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Posts posted by Felicity

  1. Garret... stared. He stared at the small animated board and considered just what it had told him about it's identity. Then he asked himself a few questions.


    Was he lying? Did it matter if he was lying? What did Fortune want? Why tell Garret now? What did being a creator of the world entail? Especially if there was a community of at least ten of these beings. Questions began stacking up and in his mind Garret could almost see the weight of those questions stacking up against what he knew of the world itself. Magic and the strangeness assosciated with it was silly, it was entertaining, fun, unknowable to him and intriguing because of it. Garret's world was a small corner with a myriad of moving parts set against the dull grey and brown of the city buildings. So when faced with Fortune, claiming to have made the world he lived in, there was a lot of dissonance going on.


    Until another question popped into his head. What did this mean for Garret? This question brought a clarity of focus that pushed the uncertain questions he may have worried away on to the back of his mind and Garret found himself speaking with a clear voice.


    "Well, I'm certainly glad I brought you home now. So, you are a creator... one of many? Where are your fellows? And why are you here in this world?"

  2. 17 hours ago, Azery then said:

    Not quite, Bug and Ice do share quite a few weaknesses so preparation for the latter actually comes in handy for the former, and its not like Bennets team is all that strong upon entry either, they're all set up sweepers that rely on quiver. 

    In a locke that's inherently really dangerous, you spend more time trying to keep your mons who can kill the bugs alive and in turn that opens up an opportunity to do that sweep. Fair enough for the type similarities.

  3. In all fairness, with the Gym change Bennett does suddenly come out of left field. It used to be there was some forewarning, you weren't immediately suckered into a fight, you had to initiate by talking to him. It's also entirely fair to complain when the game made it seem very clear that it would be ice types you have to contend with and switching that out with Bennett effectively punishes them paying attention and trying prepare effectively. It's not like the impossible to predict meteor teams, you know in most meteor situations you will have something to contend with but you're not quite sure what it'll be and so you don't necessarily build a team one way or another, unlike Serra's gym where you're outright misled.

  4. Was kinda weird they didn't acknowledge the official loss at the end of the episode but w/e. Now there's no point in calling out where they'll finally get dunked on.


    I hope they do switch to a normal game, mainly because they, particularly Twit, seem to be suffering for the rules more than enjoying the victories. The locke rules are massively undermined considering it doesn't matter if they lose, they just keep going with the death rules in place and a new team to grind.


    Also at the end of the episode when Nappy called the fight easy and everyone else was like "mmmmmmmno", that was a meme and a half.

  5. an update on my opinion of how fucked the guys are for later.


    Bearing in mind that over the last few episodes, just about every major battle has taken a few mons from everyone in the squad and also considering that these are largely singles where there is much less going on, they are going to wipe on the meteor raid in the mountain home. Like, this isn't a case of skill or team building, that is 20+ mons fought in doubles, many of which are hitting that point of huuuuge threats just on their own without any rest to rebuild their mons. If they lose their leads in the earlier fights, they would also be required to switch due to auto heals.


    You can give it to the lads for making it through these individually scary fights but good god the later parts of the game are gonna kill em.

  6. Garret mulled the word over. Nothing sprang to mind immediately from hearing the word. Sounded like a name, a title? A noun, whatever it was. A small irrationally irritated part of Garret chafed at not having a proper answer.


    "'Fraid not, it's a new word to me. Sounds like arcane, this have something to do with the magicians and their field?" It probably did, given Garret was speaking to a roulette wheel. Not a huge leap of logic.

  7. Garret examined the roulette wheel on his table as he considered what to say. This was strange. Continuing to engage with this would almost certainly lead to more strangeness, even if it was just having a new room mate of sorts.


    Damn was it interesting though.


    "You've humoured my questions Fortune, I'm sure I can return the favour. Shoot."

  8. "Sounds like cheaters due." Garret said with a wry grin. "The House, as you call them, are people too, they gotta make money too." Garret thought of his time in Wands and all the people he had met. He had to admit a fondness for the staff regardless of who they were, hard to hate someone there to facilitate your good times, but there were a fair few people who were genuinely nice even as they ran games that plucked the pennies from a poor mans purse.


    "So, if you're stuck like that... Well for a start, that begs the question as to what you are to begin with but past that, what are you gonna do now?"

  9. 4 hours ago, Amethyst said:

    what y'all talking about nappy straight called y'all out for guessing at when he was gonna lose 😅 im pretty sure he mentioned reading this thread anyway

    hi! dan and i have been watching

    havent watched today's yet but god blessss if so, that's a lot of stress away~

    now in spite of continuing to go i hope they do easy off the nuzlocke thing only because otherwise grinding will be such a drag for them as they lose mons in the late game >~<

    cant call me out when my guess was about spot on, straight pegged Shade for some ghostly brutality, not to mention like I think just the youtube comments are being youtube comments.

