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Raindrop Valkyrie

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Posts posted by Raindrop Valkyrie

  1. PRLLNgI.png

    Cassidy watched the swordfella she was locked in combat with fall to the ground like a sack of potatoes after Bea's blast of dark magic. She smiled turnin' to flash a sign of victory, a little v she made with her middle and index fingers. "Good shot, we make a great team Bea. We do we do.~ My turn!" and continuing the motion, a Cassidy flicked her wrist and let loose a tiny talon for her foe. 


    Send a knife for Spearsman B

  2. PRLLNgI.png

    "Alroight, you can sit purrity and let Cassie take care of tings Bea~" The little fox flicked about a tiny dagger from somewhere. She drew at in the blink of an eye so no one was sure where it was hidden in her clothes. She flicked it betwixt her fingers with surprising control. lt glittered in the sunlight that caught the blade. She stood ready, standing low to the ground in case anyone got any idears. They certainly weren't gettin' away easy iffen they did she'd use her little talons to give 'em trouble. 

    "Now, which one of ya lads wanna play first? Huh!? HUH?!!? Any takers?! Cooooome on now, l don't bite cha know."

    Cassidy holds! 

  3. PRLLNgI.png

    Cassidy found herself being drug along with Bea. She was always quite the one to get right to business, Cassidy hanging onto her was hardly gonna stop her. She just lat her drag her until their mentor finally spoke up, her nose finally out of tht readie wordsie. She hopped down from hanging on Bea, landing on her feet quite easily. For as much boundless energy as she had it had a grace and style to it. lt wasnt wild and unpredictable like one would assume it was quite practiced fluid motion. 

    "Of course Miss Yuel, we'd nary think about leavin' with out'cha. We'd be on our best behavior doe iffen we did doe, Treasure 'Unter's Honor!" she said, crossing her heart swiftly in some sort of salute. She probably made it up herself but who knew? Cassidy fell silent... for but amoment until Yuel's suggestion which immediately caused her eyes to brighten somethin' fierce. One could swear almost swear her ponytail was wagging like a dog's tail. Though it was probablyjust cause she was swaying side to side with all the energy she was letting loose. "Ah youse so smart Yuel! that's a perfect idear! Power in numbers, no? See, dis is why you are the bess mentor da world ever did see now. You always gots da bess plans for sure for sure."

  4. PRLLNgI.png

    "l dunno what this jawin' about dyin is but l can assure ye, l nary plan on it any time soon like. After all, the greatest treasure in the ol' wide world is one's self! Any Treasure 'Unter worth 'er salt knows dat, and l'm the bess ta evah grace this sad lonely rock!" SHe said towards the mysterious one of questionable gender. She didn't really care about dat doe, more pressing matters than dose to attend to.


    We can easily trounce these few baddies and blow this popcorn stand! We sneak away wit' the Princess, and they get 'ere find out she's in another castle... ahhhh, wish l could the looks on der faces l do l do, but we can't be here for dat sadly. Ya know, you're a touch to serious boyo, you could be so much more fun. You've got potienal." She wasn't sure what kind of stick got up dere rear but twas enough of one for sure. No sense of adventure this one. She popped over quick as a dart and booped them on the nose, carefully retreating from any possible retaliation. ln the same breath she used the momentum to speed over to Bea and nearly hop onto her back with how fast she was going. However, she merely slung her arm around her and pulled her in tight.

    "Ye, we'll show's em Bea! You an' me'll give 'em the ol' 1 2. We'll clock 'em good and then we'll gets out of 'ere before the storm starts! Notthin' we've not 'andled before like, na. Besides, l've 'opped a boat plenty. Tis good fun now and then!"

  5. PRLLNgI.png

    Cassidy didn't even seem to notice the individual that was talking to her. Lost enough in her own little world that she didn't even register it. She just kept dashing about the room at the speed of roughly greased lightning. Whether she jsut didn't hear it at all or ignored it was a mystery however. "Oh, Yuel jus' think of all the cool tings we'll get ta see and do! Travelin' and what not? Beatin' up baddies! Well...l guess we already were but like innit just more romantic this way? AHHHH, maybe we'll fall in love with cute people on the way too! Right, Bea?! lt'll be a blaaaast. Well l guess we gots ta get outta here first doe. Eh, should be easy. l'm not worried, not even a mite~"

  6. PRLLNgI.png

    A younger girl paced quickly back and further towards the back of the room. She did so at a feverish pace seemingly unable to calm herself. She was just bursting at the seems with some kind of energy though given how quiet she was being it was hard to tell what it was at the moment. Nerves, fear...? Though she quickly made it clear, via sudden outburst.

    "Oh what 'ave we gotten ourselves into? An adventure it seems like to me! OOOOOOOH, l 'ope there's so much treasure and shiny tings... and...AHHHHHHHHHHH... isn't it great Bea? Yuel? Walkin' around was gettin' quite boring, you two and all your readie wordsies. What good are those tings anyway? Well magic l guess but psssssssssssh. l don't need none dat, l gots me knives and that's good enough for me. Now it's time for action! An, like... stabbin' tings... and romance! AHHHH! Oh this is gonna be fun..." she rambled on like this for awhile.... a long while. Sorta losing track of the fact that they were in quite and urgent situation. All the while bobbing up and down with way too much energy for any one human being. She was just possessed with excitement.

