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Posts posted by sandy

  1. You do realise I don't use it, right? I used it speed up my game while trying to find a swablu. x.x


    ofc i do, im just expressing my opinion on such hacks i only quoted you because you brought them up

    a bit off topic, i got round to reexploring reborn and i picked up a key item and a item i dont understand their uses, 1 being a silver ring left where you battle corry ( i dont remember it being there any ohter time i went into his gym) ans a dull key i picked up in the cult hidout

  2. I am literally breaking the rules by mentioning this. SORRY TEMPEST BUT I HAVE TO. I'M JUST TOO NICE TO HIDE IT.

    You could use cheat engine if you're too tired to grind, and use the money value changing cheat(I'm not telling you how to do it, that'd be revealling too much, someone else can if they want but I wont be liable for their impulse)

    lynxie, its not that were to tired to grind, its more to the point of for example my umberon's now 56 when it kills a level 52 buffalant/torros it gains about 1.7k exp thats fine but if my level 62 charizzard kills the same tottos/buffalant also level 52 hed only gain about 1k. so the pont is they higher you get from the level of the pokemon you fight the less exp you get.

    i figured a cheat engine exsisted for that those thing exist everywhere, if you have to use 1 to train your team in this game, imo playing it is pointless...tho somewhere with level 55-60 pokemon only in it wouldnt hurt. i honest think ame would put it in.

  3. i beat her with pokes around those levels too and i know how i managed it it just so happens the dark type is the easiest type for me to take down with my lucario aura sphere on togekiss megahorn on samurott and my gardevoir (who may i add nearly single handedly anialated radimus take that GG you have been surpassed! that's what you get for not being my pokemon >.> my fanboyish disapointment aside you're not the only horribly underleved guy here... god i wish there were better ways to grind in this game....

    i had an eevee i was trying to train and evolve into an umberon, a exploud(only because of rock smash), a flygon, a magnazone, a scrafty and a charizard, only 1 that would have been any use there was scrafty i was thrown off at 1st by her nicknaming her pokemon. umberon was a huge pain because of moonlight... well king considering the level of her ugg...umberon id say i need a tiny bit more training.

  4. why are you people incapable of giving straight answers when asked something? >.> meh oh well "pokes" hint to how to get the item finder please....

    even tho im finnding vinnies lack of a straight answer irritating im finding his hints amusing also it dosen't completely remove the mystery from the game, now that i think of it i know where it is.

  5. Actually, there's something very "interesting" in Tanzan Lake... But that's all i'm saying ^^

    ok now ur officaly meaner than ame,thats just beyond teasing you evil little wevile.... let me guess either some kind of legendry of an event which tells us about lin's fall from grace and an intorduction of who the new champ is and additionaly somthing to give simon closure. that at the very least or maybe its phonie!

  6. ?????? literally the only meteor in 10 was the random grunt titania was talking to in the woods

    I think you're thinking of Episode 9

    But I feel that it makes sense for Meteor to kind of take a back-seat for a little while, since in Episode 9 Saphira literally kills half of their task-force

    so i guess that means not for a long time?..ah well my revenge will have to wait i guess,

  7. I still think that Route 1 is the best place to train (Since Ionna Valley has Wynauts and that damn Shadow Tag...)

    You should go find the exp. share first though, makes things a bit easier ^^

    exp share? comon vinie spill the beans please? where is it? even a hint will do

  8. i just beat luna who thought i only used ma blaziken lv 66 and my manectric level 63 blaziken took out like 5/6 of her team and manectric finished of sabeyle

    i managed to beat luna with a team ranging from 52-62 dont have a clue how i pulled it off tho that battle was intense. considering the levels i beat her at i done a small bit of trainning but i dont think 56-62 will be ennough further through the game. any suggestions on best place to grind or will i have to do wiht the area outide radamus' gym?

  9. I know who gave her the idea... But no spoiler (Which is the reason why the Togepi event doesn't exist anymore...)

    Honestly, all i can think off, is some major plot twist in the middle of the game or something...

    e.g Solaris is Luna's father...

    Amethyst is Lin's sister...

    Yeah, i'm kinda crazy... ^^

    vinnie u must have one crazy thought process. i highly doubt either of those will happen also tho with ame you'd never know, tho bck to this i would be supprised if we are both right about luna.

    a bit off toppic: now that you mention solaris...how long till i get my revenge on him for the battle and events of pyrus mountain?

