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Posts posted by Code: PIRULUK

  1. Hellfire Knight vs. LOLI_HUNTER


    On 01/02/2017 at 8:40 AM, Adamance Ascendant said:

    "Kagari? What are you doing?"


    Kagari took a step back, still unarmed. Her low voice, tinged with uncertainty, crossed the space between them.


    "I don't... I don't want to fight you. I know it's not actually dangerous, I know you won't actually get hurt. But... I don't want to fight you. It feels weird. It feels wrong. It feels wrong to raise a weapon against you. You- You're special to me. You've made me feel things I've never felt before. You've made me feel... strange. And it's a nice type of strange. I want to hug you, kiss you, love you, but... not like how I want to do that to others. It's... there's something different about you. And I'm afraid of losing that. I'm afraid of losing you."


    Kagari dropped her hands, letting them hang limply by her side.


    "Sorry, but... I'm... I'm not going to fight you."

  2. 4 minutes ago, Cepheus said:

    Nowi is more of a defensive unit, she has high Def (also thanks to her +Def skill) and can counter at any range - also she has Threaten Res. to reduce Resistence of nearby enemies. Also Nowi can grant +4 Def with Rally Defence to one unit

    espacially useful if you have a _blade tome user, like Nino - Nino has poor def. so you buff her defence AND attack with it (since _blade tomes apply any buffs toward attack during combat)


    While Femui is more aggressive with -7 Res, -5Atk/Spd after Combat and Hone Attack and her Special Dragon Aura


    It's a shame both of them die to Julia now, though.

  3. 16 minutes ago, Fabled Asian said:

    @Code: PIRULUK


    >20+ 5 Stars visible

    >Says luck isn't good


    I mean how much did you spend?


    Uhh not a negligible amount. this was like. 15 sets of pulls? Including the storymode orbs, of course. I rerolled till I got Takumi + Lyn + Robin, so that was a nice start. Kind of wishing I didn't get so many Marths, though... I mostly got at least one 5* per pull, sometimes two. Got Azura and Effie in the same pull.


    ...But still no Tharja :c

  4. "Hmmm, Japanese, is it?"


    Kagari frowned and rubbed her chin. Of course, there was no guarantee that this world had a conception of what they seemed to all recognise as Japanese - though the ninja certainly made it very likely. What amused Kagari was that the stereotypes of Japan seemed to be the same no matter which world they went to - Japan was always this weird place populated by weird people. In a sense, that's why she liked staying in Japan rather than in the Demon Continent back in her own world. It made it easier to blend in.


    Well, if they were going to pass as tourists, Kagari certainly couldn't go in with her swimsuit. She motioned at the other girls to go ahead first, before ducking into an alleyway. Her body swirled around her as her swimsuit shifted and transformed into a blue sundress, paired with a broad-brimmed white hat. A pair of black sunglasses materialised over her nose. She clutched a small white tote bag in her hand, but then peered in and remembered that she was currently carrying a revolver. She frowned. She could eat it and reproduce it if she wanted, but if anyone else wanted the gun later on, that would be a problem...


    She ran out of the alley and caught up with the other two girls, grabbing Hikari's arm and hugging it, making a show of planting a kiss on Hikari's cheek. While she did, she quietly spoke into the girl's ear.


    "I still have the revolver in my bag. Do you have anywhere we can stash it? Otherwise I might be forced to eat it."



  5. 2 hours ago, Twinwolf said:

    "Do video games count?" Hikari asked - it was hard to tell if she was serious or joking. Then she smiled. "I have the idea. Turn off the safety, point it at your target and pull the trigger. Keep the safety on and the gun unloaded and pointed at the ground unless you want to shoot somebody. Once in a show my character used a gun, and the director paid attention to detail. Everything had to be realistic and that meant teaching the actors and actresses how to use firearms realistically." Hikari said. She looked for the safety, and made sure it was on. "Besides, Ivory's going to be correcting my aim - she'll make sure I don't hit anyone on our side."




    "Eh... eight out of ten."


    Kagari mimed a firing stance.