  10. Tbh i don't think they're going to be in actual danger of a total wipe now until Arceus. They have access to a good amount of variety now and more events will keep unlocking as they go, in keeping with the trend of handing out good mons for that leader before the fight itself. Arceus however comes completely out of left field and can ohko a lot of things in the game at a point where they will at most have status moves and not likely to have stat reduction moves to deal with it. So stormy waters, but the boat won't topple over yet.


    You ever think maybe one of them checks this thread btw?

  11. Garret frowned at the board and took another pull from his drink. "Sounds rather rude, having fun at their expense. At least when I fleece someone or have it happen to me, everyone at the table knows the game. I hope you didn't do anything too egregious?"


    It did rankle some to hear of someone acting based solely on a first impression, but Garret decided he was too quick to leap to conclusions and half formed impressions. Perhaps it had been blatantly obvious as to who was an ass and who was simply carrying on with their day. However it had happened, events conspired to leave Fortune in quite a state, so maybe it had all balanced out in the end?

  12. Garret smiled and settled down Fortune. "Well, I think I'm about done with the polish." He got up and wwalked across the room. He opened a cupboard and pulled from within a dark brown brew with a golden bottle cap and matching label. It was a locally brewed beer that Garret had been yearning for since getting home. He cracked it open and took a long pull from the bitter draught, sighing in pleasure.


    "So, how did you end up in that alleyway,, if you don't mind my asking?"

  13. Garret shifted Fortune to the table after drying him off. Garret wasn't a stranger to chores, a man living on his own inevitably had to get up to some DIY work when the landlord was too much of an ass to bother without going to some ridiculous lengths. The work wasn't unpleasant, the monotony in fact served as a nice palette cleanser to relax after a night of flying feelings. Garret also found himself relaxing around Fortune ever so slightly. Perhaps it was the conversation, maybe it was the fact that it's hard to be afraid of someone whilst bathing them.


    Garret took a new cloth and applied the polish to Fortune, swiping the clear liquid across his surface until there was a faint shine to the boards surface.


    "So, if you don't want to get into the past, what about the future? I'm happy to play host to a nomad every now and then but if you can't walk around freely then I can't imagine there's many easy walks of life to walk down. Should I be expecting other unique callers tonight, friends of yours, or are you just going to let the chips fall as they may and figure it out later?"


    If Garret could go to sleep that night and find his sudden guest vanished, he'd count the experience a unique dream, a story to share. It felt like there was more to it though, something more innately interesting to Fortune.

  14. "Mmhmm" Garret nodded and smiled fondly with memories of his 'career'. "And it's caused me no end of trouble, trying to stay on the decent side of the lucky lifestyle." The young man gestured around the apartment. "Been living like this for a couple of years now, squirreling away money in case I hit a nasty streak."


    " I've dabbled in other kinds of gambling though," He noted absently. "Poker isn't my only past time, races, some roulette, a few other games and well, if a being called fortune doesn't grasp what the highs and lows are like then that's some supreme irony right there. That's the draw."


    Garret took Fortune out of the sink and inspected him carefully "I think I got most of the muck, unless you can feel something. I'll' dry you off and if you like I had some polish to, uh, spritz up your finish some."

  15. "Well, I'll take that as a compliment." Garret started slowly, mulling over the question. "It was happenstance that sent me down the alleyway if I'm honest. I make my living in Wands with a decent hand at poker and I know there's no reason to loiter when night comes along. I figured the dash through the alleyway would be quicker. I've had a few nasty scrapes whilst waiting for the trams."


    Garret didn't mind talking about himself, it was gratifying in a way, but he couldn't just let the conversation go. He took the cloth he was using and rinsed it off before returning to the bath.


    "So, if it's a long story that's fine, but I would like a name. Unless you want to be known by Mr Board, hardly the most flattering of names."

  16. Garret nodded and reached over to pick the board up. "Excuse me" He murmured as he held the board in both hands. Garret glanced over his shoulder at the dogs within the shadows before heading out of the alleyway and on his way back home


    Garret's home was a decorated skeleton of a building, a small apartment in the Coins that was gaunt and bare but for the few indulgences Garret had allowed and the necessities. There were three rooms that split the apartment, the living room and kitchen and then the bedroom with a bathroom tucked away in the corner.


    First order of business, Garret set the board down on his table.


    "Right then, home sweet home. My name's Garret, let me just hunt something down to give you that bath."


    He'd have to clean the table too, for hygienes sake. He went into the bathroom and hunted for cleaning supplies. He didn't want to just dump the board in water but aside from some polish, Garret didn't have many options. So he took off his suit jacket, rolled up his shirt sleeves and got to work, setting the board awkwardly in the small sink and running rivulets of water across its face. Garret used a small cloth to tend to the more stubborn bits of muck


    "So, who're you, my mysterious new acquaintance?"

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