  7. Spoiler

    {Renee is full of energy!}



    Damage: 5
    Hit: 97%
    Crit: 4%


    Scout 2:
    Damage: -
    Hit: -

    Crit: -


    Renee attacks! 68. Hit!
    The Emperor decides whether or not to share his power: 11. While tempted, The Emperor decides not today.
    Renee deals 5 damage to Scout 2.

    A sword to the side seems to cut alot of the archer's remaining resolve. He seems about ready to bolt at any given moment.

    For now, the curtain is called on the Actors of Fate. The Enemy Phase now begins.~

    Scout 2 moves to M9, quickly fleeing from the frontlines.


    The drifter sighs... abandoned to finish the mission he supposed. The Hierophant must fall... but that old man just wouldn't die. lt felt futile to attempt to throw another dagger, but he had to. He was a dead man anyway... so there was no point clinging onto life the least he could do was try and end the Hierophant.

    Drifter 2 throws a knife at Coel.


    Look, l'mma just skimp here... cause this attack's already happened before. He hits on a 30 and does 1 damage.

    As was feared, the knife hits it mark but barely manages to cause even a scratch. He wonders why ones such as himself were sent ahead to kill such a man if he was this resiliant for an old timer. He merely scoffed, laughed at his own misfortune. Ah, what a day to die. Or perhaps... the Master would arrive. At the least it'd force this fools away.

    And, so it was. Now, onto the battlefield descended a mighty presence. The night quivered, the darkness growing ever so slightly at it's approach. From the hills that stood between Castle Calmary and young village below emerged a great darkness. A figure clad in robes that rivaled the night sky itself. One cloaked in starry night. Amoungst these robes armour of stone jutted outward, cobblestone? One wondered how anyone would be able to move under such weight but the figure seemed to manage it with ease. They held in their hands an emermous black tome covered in crimson chains. They burned with a dark energy that probably could only be called, "hell's fire". A damnable existance, something forbidden and rotted to the core with evil. The grimiore's existance was a blashempy to the very world, one could tell just setting eyes on it. The stoney figure clutched it to it's chest, caressing it lovingly. Holding it closer than anything in the world. They looked about, two crimson orbs burning from underneath a hood of starlight. Whether they were truly their eyes or some sort of illusion... one could scarce tell. Sherwyn... felt a strange sense of familiarity. As if they had met this person before, and yet nothing would ever come to mind. They felt as if they'd known this figure all their life, as if they were somehow interwined.

    But, soon a voice would boom through the night interrupting the time to think. lt inquired something of the shades that stood on the road. "And what exactly is it that you baffoons are waiting for?"

    "Ye Xavier... what are we waiting for Huh?!! HUH!!?!" said the excitable woman from earlier. The Swordsman that had struck her before looked as if he would again for but a moment, but decided against such rash action in front of the figure clearly leading them. "Hush Vishna." he said before addressing the dark figure. "We were waiting for you Master. We believed that you should see the fall of the Hierophant. That you would like to see your foe fall before you."

    "ldiot... l told you that you are to drive them from this land posthaste. l have work to do. Hierophant or not. l will kill them if l must but that's hardly neccesary. Now, hurry along children. Rid them from this land, run them out." the dark presence talked down to them from where they stood. Clearly, they had expected this job to be already done.

    The Tower arrives on the Battlefield at N16. Their arrival gives cause to reinforcements to finally take action.

    "Time to kill that horsey! HEE!"
    Drifter 3 runs off to K7 and attacks Lyle!


    {Lyle draws on an unbreakable bond!}


    Drifter 3:

    Damage: 5

    Hit: 94%

    Crit: 1%



    Damage: -

    Hit: -

    Crit: -


    Drifter 3 attacks Lyle! 69. Hit~

    Drifter 3 deals 5 damage to Lyle!


    The little devil manages to land a blade on Lyle, though it wasn't truly that difficult for her. She laughs in glee seeing the crimson spill out from where her knife landed. Clearly, she sees this battle as more of a game than a battle.

    Pupil 3 moves to L7, and attacks Sherwyn.


    Pupil 3:

    Damage: 12

    Hit: 78%

    Crit: 2%



    Damage: -

    Hit: -

    Crit: -


    The Pupil makes their attack! 60. Hit!
    Pupil 3 deals 12 damage to Sherwyn!

    A bullet of dark energy screams past the woman's shoulder and collides with Sherwyn's chest. This time however, they aren't as lucky and it pushes past the armour. Pain sears into Sherwyn's flesh as the dark magic works it's way into their flesh, the curses setting in.

    lnitiate 5 moves to L8, lnitiate 6 moves to J8 and holds action, lnitiate 7 moves to J9. Scout 3 moves to dog K9


    The Enemy phase comes to a close, once more the curtains fly open for the Actors of Fate! Player Phase Begins!
    The High Priestess gives Sherwyn a gift, they recover 2 HP!