    "Gun safety's important and all, but your shooting position is pretty important, too. Butt against shoulder if scoping. Butt under armpit if firing from the hip. Generally you want a stable, balanced stance with your master leg back and the foot at an angle, but that's not always possible when firing from behind cover. Your non-master hand's grip should be something like this," She mimed a grip with the index finger extended slightly and the other three non-thumb fingers clustered together, "and always remember to check your ejector port. That said, this rifle seems to use unconventional ammunition, so that might not be a concern in this case."

  6. Numbers. Prei hated numbers, especially when they were more than 6 digits long. She sighed and briefly wished her mother were here. Lily was always so much better at the cerebral things. She willed a bit of magic to her fingertips, causing a spark of fire to emerge on her index finger. She then used this finger to quickly write out the numbers in the air in front of her, the fire lingering in place. She voiced out her thought process, writing as she spoke.


    "Okay, clearly we're supposed to do something with these two numbers. Chronos said it's a six-digit number, and the one we have here is 11 digits long. It's possible the number 7 means to start from the 7th number and start counting outwards, but that leaves us with 4 digits no matter which direction we go for, so that's a pointless line of inquiry. Alternatively, the 7 means we might have to do something with the two numbers in some kind of mathematical operation. Clearly, we want to reduce the size of the string, so multiplying and adding wouldn't make sense. Subtraction would have a negligible result. That leaves division and root for basic operations. So let's try that..."


    She quickly wrote out the equations, doing her working in another segment of air. The fire that traced out these numbers was blue instead of orange, and when she wrote out the numbers, the result of the equation appeared below them in glowing green fire. She silently thanked her mother for being the mad scientist that she was and putting in ridiculous numbers of unnecessary features into the enhancer she wore on her bangs. This process would have been so much more painful without a calculator.


    20408122449/7 = 2915446064

    7/20408122449 = 3.43x10^-16

    7rt20408122449 = 29.70496242


    "Well, that was a complete waste of time."


    Annoyed, she absentmindedly swiped clear the floating blue numbers with her hand. However, just by chance, her hand happened to brush away only the first number in the last equation. With the equation now altered, the green flame shifted to display a new result.


    rt20408122449 = 142857


    "...Well, that's a six-digit number."



  7. Kagari sidled over to Hikari.


    "I see you took the Rifle. You ever worked one of these?"


    It had been a very long time since Kagari had taken on any apprentices, and it would be a very unhappy thing if her latest one was to die for a reason as mundane as forgetting to flip the safety on a firearm in a pinch. Even though Hikari was a human, Kagari didn't feel quite as much animosity towards her - she had always been more comfortable with human women. Probably because of the human Kagari's influence on her. She was still slightly wary, but she was reasonably certain that Hikari had no intention of harming her. Besides, she had the mini-Kagari to keep tabs on her in case she did anything that might be constituted as hostile.


    ...Also, she was cute. That always helped.

  8. Kagari gave a quick look over the pile of guns. She wasn't particularly a fan of weapons, especially human weapons, but there was no denying the effectiveness of a gun. Still, most of the weapons seemed to fall short of the firepower provided by Choujuusenchihou-chan. However... Her eyes fell on the weapons that the strangers had deposited. They were clearly different from the rest. The rifle... well... she didn't like it. Rifles were powerful, but tended to be unwieldy. Bad in close quarters, and Kagari definitely preferred fighting in close quarters. As for the revolver... maintaining ammunition was hard, but it could be used in closer ranges. Plus, it was much easier to tote around.


    Figuring getting a little extra armament couldn't hurt, Kagari quietly picked up the revolver, giving it a quick glance and pocketing it. She would decide if she wanted to ingest it later.


    Kagari picks up the Peacekeeper and holds on to it for now.

  9. Prei decided to make her presence known by voicing her decision.


    "I think we should go with the puzzle."


    Although Prei was a military woman at heart, she had done her fair share of studying. Living for over a thousand years meant having an excessive amount of time to read books - and having a bookworm for a mother just made that little fact far more prominent. In this situation, against an unknown foe, in an unknown realm with unknown rules, it was probably safest to go with the option that avoided battle. Realising she had yet to introduce herself, she spoke her name.


    "Also, I'm Prei Voirgaire. Pleasure to make your acquaintance. If we had the leisure of time, I'd like to get to know all of you in person, but it seems we have more pressing matters to attend to."

