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Posts posted by Felicity

  1. I guess they didn't expect people to get to the training stratum and play it so much when the idea of badges was put forward. They've shown they aren't shy about tweaking teh currencies though, as i was complaining about sp in February there were prolly plans for skill inherit to exist to make sp worth. Feathers are becoming more plentiful and orbs too with the new arena system. I'm sure they'll get there, my personal favourite idea would be having some sort of transaction of badges for skill points. 1 badge = 1 sp, 1 great badge = 5-10 sp, only usable with colour appropriate units.

  2. Yeah fun fact, Lukas looks at the meta, scoffs at all the pesky frontliners. All of them. I don't have to fear Ike or Ryoma ever again. My own Ike the giggles like a schoolgirl when he sees an axe unit. Mages are also easy to remove with a carrot axe. And if in doubt, Olwen can zip around and surgically remove people.


    I like my team a lot.

  3. Polly quickly runs through the form. Fashion as a major with magic, biology, history and chemistry filling out the rest of her time. Some were aimed at supporting her major, others were just sheer curiosity. Not that it mattered. Her form was filled out within a minute. Then she heard someone asking for help with their form. When no one else offered help she stepped over. "You need help reading the form?"

  4. Happy birthday you punny ass son of a bitch, you hurt my soul every time you crack a lame CSI Miami sunglasses style joke. You still deserve a topic though (how was it not made before tbh?)




  5. Polly blinked at Blackadder. "Right, OK, remind me not to piss off the people who can fuck with the natural laws of the universe. I'll just stick to fashion advice." She then eyed Blackadder's outfit now. She'd noted it before but it hadn't really sunk in just how... god what was the drab equivalent of gaudy? So much black, he needed some colour in his life. Sure you can't go wrong with black on a special occasion but that was stuff like suits and cocktail dresses. For a day like today... Yeesh. She refrained from saying as much though, it would be plain rude to badger a man about his clothes as soon as she met him.

  6. "Are you wooing me with fancy candy? Because I'll take the candy," And she did, quickly grabbing it and popping it her mouth as she spoke, "and I mean, I figured a wizard would wanna cover their bases and do judo or something. Stop that whole stereotype of being scrawny lil geeks by flipping someone onto the concrete and THEN doing some fancy magic."


    The Rocky spoke up and she nearly choked on the mint as she snorted in laughter. "Oh my god dude, that's so on the nose it hurts my funny bone. I'll be sure to give you a call though, don't you worry." She trailed off into more snickers. Innuendos were great.

  7. The sword guy was the worst for me because I kept trying to hold him off and that let him charge Ignis, with Quick riposte he also put out a lot of damage early so it was too risky to fight him outright at the start lest the other units follow up and murder. Which is why that green was important to fuck people over and keep him in the map..

  8. "Oooh, a man in uniform always looks good." Polly purred, a hunky model was not a bad thing at all. "I'd love to have a model as big as you, I'm used to working with trolls so you'd be a great transition. I'd love to find something that compliments your eyes too..." She slowly began murmuring to herself as she examined the flexing Frankenstein, getting excited about what she could do. "Ah, I'm sorry, I should save the fashion fussing for some other time." She said, snapping out of her focus.

  9. "Oh, I can reintroduce myself then, it's fine." Polly said, recovering her social balance. She cleared her throat a little. First impressions! "I'm Polly Geist and I want to study fashion, I'm looking at fashion for monsters, which is why this is a better place than any random college." She flipped her hair back in a forced attempt to seem casual. "How about you two? I feel like everyone is going to have some interesting goals in mind for this academy in particular."

  10. "I think I saw an article on Facetome that said something like most of our thinking, percolating? thoughts happen when sleeping though." Polly said vaguely. She didn't know if it was true but it was a fun lil fact for her. "Maybe he'll wake up and know like, the quadratic formula for how fire works or something.

  11. Js i think the green mage is there to stop someone like Reinhardt or Olwen going in and nuking the sword mage in a position where no one else can touch them. That sword guy would be invalidated otherwise. Really you can't blame the map for Ike being stupid strong. Ryoma also wouldn't really have the health to survive Xander, mage and lance user.

  12. GHB is done. I grinded up Olivia to three stars just for Dance and tbh that's all I needed her for, it was kinda dumb. Ike tanked Xander, Green mage AND the spear user with Olwen backing him up (god bless aether). I did have Sheena tanking the sword guy because she could for a little bit but it just charged up the ignis and meant Ike couldn't finish. So I swapped her for Lucina, went full offence and with Olwen support killed him.


    I like Ike.

  13. Polly was laughing now. It was adorable that Shaun was getting so excited over such a mundane reason. "Oh lord, that's hilarious, I have to like the idea." She was snickering. "Alright, if you want to play hooky for one of your invisible naps, I'll cover you on it. At least you won't get caught like some of my old friends."

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