    The Win Objective changes, Escape! 1 unit must reach the designated space {H1} to end the map.
    Loss Condition remains the same. 



    Cheat Sheet:


    Players + Player NPCs: Health, Location, Inventory


    Leonard: (15/15), (H5), [Heal (28/30), Vulnerary (3/3)]

    Lyla: (7/18), (H6), [Slim Sword (31/35), Vulnerary (3/3)]

    Lyle: (12/22), (J6), [Slim Lance (32/35), Vulnerary (3/3)  NEW! Vulnerary (3/3)]

    Sherwyn: (7/20), (J7), [Slim Lance (32/35), Vulnerary (2/3)]

    Morgan: (9/19), (G9), [Flux (38/40), Vulnerary (3/3)]

    Gavan: (6/20), (l6), [Training Bow (33/35) ,Vulnerary (2/3)]

    Blake: (5/16), (l7), [iron knife (39/45), Vulnerary (3/3)]

    Renee: (11/18), (H8), [Slim Sword (35/35), Vulnerary (3/3)]


    Coel: (28/30) (G8), [Hierophant's Grasp (-/-)]


    Enemies: Health, Location, Inventory


    Initiate 1: (0/20), (I7), [Slim Sword (33/35)]

    Initiate 2: (0/20), (I9), [Slim Sword (35/35)]

    Initiate 3: (0/20), (l6), [Slim Sword (32/35)]

    Initiate 4: (0/20), (l9), [Wooden Sword (48/50)]

    Scout 1: (0/18), (H3), [Training Bow (33/35)]

    Scout 2: (7/18), (M9), [Training Bow (31/35)]

    Pupil 1: (0/18), (J6), [Flux (39/40)]

    Pupil 2: (0/18), (J8), [Worm (38/40)]

    Drifter 1: (0/17), (H7), [iron knife (41/45)]

    Drifter 2: (10/17), (l8), [iron knife (43/45)]


    Initiate 5: (20/20), (L8), [Slim Sword (34/35)]

    Initiate 6: (20/20), (J8), [Slim Sword (35/35)]

    Initiate 7: (20/20), (J9), [Slim Sword (35/35)]

    Scout 3: (18/18), (K9), [Training Bow (35/35)]

    Drifter 3: (8/17), (K7), [iron knife (45/45)]

    Pupil 3: (18/18), (L7), [Flux (40/40)]



    The Tower: (47/60), (N16), [lmhullu (-/-), Knight Errant (-/-) Drop!]


    EXP: 98/100


  8. 3uhmXwU.png

    "Oh no! You're right Cass! That guy's beating up some poor defenseless bystander! And Madante's just watching! That's weird! But l gotta do something! That kid needs my help!" Rayne excalimed at the sight in the distance. She felt an overwhelming sense that justice must be done! "This cannot continue!"

    Beau sighed. "She must've forgot that one of 'er allies again. Lassie... you're really somethin' else. Guess l'll have to stage a rescue... l'm pooping in his tent later for this though." perhaps what the horse would've said if he could speak.

    "Go! Flash Needle!"

    Rayne roared a mighty battlecry as she threw her javelin with all of her might, all that she could muster!

    Move to E-12 and attack Randel with lron Javelin, Canto to F12

  9. Berserker

    lt'd soon becomeclear to Lancer that trying to trick this beast wasn't exactly working. ln the concrete jungle there was enough ways for The Beast to maintain his momentum without highly diminishing his top speed. ln fact... he was nly getting faster. The Beast while surely maddened beyond belief had a unique understanding of it's own body. lt knew how to most efficient ways to move biomechanically to keep from breaking it's speed. lt's instincts were quite sharp and it was clear mad as it may be that it was still gaining. The Beast was clearly trying to corner him, force him to a place where he had no more valid moves.

    The crumbling of buildings under The Beast's weight only cut the places that he had to go, narrowing the possiblites, diminishing ways out. This plan wasn't going to work, at least not as it was going. Something different was the key, some other techinque would need to be used to pry The Beast from his heels.

    Nadia and Saber

    /Hmmm, l'll probably head over to our base awhile. Hopefully see if l can't find some trouble, though dragging you into a situation seems to be hardly ideal...if l just sit on my laurals waiting here l'm just as likely to get attacked if not more so. l'll be behind you. lf l walk through the areas you're already familiar with, you at the least something to go off in a scrap. lt'd be of some benefit l'm sure./ Nadia sprung up from her seat overlooking the city, lt was a nice view regardless of all light pollution of the city blocking the stars. The city below made up for it, the stars of humanity Nadia supposed. Was it really worth this to get him back? lt had to be. Love was important wasn't it? lt was but... risk your life in another crazy war worth it?

    To be fair... she joined the last one out of boredom, lack of direction. She had a much more worthy goal this time, a real one. So she had more reason to fight in this war. But, she had something to lose now too. lnteresting how things changed.

