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Posts posted by Beba

  1. Hello.

    Voted for:


    2.A mild balance between the two

    What makes a RPG (or any rpg-likes games) really good is not a complex story,instead its the characters of that given game.

    Lets see - 2d turn-based tactical RPG and Hell vs Heaven theme.

    Keep the story simple and follow what you have in mind till end (maybe with multiple endings or not,depends of the desire of the player not the storyteller).

    Since the player will a have party (its not fun to be alone :P) and for example having a choice to save a innocent angel from an evil demon or helping said demon to kill the the angel,well depending on the choice you will have a new member to your squad.Your party members could have some relationship with each other or with the player and could affect some parts of the story,but it would be intresting to see it since the game would be in a episodic format (dont see why it shouldn't).The player doesnt need to have full control over the story,only needs to enjoy it.

    Anyway I am rambling and imagining some stuff.Whatever the game will be,I'll support and play it.Ok,bye for now ;)

  2. Since the save file is "corrupted",had to make you a new game with everything you had on it.Everything is the same expect few minor things (playtime,pokedex list,trainers+items on the map are reset and different trainer id).

    Here you go (put this save file in the place where you found your save file and make sure it has the name ''game" or "game.rxdata"):


  3. Well after about 30min of trying to force it to load,it didnt work..

    So made a new save file with only the pokes you had in the party (they are better trained :P) and some money (so you could buy anything you want).

    Since I dont know where you last saved,I set it just after you get the 3rd badge (it would be much easier if I could load the game xD).

    Here you go (put this save file in the place where you found your save file and make sure it has the name "game" or "game.rxdata"):

    Ps. yea do what Rose said.


  4. Post your save file,its called "game" or "game.rxdata" (in your os language)-it should be in the pokemon reborn folder (if not,go to local disk>users>username>saved games>pokemon reborn).

    If I can force it to load,then I will fix it :P

  5. I downloaded the file , i put in the folder where was my saved game , i start the game but it says only start new game , there isnt a load game...

    As I said make sure it has the name "game" or "game.rxdata" +take in account your OS language (for example,if its norwergian then make sure its in that languange >.<)

    can you please also try to fix mine as well please attachicon.gifGame.rxdata

    Here you go :

  6. it doesn't work , it is frozen yet

    When you put the downloaded save in the place where you found your save file,make sure the name is "game" or "game.rxdata"=which means copy+replace.When you load the game enter the agate city,but dont ride your bike :P

  7. Well,I tried to "fix" some corrupted files (all was in vain :P)..and stumbed on that some event that was saved mutiple times (with text,all dat crap etc).

    Actually,when I think about it,I am might be wrong about that it reapets to save that event.Instead,when it goes from oldscene to newscene (the script hang out and black screen),it saves the event on every tileset it moves (cus it was a "moving" one) and the game wont load (because it doesnt know how to update the map).

    The only thing I can suggest the thing I found and showed to you ame.Most people that complained (which I read on reddit/forums) about the corrupt saves file were with the script hangouts (yea it can get corrupted with normal saving,but its rare;even then I think its caused by performance lag )...Having an option of yes/no to save,might solve it.Again,I am not sure if it gives the option to save again if it fails,since I cant test it,but what I am sure is that it wont get corrupted if you choose not to save in the first place (you only lose the progress from the last time you saved).

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