 10.5 your playing i suggest you listen to lynxiechn as he knows what hes talking about here but if your still playing 10 all you need to do is get your flygon and guardevior to atleast 55, i beat radamus in 10 with a team in the 55-60 area to it was still quite hard for me. ho the closser you can get to 60 the better

    gl in your battle with him in which ever version you are playing

  3. You mean, like Episode 11?

    dono if u can fix this for E11 or not but i hate it when you lose over and over and need to grind but all thats left are wild pokemon that are 5-10 levels lower i had this problem in the factory noel and radamus. is it possible to either add trainers to the abandoned power plant, tezan cove and vanhaven laberanth (spelling?) or allow us to rebattle trainers/leadrs i had 1-2 of my pokemon at level cap for shade and noel and still ihad a hard time.

  4. Only TM i wants is Bulk up :/

    why bulk up? its really nothing special tbh, btw vinnie looks like ill be trolling saphira when i get to her as flygon learns dragon tail as soon as you get a flygon based on this id say she gives dragon claw altho theres a possibility of her also giving dragon pluse :D

  5. Ralts doesn't get Moonblast AT ALL. One moooooore thing-only Gardevoir can learn it in the evolutionary line. One mooooore thing, please improve your grammar. One mooore thing-Ame is never nice.

    must have misread bublipidia then...yes at 85 but the champs guardevior in X and Y has it and im almost certain that her team is mid 70's third ill try and 4th thats a shame thaat ill never see her good side :(

  6. Search Serebii on the googles.


    They have a Pokedex with all the Pokemon and you can see level up moves. If you're Pokemon is higher leveled then the move, you'll need a heartscale.

    that answeres my question raltz gets moonblast automaticly but since fairy is now just been added and i dont want to wait till my guardevior is 85 to learn it. thought ame would have played the nice girl since she'll need to give the raltz in peridot city moonblast, so that any cought ones will have a chance to learn it w/o a HS or hitting 85

  7. imo its not really necessary, i got my team to 55-60 while collecting all 8 badges curently avalible, i was stuck at shade and noel for a bit coz of my line up but if u have a decent lin up to counter the leaders its simply not needed another instance of needed grinding would be i just swapped a pokemon in my team and needed to get the new one up fast but all in all if its needed it isnt that bad. tho in reborn too much training can be a bad thing in this game. had won a few badges where my started wouldnt listej to me

    murdoc: its not that bad tho i racking my brains while training for noel but other than that its fine tho thats my take on it. feel free to disagree

  8. corrext me if im wrong but isnt fairy weak to poison? if i remember corectly it is therefore crobat should have the edge over clefable and as others have said a 6th pokemon is really handy as for noel i smacked him hard with my scrafty charizard and magneton fairy is also week to steel btw

    crimson id go one step further and recomend he gets a magneton as his final team member as itll help him loads when going for the 7th and th badge also. since even if mincheno hits 5 times with tail swipe,bullet seed or rock blast it'll hardly do anything

  9. vinny if the ground leader is that far away i dont see dig making the cut tbh and yes dragon tail is stronger than dragon claw also bulldoze while lowering the oponants speed its too week for that far in hte game imo. i kinda noticed you like to rant i :D

  10. What game do you think you're playing boy? X and Y?

    Ame wants us to die while playing the game; in another words - Expect these two TM's to appear in Reborn after game... Honestly...

    If you want a Flygon with Earthqauke, you can chain breed for one... I don't know the order to do it though... Where are you "Sky", to answer this?

    chill man i was thinking ame added them and i was just unable to find them thats all. you could have just said no and to that note ill assume they'll come from gym leaders when more are added

    and if ame wanted us to die she could have added explsion :D

  11. ame, out of curosity did you add earthquake and dragon claw to 10 or 10.5? or will they be comming from gym leaders in 11? wanted to teach my trapinch earthquake but didg will have to do i guessif they arent in yet.

  12. Let me ask you people something: What did you do for Fern? Hm?... Well, Fern healed and revived at least once your pokemon (Remember the first factory? Yep...)

    So stop the hate. People pls ^^...

    But i hope Solaris finds him and introduce his Garchomp to him...

    ofc as soon as he stops being more of a jerk than garry,silver and paul put together be needs to chill out a bit. ofcourse he healed our team on numerous occasions but he should still act like a semi decent rival and not always hating us.

  13. Yo, going on an off topic thing: 6th gen pokemon are already in the game (Not all of them, of course)... I'm assuming your playing version 10 from here: http://www.pokemonreborn.com/game/ right? Well, there's like a version 10.5 with some changes, bugs fixed and new bugs! ^^

    Here: http://www.pokemonreborn.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=6737 - Plot wise, it's basically the same... There's some differences in other things, that you can read on the topic ^^

    yeh im playing episode 10 atm, in my playthrough i never noticed any gen 6 pokemon ill look harder when i play again later.

    since i beat radamus alredy i cant check this but did ame put in the correct exp values for beatting his metagross? somthing just isn't right about getting 264 exp for beating a level 58 metagross


    oh please yes i hate him with a pattion i also love burning his pritty flowers and plants with my charizard.

    trying to think of the best place to humiliate him is.......

  15. woow really...im looking forward to this thanks for spoiling it im assumming since gen 6 pokemon will be in the next episode and the new league season they are both comming at the same time. please no1 quote me on this this is all just an assumption based on what ive read, wonder how many badges we'll be allowed im guessing 12 of the 16 needed.

  16. Lynxie is right here. There really are only three viable dragons.

    in Episode ten? i didnt know, only reason i found trapanch was because i was curious what was been given away, and where are swablu found? as i didnt see a single one on my way through the game, are they event pokemon? the other two dragons?

    also i hope ame is planning to add more viable dragons or ice pokemon in the next episode so we arent stuck with few options without havent to grind to beat saphira

    i remember some1 else saying that noibat preevolved form of noivrn would be in next episode, if they are curently in tell me where i can find them plz. also i lack one thousand five hunderd coins now so i may as well finish.

  17. Well, in the beginning stages when my patience was higher, I also noticed some of the branches on the ground disappear as well, along with some of the bushes. Does that account for anything? I've mainly been focusing on the trees, though I also kept an eye out for the bushes. Maybe I missed something. I gotta head out so I'll try again later, and I'll see if I can keep a sharper eye out.

    thats normal after a certain number of loops a new path appeard i dont tnk it required more then 10 each time you opened a new path but as ppl here are saying keep looping.

  18. It's level 20, so yeah...

    You know, i find the slots to be better than voltorb flip... For no reason honestly, is just personal opinion...

    thought it would be about that, as for me my approch to voltorb swich is to go for the voltorb freelines 1st and if theres 4 n the way i mark it off if not i avoid it untill ive fond more coins im at 7834 but my usual best is only 3 or 4 only got to 6th once so itll take a while, while were chatting id like your opinion since id like to make use of him when ame is done with E11 my team curently is







    thinking the weak link is exploud i can teach strenght and rock smash to others if im right. ok ive got my flygon now but somthing's wrong, dragon tail isnt ending the wild battles and on my curent play through i have no more trainers left bar the magma/aqua storyline any1 else with a flygon notice this and is the move working corectly in trainer battle?

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