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Posts posted by Beba

  1. Again forced the game to load,same errors as before+other errors too.So,I guess the game auto saves when it gets to "laggy" and by doing that sometimes it fails to save the important stuff (if this is true in what line is the "auto saving"?better to remove it,because it does more harm then its usefull).

    Sadly,I reccomend to start a new game and have atleast two save files (one as backup which you manually update it when you make progress),so you could easily rollback if something happens.

  2. Thanks I appreciate it! Is this something that I need to be careful in the future? Are there other similar occurrences in this game?

    As far I know there aren't any (ame said it wasnt possible to get to the door from west to east pre graphic update,but its fixed for ep12).

    Anyway here is a tip: usefull thing to do is have alteast 2 save files(one as a backup which you manually update it when you make progress),so you could easily rollback if something happens. ^_^

  3. Because when I tried to put it where the old file was located, all it said was would you like to start a new game.

    Local disk>users>username>saved games>pokemon reborn, make sure its named "game" or game.rxdata" (which means you should replace the old save)

  4. Hey, playable is good! I don't want to lose my diggersby! Haha. Can I load it onto a different episode and progress and load it onto episode 11 later after i progress some more? I never had a problem with saving until lapis ward.

    I can give you the scripteditor file (which I was messing around) so could you load the game,but I dont recommend it,because it probably has alot of errors (I fixed the major ones,changing maps and encounters) and npc's will have a delayed "to move option" (its pretty weird,because your save file doesnt have the ".updatemap" option,it will lag..).

    I reccomend to start a new game and have atleast two save files (one as backup which you manually update it when you make progress).

    @Tracker27,post your save file.

  5. Good news: I got the game to load and after messing around with scripts,well it works "perfectly".(not really,but its playable)

    Bad news: When trying to load it on the currect ep11 scripts,it fails (the pokemon essential kit is dumb :P)

    Well,the save could be recreated to a new one,but it takes alot of time (adding all the pokes,items,choices made,moves etc).

  6. There we go team,we found the true way. :Kappa:

    What i want to know is: Did those signs existed since Beldum was added, or did Ame added those signs when someone found the way to Beldum?


    I think the sings were there since beldum was added in the game and tauros is the legit way.Btw,in ep8 and ep9 the beldum place doesnt even exist,only from ep10+.

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