  10. Kaede

    She had powers too? lt... Alva must've been unaware of their presence before, if she did not even try to use them during the previous loop. Kaede had wondered what Riley had meant. She knew of the other girl's powers. From before, when Eden had spoke to them. She had no more more memories of that occurance, nor did Alva. She... was there after all. Only Kaede remembered. lt seemed as if these 2 were to be part of this world regardless of their memories or not. She felt... something. She didn't know what to call it, but she could feel soemthing invisible weigh in her stomach. She had hoped that Alva would be spared this world, what it truly was, but perhaps trying to hide from people was cruel in and of itself. Kaede didn't really know but now was hardly the time to be thinking on this.

    "So, you have this power too? Perhaps we share a curse then..." Kaede said walking towards Alva. She wasn't sure what the green signified, but if she remembered correctly it was the colour of her markings that allowed Eden to figure her element. She wondered what Alva's could be.  The ribbons shifted around her, their movements stiff and organic from the outside as they lagged behind her ever so slightly as she moved. She looked into Alva's eyes once again. This time, Kaede's eyes weren't the calm blue lakes that Alva had once saw before. They were dying embers of orange, much like the outfit she was wearing. The sparks left by a dying flame, light that struggled to hold onto life. They were still calm, however a different kind perhaps. The kind of calmness present in those that had embraced their fate, no matter how horrible it was, and faced it head on. She put her hands on Alva's face, gently, carefully. "We'll get out of here. l'll fight as long as l have to get you out of here. l'm glad that you will fight beside me though, that you will also fight for your own fate."

  11. Spoiler


    Damage: 9

    Hit: 83%

    Crit: 4%

    Pupil 2:
    Damage: 10

    Hit: 88%

    Crit: 8%


    Sherwyn makes their attack! 72. Hit!
    Sherwyn deals 9 damage to their adversary, Pupil 2!


    Pupil 2 makes his counterattack! 90. Miss!

    The knight strikes a righteous blow to the mage of darkness, doing quite the number on him. Sherwyn was sure if their opponent was a normal one they'd be bloodied from a strike such as that. The mage grunted, before speaking those dark words once more. ANd for his credit, he hit Sherwyn's armour, but the energy couldn't find it's way into the armour before the knight shrugged it off. Sherwyn heard a faint click of the tongue. Clearly, the dark mage was not pleased with the results.

    Lenny heals Lyle for 14 HP! ~~more than The Sun's one for the poor lad~~





    Damage: 7

    Hit: 89%

    Crit: 0%


    Drifter 2:

    Damage: 8

    Hit: 92%

    Crit: 0%


    Blake makes his attack! 45. Hit!

    Blake deals 7 damage to Drifter 2!

    Drifter 2 retaliates. 96. Miss!

    The borrowed knife slams into the new target, Blake's regards are well sent. So well in fact that the figure fumbles his own attack, it was almost so sure a blow, but... fumbled at the last moment.



    {Lyle is distracted by the allure of battle!}



    Damage: 9

    Hit: 86%

    Crit: 5%


    Pupil 2:

    Damage: 12

    Hit: 98%

    Crit: 7%


    Lyle makes his attack! 50. Hit!

    The Sun decides whether or not to confer his blessing: 7. He mulls it over for a bit, but at the last second decides "Na... he got this." and moves on with his day

    Lyle defeats Pupil 2 with 9 damage!

    The dead cannot conduct combat, therefore this battle comes to an end.

    Lyle rides with purpose and takes advantage of the opening Sherwyn's attack gave him. The maeg now cursing his tome,doesn't notice the rider he first set out to defeat close distance and strike. He never sees it coming, nothing but an old tattered cloak hangs on Lyle's lance, the only sign he was even there. A small vial falls from somewhere within into Lyle's lap.

    Lyle gains 1 Vulnerary!


    Actors have still yet to take flight on stage of fate! Player Phase continues!


    Cheat Sheet:


    Players + Player NPCs: Health, Location, Inventory


    Leonard: (15/15), (H5), [Heal (28/30), Vulnerary (3/3)]

    Lyla: (7/18), (H6), [Slim Sword (31/35), Vulnerary (3/3)]

    Lyle: (17/22), (J6), [Slim Lance (32/35), Vulnerary (3/3)  NEW! Vulnerary (3/3)]

    Sherwyn: (17/20), (J7), [Slim Lance (32/35), Vulnerary (2/3)]

    Morgan: (9/19), (G9), [Flux (38/40), Vulnerary (3/3)]

    Gavan: (6/20), (l6), [Training Bow (33/35) ,Vulnerary (2/3)]

    Blake: (5/16), (l7), [iron knife (39/45), Vulnerary (3/3)]

    Renee: (11/18), (H8), [Slim Sword (35/35), Vulnerary (3/3)]


    Coel: (29/30) (G8), [Hierophant's Grasp (-/-)]


    Enemies: Health, Location, Inventory


    Initiate 1: (0/20), (I7), [Slim Sword (33/35)]

    Initiate 2: (0/20), (I9), [Slim Sword (35/35)]

    Initiate 3: (0/20), (l6), [Slim Sword (32/35)]

    Initiate 4: (0/20), (l9), [Wooden Sword (48/50)]

