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Posts posted by Maddie

  1. Enyo looked down to the spheres she was still holding in her hands. The girl didn’t release her GAOs when she first received them because she had a bad feeling towards whatever was closed inside the balls. Now however Oak ordered them to meet the creatures, so she had no option but to go against her instinct.

    “Let’s start with this bat thing” she thought as she pushed the button on the sphere marked as “Zubat”.


    Disappointment took over her when she laid eyes upon the blue bat. It was a small, frail looking thing, totally blind as it didn’t seem to have eyes. The creature flapped around in the air, looking as hopeless as a newborn baby. The Greyjoy clicked the ball’s button once more with disgust, putting the bat in his cage without a word.

    The “Totodile” creature was next. The “toto” part was rather silly, but the “dile” hinted something similar to a crocodile. Hoping for an improvement over the previous GAO, Enyo released the second one.


    This creature was blue as well, but much stronger looking. It resembled a crocodile or an alligator, but with blue light scutes and bright red spikes down his spine. The chest was yellow, just like the eyes, which had narrow vertical pupils. Both fangs and claws were sharp, giving the creature a ferocious appearance despite being only slightly over 2 feet long. As she began to pay attention to the GAO’s behavior, she noticed that something was wrong. He stood on his four legs, tail straight and muscles tense in anticipation, staring into his handler’s eyes. Enyo stared back, and the creature’s lips moved backwards, exposing the point-sharp teeth. They both kept their ground for long moments, in a silent battle. When the crocodile took a step forward she knew it was the beginning of an attack, and the beast’s fangs were inches away from her right leg when the sphere sucked the GAO back inside. Once again her instinct had been right: the creatures inside the balls were indeed bad news.

    Just as Enyo tucked the spheres in her pocket a commotion brewed near the tree line, and several soldiers entered the forest. A few seconds went by until an awfully loud sound cracked the silence, and the wolf GAO returned looking wounded. Enyo was watching the buzz around the wolf creature, but a roar shifted her attention to the sky, where a golden tiger looking beast had appeared between the thunder clouds. Lightning bolted towards every direction, as the creature fled the scene. And just as he vanished so did the dark clouds, and the sky was clear once more.

    “Wow.” That. That was real power. Even from that distance she could feel the saturated power caged inside that beast. So much different from any GAO she had come across thus far. That was what she was looking for. “I want that thing”.

    She was brought back by Oak’s words, and listened to him talking to the group. She wasn’t eager for another round with her GAOs, so she sat by the tree line and observed the other cadets interacting with their creatures.

  2. Just Updated Partners please, not the whole profile.

    Mating pairs clause is still in effect.

    As for my own:

    Erick A. Freeman

    Piplup F(Emperess), Aerydactyl M(Raid)

    We can have fossils? How can that be, are they not considered fossils? Because millions of years ago there were no pokemon to die and become a fossil.

    On another note, pokémon without evolution are a bit OP for this stage of the RPG, since most of them have base stats equivalent to a final stage pokémon. At this point an Aerodactyl would sweep everything.

  3. You want us to repost the whole profile or just the updated pokémon choices? Anyway, I'm keeping the Zubat and trading the Rhyhorn for a Totodile.

    Char: Enyo Greyjoy

    Pokémon: Zubat (male), Totodile (male)

  4. Question: If you are going with the "radiation mutated living organisms" theory, are pokémon based on inanimate objects off the table? Things like ice cream cones, and gears and... trash. And what about Geodude/Roggenrola? Because a Rhyhorn can be seen as a rhino with mineral skin, but a Geodude is just a rock.

    Personally I like the “no pokémon objects” approach, they don’t really work in a real world based RPG, imo.

  5. The feeling of nausea that had taken over the Greyjoy upon seeing all the military complexes and activities was starting to settle when Lt. Surge mentioned the curfew. Getting to bed at 10PM meant getting up, in the best scenario, at 6 AM, for training, cold breakfast and laps, lots of laps. She hated running laps.

    Practically everyone moved to the back of the barrack, so she swung her backpack into one of the bunks closest to the entrance and sat on the bed with her legs crossed, waiting for something to happen. Because something always happens in a confined space filled with testosterone. It didn’t take long for one of the guys to make an attempt to go outside with a cigarette in his hand, and other stopped him from exiting. “Smoking… not the wisest addiction to have in the army.” As the two of them engaged in conversation she began to wonder how some of that people managed to get into the program. She got in by outplaying the questionnaire, but she had knowledge of what the military wanted and expected of their recruits, as she herself lived in a slightly softer system for several years. Most guys there didn’t seem familiar with the military though, nor did they appear to have the necessary qualities. She didn’t had them either, but she wasn’t too worried about it.

    That Erick guy finally opened the book and talked about his high patent relative. His father, of course. It had to be that, with his righteous attitude, so typical of kids with high ranked parents. She met plenty of them back in the day, so full of themselves that one would think they were the ones who risked their lives on the battlefield and not their parents. And despite his father oh so important rank apparently no one bothered to tell Erick what the program was all about, as he looked as oblivious to the matter as the rest of the group. That at least their supervisors did successfully, equally keeping them all in the darkness.

    Things calmed down a bit, so Enyo laid on her back and decided to spend the rest of the time in the barrack staring at the top bunk above her.

  6. “So sick of this” she though as she flew over the confidentiality agreement, barely even reading it. She had spent the day either waiting or placing her hands on suspicious scanners, so she didn’t even care anymore. The last thing to do was signing the contract, which she promptly did.

    I, Enyo Greyjoy, hereby accept these conditions.

  7. Char. Name: Enyo Greyjoy
    Char. Age: 20
    Starting partners: Zubat (Bandit, male), Rhyhorn (Cardinal, male)
    Personality: A temperamental and unpredictable young, Enyo is not a team player. She often comes up as somewhat arrogant and cold, and usually judges people based on their appearance. Although smart, she would rather tackle a problem head on than coming up with a more effective strategy, and so she often finds herself in troublesome situations. Very strong psychologically, it’s quite difficult to affect her, which can be vital in the battle ground.



    Enyo has long dark hair and brown eyes flecked with green. Her jaw definition and olive colored skin gives her an exotic look, making her stand in a crowd. She’s physically in a good shape, and stands around 5’5” feet tall.
    Home state/town: Charleston, South Carolina
    Other/ additional details: -

    btw, english is not my native language, so I apologize in advance for any poor grammar/sentence construction. If you guys see anything too outrageous feel free to go grammar nazi on me, I'll actually appreciate it :)

  8. My grass type is a Whimsicott, and it is actually pretty good. Prankster Stun Spore is super usefull, thanks to it i was able to defeat the Arceus/Ditto thingy. I got the Cottonee in an event near the Grand Staircase, in an alley. Not sure what triggerred the event, but i found it at night time, with windy or clear weather ( I don't remember which one).

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