  10. One of the question : "Luna once run away from home to live with Radomus,but who gave her that idea?"


    she was sick of the way EL treated here and possibly his hertical way so she ran away suppressing her memorise of her and EL as family. on the other hand EL may not be lunas biological father he may of adopted her which is why she keep saying hes not her father.

    hek gossip guardevior could have done it they always liked each other to be honest so its not farfeched

  11. different methods? one uses mind control and one uses holy magic..... they both seem equally douche baggy to me

    yes they may both be douch baggy but 1 person using holy magic and the other using mind control is infact 2 different methods for acheiving the same goal, both radomus and el are tring to "mindcontroll" luna but they way they are going about it is different.

  12. tbh i trust radamus the way he thinks is very logical altho some of the things he said throughout E10 left me thinking tho i REALLY hate EL cant wait to kick his butt. that asside i agree with dobby they but have different methods of doing what is in their eyes "good" and this is shown very well through E11 wihtout going into too much detail

  13. you guys have been getting 'oomph' ever since shade.

    serra excepted, perhaps.

    we're gonna start looking at surf pretty soon... in fact, that's why-- oh, nevermind.

    my point ame is bulk up isnt really omph as far as fighting type moves go imo and with reguards to surf you may as well spill the beans now. tho ame am i right in my guess on what the next gym s will be?

  14. tbh i wouldnt be supprise if lin was the champion again but what id like to know is who's the 4th elite4 we've alredy met 2 1 using water and 1 using grass im guess EL is in there somewhere, judging by the way he prommised bennet a spot in the elite 4 hes either 1 of the elite four or the current champ. think of that what you will

  15. any chance surf and watterfall are in e12 ame im kinda curious to whats up those waterfalls in iolia valley? also can any1 remind me what tm luna gives i remember reading her text after being betten and her giving dark pulse but i cant find it in my bag atall. nvm found the tm wasnt looking hard enough it seems, now wonder my head hurt after trying to get to luna after 2 hours.....

    judging by what gyms we have left and the numbers ive been givven i beileive its safe too assume that we will get that furry badge we were denied and that we will return to the coral ward gym before e14. from what i know we still have to get badges from;

    fire,steel,fighting,fairy,rock,watter,dragon,flying and ground, with dragon and ground being the last 2 we'll face, its easly to deduce that we will fight samson very soon. that being said if samson give me bulk up i wont be happy being 10th id start to expect some omph comming from gym leader tms just my opinion tho

  16. Look very closely in the caves. Using a purple crystal changes the points certain caves lead to.

    the problem is the cave that im in is very small id notice any changes to it so it maybe that it dosent change anything in the small cave, usualy the proble crystal changes the path in the cave you activate it in. after looking in all the caves nothing has changed could really use some help gettig out of the hell :(

    solved the puzzle and got the badge..barely..crisis almost averted now to go level my underleveled team

  17. i seem to be very stuck in here i've created 4-5 bridges and ceossed them and i've come to a small rectangular cave with a purple crystal in the middle when i interact with it i get the usual "the plug has reacted to the crystal" message but i cant find any changes anywhere. dose anyone know what ive missed or was i suposed to be in that room atall to get to luna?

  18. Exactly... There's nothing else that i can say, so it's going to look useless if i only say "exactly"... Hmm...

    Here's a photo of an Umbreon to compensate:


    ty vinny and wander i appologies e11 is out you were right, need to keep a closser eye on things around here

  19. 11 already dropped and yes, max friendship i believe and you have to level it up at night. At least, thats wha

    from what ive been learning were at 10.6 unless ame,tempest and vinnie are hiding stuff from us all, also i thought as much but wasnt entirly sure ty for info on umberon, also is there anyway to tell that what level of friendship ur pokemon is at in reborn?

  20. im wanting to add an umberon to my team i know its avalible through evolution but what im not sure of is the method needed to get him. did ame require its feriendship to be maxed and level up night time like inthe games or is a dusk stone requred or another method entirl?, if it helps im still playing E10 if that helps, im getting my team and backups redy for when 11 drops.

  21. tbh im all for more diverse choices with starters but im not keen on bird pokemon as starters, as you can find them everywhere, for it to work you'd have to replace every bird with say a grass starter we'd noramly get.

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