    Scout 1: (0/18), (H3), [Training Bow (33/35)]

    Scout 2: (12/18), (l9), [Training Bow (31/35)]

    Pupil 1: (0/18), (J6), [Flux (39/40)]

    Pupil 2: (0/18), (J8), [Worm (38/40)]

    Drifter 1: (0/17), (H7), [iron knife (41/45)]

    Drifter 2: (10/17), (l8), [iron knife (43/45)]


    Initiate 5: (20/20), (N7), [Slim Sword (34/35)]

    Initiate 6: (20/20), (N8), [Slim Sword (35/35)]

    Initiate 7: (20/20), (N9), [Slim Sword (35/35)]

    Scout 3: (18/18), (O9), [Training Bow (35/35)]

    Drifter 3: (8/17), (O7), [iron knife (45/45)]

    Pupil 3: (18/18), (O8), [Flux (40/40)]


    EXP: 94/100


  12. Kaede

    Kaede wasn't really sure how she'd explain any of this. lt was a world she herself was only just introduced to. How would one even make any sense of this to someone who wasn't a part of it? Luckily, emotion didn't hold sway over her mind she could reason still and the doubt didn't set in and cause panic or... worse. lnstead she figured she should just be truthfulwith Alva...she couldn't help if she didn't believe her, but... what was around her and what was going on should have alerted her... she hoped that Alva would be willing of accept that which was in front of her.

    "As far as l know... she is controlling this space and placing it into some sort of loop of time. She's done this once before but you don't remember l take it. She'll keep resetting the loop until she gets her way more or less; Until events take the course she'd prefer. You may not remember what l've said when this reoccurs. You could lose parts of your memory in the reset. l seem to be unaffected for the most part. Why? l don't really know. But l'm not entirely sure how to stop it. But, l suppose we've a lot of time to figure just that. She was out of view last time... but she's right in front of me now. Meaning that Riley and l can at least attack the source if nothing else this time. Unfortunately, that's all l can tell you."

  13. 3uhmXwU.png

    Not moments later after tending to Rayne, Clarisse ended up on the end of some nasty attacks. Apparently, bandits and rogues weren't exactly willin' to play fair. Not that Rayne knew about that sort of... parley from the leader of this group, but all the same. Clearly it was still time to fight.

    Rayne spurred Beau forward without a second thought. "You leave her alone!" she threw the javelin with all her might striaght at the no good rapscalion assailing her friend.


    Move to K16 and Protecc ~~waifu~~ Clarisse by giving that no good thief some lron Javelin.

  14. lkU2da6.png

    Meredith grit her teeth, the fire was familiar but... she couldn't help but feel different this time. Those she was fighting... they had no reluctence, no regrets from having to come to violence. They reveled in it. Men no better than a lot of her comrades in the army of Dragao. These flames felt so much different then those of the freedom fighters she had once fought. Perhaps it was all but in her head, but... it didn't matter. She moved back trying to get into a more defensable position.

    All that was in sight was a small patch of trees but, they'd provide her some cover at the very least. She took a deep breath, and banged her Javelin against her armour. "Come at me scum! Let's see what you got!"

    She smiled, one in the face of the grim situation they were in. And she loosed the javelin with all of her might. "DlE!!!!"

    Move to F12 and throw a lron Javelin at Myrmidon 2.

  15. Spoiler

    {Lyla draws on an unbreakable bond!}



    Damage: 8

    Hit: 98%

    Crit: 13%

    Drifter 1:
    Damage: 7

    Hit: 91%

    Crit: 0%


    Lyla makes her attack! 25. Hit!
    The Moon mulls, lonely in the sky: 51. She seems to not notice the world this day.
    Lyla deals 8 damage defeating her foe!

    The dead cannot fight, therefore, this battle comes to an end.

    The young cook makes a desicive strike against the horrid figure. He seems caught unawares, laughing to himself too much at the expense of Blake. No more laughs or words come as his cloak hits the ground, just as empty as all those before him.


    Gavan uses a Vulnernary on Blake! Blake is no longer downed and regains 5 HP.

    Coel uses Hierophant's Grasp on Morgan! She is no longer downed and recovers 9 HP.


    The battle yet rages on, actors have yet to take flight on the stage of fate. Player Phase Continues.


    Cheat Sheet:


    Players + Player NPCs: Health, Location, Inventory


    Leonard: (15/15), (H5), [Heal (28/30), Vulnerary (3/3)]

    Lyla: (7/18), (H6), [Slim Sword (31/35), Vulnerary (3/3)]

    Lyle: (3/22), (J6), [Slim Lance (33/35), Vulnerary (3/3)]

    Sherwyn: (17/20), (H9), [Slim Lance (33/35), Vulnerary (3/3)]

    Morgan: (9/19), (G9), [Flux (38/40), Vulnerary (3/3)]

    Gavan: (6/20), (l6), [Training Bow (33/35) ,Vulnerary (2/3)]

    Blake: (5/16), (l7), [iron knife (40/45), Vulnerary (3/3)]

    Renee: (11/18), (H8), [Slim Sword (35/35), Vulnerary (3/3)]


    Coel: (29/30) (G8), [Hierophant's Grasp (-/-)]


    Enemies: Health, Location, Inventory


    Initiate 1: (0/20), (I7), [Slim Sword (33/35)]

    Initiate 2: (0/20), (I9), [Slim Sword (35/35)]

    Initiate 3: (0/20), (l6), [Slim Sword (32/35)]

    Initiate 4: (0/20), (l9), [Wooden Sword (48/50)]

    Scout 1: (0/18), (H3), [Training Bow (33/35)]

    Scout 2: (12/18), (l9), [Training Bow (31/35)]

    Pupil 1: (0/18), (J6), [Flux (39/40)]

    Pupil 2: (18/18), (J8), [Worm (38/40), Vulnerary{droppable} (3/3)]

    Drifter 1: (0/17), (H7), [iron knife (41/45)]

    Drifter 2: (17/17), (l8), [iron knife (43/45)]


    Initiate 5: (20/20), (N7), [Slim Sword (34/35)]

    Initiate 6: (20/20), (N8), [Slim Sword (35/35)]

    Initiate 7: (20/20), (N9), [Slim Sword (35/35)]

    Scout 3: (18/18), (O9), [Training Bow (35/35)]

    Drifter 3: (8/17), (O7), [iron knife (45/45)]

    Pupil 3: (18/18), (O8), [Flux (40/40)]


    EXP: 85/100


  16. And sheet 1, enjoy.




    Name:  Cassidy “The Lilac Fox” Wickwicket

    Class: Drifter > Thief > Treasure Hunter

    Character Skill: Cancel

    Affinity: Dark

    Personal Flaw: “Well, this a sticky wicket innit?”: When at or under 50% HP, -15 to hit.

    Personal Skill: Quick as a Fox: Cassidy gains +15 evade when initiating an attack at 1 range.

    /Personal Skill: Swagger Jacker: After successfully stealing from an enemy they lose 15 evade for the remainder of the turn.


    Preferred Stats: Speed, Luck

    Weapon Proficiency: Hidden (E) -> Knives (C), Hidden (D)

    Level: 1

    Total Level: 1

    Progression Spent: 330/330


    HP: 16 (50%)

    STR: 6 (50%) +2

    MAG: 1 (30%)

    SKL: 4 (50%)

    LCK: 3 (40%)

    DEF: 1 (40%)

    RES: 1 (10%)

    SPD: 6 (60%) +2


    MOV: 5

    CON: 4

    AID: 3



  17. Berserker


    This prey was rather quick and had it wits about it. However, instinct and pursuit were Ashnar'ds specialties, his massive speed did prevent him from immediately turning around but, it didn't take all that long for the Beast to find something to maintain his speed and momentum. Some sort of street lamp, or light. Hegrabbed it and swung his body around it. Tore it out in the process but he was able to swing his speed with him. He'd have to catch back up but he didn't lose anywhere near as much speed as he could.

    The smell of the magic was still strong enough that the trail was easy enough to follow. He kept speeding along until he was back within sight of the duo. He'd lost ground, but he was once more gaining on the two of them. lt'd take more than one juke to shake the Beast.

    Nadia and Saber

    /Base? l'm not really a sit tight kind of girl l'm afraid. l won the last war by being proactive. Though... l suppose l should find somewhere to hide out during the day. l'm not quite as effective when the light is what is dominating./ Nadia found this servant intriguing. She had such strange priorities for a Saber. She supposed this showed just how wild the difference in heroes this thing could call forth.


    /ln terms of power there's no real place better than this warehouse, though l do admit, lt's quite the eyesore. Further, l'm sure other mages if they've bothered to do their research are also aware of this fact. Making this place... a potienal hot zone. As much as l enjoy a good fight l don't fancy fighting all of our opponents at once and further l don't think you do either. The problem is the major pools of most other leylines are in either extremely busy areas for civilians or incredibly out of the way like the Shrine. Niether is ideal. But l think we'll jsut have to settle with innocents being about if we're to observe any of our opposition. Hopefully, our enemies aren't entirely uncaring of innocent lives, but most mages aren't good people so it's not the best to count on that. l've got a little place in the Upper Class District... happens to be on top of a major leyline. l snapped it up, useful to have that kind of source around as a mage in everyday life. Maybe not much by whatever your standards may be... but it's home./ Saber could feel the impression of a chuckle should've been in there. Nadia was still being overly playful with her, teasing ever so slightly.

  18. Spoiler


    Damage: 7
    Hit: 89%
    Crit: 0%


    Drifter 1:
    Damage: 8
    Hit: 92%
    Crit: 0%

    Blake makes his attack! 1. Hit!
    The Hermit decides whether to share his lessons: 57 The Hermit favors his isolation today.

    Blake deals his foe 7 damage!

    Drifter 1 retaliates! 24. Hit!
    Drifter 1 deals Blake 8 damage.

    lt's as if time slows... days. Weeks even. These moments weigh all the more heavily, just a handful of seconds in reality. Prolonged by the mind in it's hieghtened sense, that of battle. Blake's knife easily finds purchase into the figure, cutting into him wvth a resounding grunt. Blake doesn't see any blood pour for the wound however, nor any on his blade in this moment. But, he does feel the return. A swift slice into his own flesh. The blade quickly responds in kind, and a blow of about equal measure is struck.

    The Curtain is called on the Actors of Fate. For now, their act comes to a close. The Enemy Phase begins!




    The figure laughs some more, wicked a tongue for but a rat. He holds his wounds, proving that they are in fact real and that whatever he may be, he does feel pain. Blake can feel the weight of his eyes staring at him, though he cannot see them. they bore into as the figure stares intently, barely able to contain laughter. "HEE! Ah, you're good you know. Protect your lord yes yes? Funny, you have the eyes of a killer! The skills of one! PSSSSSSSSSH, HAHAHA! lt's like you don't know what you are. lt's Funny! Laugh a little... oh. Wait. But you're on the wrong side. You know... you could've been here if you played your cards right. Guess ye folded~ Shame really. Shame."


    Drifter 1 attacks Blake!


    Drifter 1:
    Damage: 8
    Hit: 92%
    Crit: 0%



    Damage: 7
    Hit: 89%
    Crit: 0%


    Drifter 1 makes his attack! 1. Hit!
    Drifter 1 deals Blake 8 damage, downing him.

    Blake can no longer conduct battle, therefore, This combat ends.

    His words but a ruse to hide his attack. A silvered talon cuts through the night air and flys straight into Blake's gut. The figure twists the blade hard to the right, trying to cause Blake as much pain as possible. He robs him of his breath, his ability to fight back, and Blake collaspes to the ground with a thud. The rat merely giggles to himself in glee...madness. As if he's in his own world in this moment.


    Blake is Downed!

    Pupil 2 attacks Lyle!


    {Lyle draws on an unbreakable bond!} not that it matters.


    Pupil 2:
    Damage: 12
    Hit: ???
    Crit: ???


    Damage: -
    Hit: -
    Crit: -


    Pupil 2 makes his attack! 73. Hit!
    Pupil 2 deals 12 damage to Lyle!

    The dark mage grits his teeth, the situation looks bad for his survival. His must remove that horseman from his flank or he's toast. But, he must also defeat The Hierophant for his lord. He hatched a plan...he'd have the toadies do it. After all, they had to listen to him right? The one who could wield the magic of thier lord. "You there!" he screamed at the figure that seemed to summon daggers from nowhere. "You take care of the Hierophant. l will relieve our flanks of this... rabble." Not even checked to see th results he turned to face Lyle and quickly spoke the dark words. Worms of dark energy shot towards the man and his horse. They writhed all around crawling into his armour and harming his horse. She stood on her hind legs and gave a powerful whinney. lt scared whatever dark magic was left, but not before it did significant damage to the pair of them.

    Drifter 2 moves to l8! He attacks Coel!


    Drifter 2:
    Damage: 1
    Hit: 76%
    Crit: 0%


    Damage: -
    Hit: -
    Crit: -


    Drifter 2 makes his attack! 26. Hit!
    Drifter 2 deals 1 damage to Coel!

    The roguish figure does in fact listen to the magic user. He fwips a knife in Coel's direction and gently slides across his cheek. A thin line of blood appears after a second, but it's merely a superfical wound at best. Coel, seemed amused by this attempt at his life.


    "That's all you've got? Please... l'm offended you'd even try."


    Scout 2 moves to l9, and makes a shot against Morgan!


    {The Voices whisper in Morgan's Mind...}
    {They whisper secrets of things infinite, unknown... the world on the edge of ours.}
    {Morgan takes the reins of this battle!} 
    {Scout 2 will attack twice.}


    Scout 2:
    Damage: 8
    Hit: 100%
    Crit: 6%


    Damage: 14
    Hit: 51%
    Crit: 0%

    The Chariot shows Morgan the way to victory, and she takes the reins! She attacks first!
    Morgan makes her attack! 99. Miss!

    Scout 2 regains the reins, he now attacks! He automatically makes both strikes, Downing Morgan.

    The young dark mage once more moves surprisingly quick on the draw, however it doesn't get her much of anywhere. The bolt of dark energy burns past the scout but he manages to duck out of the way. He fires back two arrows for Morgan's trouble.


    Morgan is Downed.

    The reinforcements on the horizon stand stalwart, save for a stirring near the back. "Come on brother... l want to taste their blood l want to fight these ones too!" said a female voice, she started to walk forward. But a large hand moved to intercept her. "No, He's told us to stay put until he arrives. We shall do so."

    "But that's boring... look! See look at that one! He and that horse are on their last legs... l could put an end to their miser..."

    "QUlET! We have our orders and you will obey them."

    Though, instead of piping down, she ran forward with all her might. Cackling like mad to herself. She vaulted over his arm as if it were nothing. But, she wasn't quick enough. Like lightning, the one that had tried to stop her before struck out with the pommel of his blade.

    Drifter 3 moves to M7 before she's stopped by lnitiate 5's strike.

    lnitiate 5 attacks... Drifter 3?


    lnitiate 5:

    Damage: 9
    Hit: 100%
    Crit: 3%


    Drifter 3:
    Damage: -
    Hit: -
    Crit: -

    lnitiate 5 makes his attack! Automatic hit!

    He deals 9 damage to the unruly Drifter 3.

    "Now, will you stay in line or must l teach you another lesson?" the swordsman looked down at the woman. SHe sat there rubbing the new lump she had acquired for her troublemaking. She didn't answer but it was clear she wasn't about to make any more trouble.

    Their foes finally rest, and thus the curtain flies open once more! Player Phase begins! Turn 5 of ??? Begins!

    The High Priestess gives Sherwyn a gift! They recover 2 HP!






    Cheat Sheet:


    Players + Player NPCs: Health, Location, Inventory


    Leonard: (15/15), (H5), [Heal (28/30), Vulnerary (3/3)]

    Lyla: (7/18), (l5), [Slim Sword (32/35), Vulnerary (3/3)]

    Lyle: (3/22), (J6), [Slim Lance (33/35), Vulnerary (3/3)]

    Sherwyn: (17/20), (H9), [Slim Lance (33/35), Vulnerary (3/3)]

    Morgan: (0/19), (G9), [Flux (38/40), Vulnerary (3/3)]

    Gavan: (6/20), (l4), [Training Bow (33/35) ,Vulnerary (3/3)]

    Blake: (0/16), (l7), [iron knife (40/45), Vulnerary (3/3)]

    Renee: (11/18), (H8), [Slim Sword (35/35), Vulnerary (3/3)]


    Coel: (29/30) (G8), [Hierophant's Grasp (-/-)]


    Enemies: Health, Location, Inventory


    Initiate 1: (0/20), (I7), [Slim Sword (33/35)]

    Initiate 2: (0/20), (I9), [Slim Sword (35/35)]

    Initiate 3: (0/20), (l6), [Slim Sword (32/35)]

    Initiate 4: (0/20), (l9), [Wooden Sword (48/50)]

    Scout 1: (0/18), (H3), [Training Bow (33/35)]

    Scout 2: (12/18), (l9), [Training Bow (31/35)]

    Pupil 1: (0/18), (J6), [Flux (39/40)]

    Pupil 2: (18/18), (J8), [Worm (38/40), Vulnerary{droppable} (3/3)]

    Drifter 1: (2/17), (H7), [iron knife (41/45)]

    Drifter 2: (17/17), (l8), [iron knife (43/45)]


    Initiate 5: (20/20), (N7), [Slim Sword (34/35)]

    Initiate 6: (20/20), (N8), [Slim Sword (35/35)]

    Initiate 7: (20/20), (N9), [Slim Sword (35/35)]

    Scout 3: (18/18), (O9), [Training Bow (35/35)]

    Drifter 3: (8/17), (O7), [iron knife (45/45)]

    Pupil 3: (18/18), (O8), [Flux (40/40)]


    EXP: 80/100


  19. lt'd be mister technically, but like *shrugs* doesn't really matter much to me XD.

    And ye, that's fair only so many colours after all. lt looks fine for folks that are less put off by bright greens doe, nothing wrong with it execution wise by any means lol.

    Oh and as an aside, l tagged this thread with the apporiate title tag, just so you're aware why the title changed, that was me XD

    • Like 1
  20. Hmmm, well glad that was resolved peacefully, and not something l ended up having to intervene in.

    Do some good work l do suppose.~


    Not a fan of the green on Krook myself either but it's fine just 100% not for me XD. ~~l'm in general not a fan of green not acolour l much like unless it's darker ones.~ The Eelektross ones definitely very nice take on them, the electric blue a nice touch to have, and honestly a colour scheme l wish was more common with Electric types then the pale yellow's and orange they tend to mostly stick to with them.

    • Like 1
  21. Well, we don't all play Reborn here. At least, l haven't really touched it. XD. l'm Hukuna, some have called me Hukuna-Sensei ~~or Sensai... long story~~ in the past as l at one point taught a lot of the folks how to RP in the RP forum. l'm the Creative Works and Roleplaying mod round these parts~

    So, hiyas! Welcome to our little part of the internet. Enjoy your stay~ l'm sure you'll have plenty of good hosts round these parts.

  22. Kaede

    Kaede wasn't sure how she was going to beat time itself... or perhaps, the control over time that Katja had, but she was glad that Alva had decided her own fate. Even if it was going to cause the both of them suffering... it was at least of her own will.

    Kaede was surprised by Riley's words. she still didn't exactly trust her, but, she did suppose that together they'd be stuck in this loop so it behooved her to help not hinder. Strange thing fate was, now that an enemy would become at least for the time an ally. Kaede parted a small section of the mass of ribbons where she thought Riley was from the sound of her voice. Only enough for hers eyes to meet Riley's. The dark lakes looked into Riley's eyes, no emotion rested in them that Riley would be able to see. "Hmmm, fate has interesting plans today. l agree."

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