  10. Kagari stood to the side, keeping to herself. The human concentration in this place was way too high for comfort. She slightly regretted tagging along with Hikari on this, but she wasn't going to let her newest apprentice go so easily. Besides, she might learn a move or two if she observed Kagari in battle.


    ...More to the point, Lucio's story about oppression and not being allowed to fit in another person's ideal world struck a little too close to home. That was a feeling she knew all too well. And to think, she was currently empathising with a human. What was the world coming to?

  11. Prei opened her eyes and looked around. A strange room, filled with strange people. An unknown place. Where was she? One minute she had been in the wilds, tracking down a rogue Drow, and the next she had found herself here.


    She dusted off her armor and gripped Myriad tightly in hand, taking stock of her situation. It seemed that she had somehow dropped in on a dispute of some kind. A strange-looking creature was holding a sword to the throat of a humanoid. Deciding that it would be too much trouble to get involved, she quietly dropped her cloak on the ground and stretched out her wings, savouring the freedom of not having to hide them. Her brilliant blue eyes swept across the room. She spun Myriad once, then shouldered it and waited. It was probably prudent to wait for the conflict to die down before asking for an explanation. The possibility of the Drow escaping niggled away at her mind, but she had learnt the Drow's name and address. She could track the criminal down whenever.

  12. LOLI_HUNTER v.s. Hellfire Knight


    Kagari sighed. She had no motivation to fight Hiroki. She just couldn't get herself fired up. Better to just... let instinct take the wheel. Seeing the plasma bolts headed in her direction, she pushed off from the ground, using her powerful legs to propel her into the air, above the plasma bolts. While midair, she deployed her autonomous drones, setting up a grid above the arena. Using one of them as a foothold, she propelled herself toward her opponent, her spear changing form midair into a halberd. Landing next to Hiroki, within her guard, she spun her torso and swung down her halberd...


    ...only for it to stop short of actually hitting the mech. Kagari stood there for a moment, holding her position. Then she opened her hands and dropped her weapon.


    She couldn't do it.

  13. Quote

    "I myself am one short of a quarter century; I guess I am the oldest here then."


    Kagari snorted. Mere children, all of them.


    She turned her attention to more important matters - namely, Hikari's butt.


    "No, no, no. Your circles are going wide. They're also too inconsistent. Here, more like this."


    Without warning, Kagari reached out and grabbed Hikari's butt, then guided it along the correct path of rotation.

  14. On 25/01/2017 at 11:45 AM, Twinwolf said:

    Hikari frowns. "Shouldn't we go inside first? Since we could get moving at any time."


    Kagari placed a finger to her mouth.


    "Mmmm... Good point. But not the barracks though. I don't want to have to deal with people drama just yet. There are plenty of empty rooms, we should be able to hijack one. Let's go!"


    One of the Kagaris grabbed Hikari's hands and pulled her along into the building. The other Kagari, seemingly a separate entity, panicked at the thought of being left behind and leapt up at the swiftly moving pair. While midair, she changed form, becoming smaller and smaller and condensing herself, until she became a tiny, miniature Kagari, only about thirty centimeters tall, with stubby arms and legs, her head the biggest part of her body. In this form, she landed neatly on Hikari's head and snuggled into the other girl's hair, making a [:3] face.

  15. 26 minutes ago, Twinwolf said:

    "I-I guess... it seems like it's good physical training anyway, which I guess I'll need more than I already did. And besides, it c-can't be that much different than practicing for a show..." She says, fidgeting a bit in place. 


    Kagari clapped her hands together.


    "Excellent! We'll start with a bit of a warm-up. Butt figure-eights! Hmmm... you're a beginner, so 40 should do the trick. Move your butt in a figure eight pattern, like so." Kagari demonstrated. "No moving your legs or your upper body. Just your butt. It can be a bit difficult for a beginner, but I'm sure you can do it! After that we can move on to basic strikes. You've never hit anyone with your butt, have you? It takes a bit of getting used to, but you'll be assaulting people with your posterior in no time!"


    Kagari - both of her - stuck out her butt and started doing slow figure-eights as a reference for Hikari.

  16. Hellfire Knight v.s. LOLI_HUNTER


    Kagari grit her teeth. She hadn't expected to fight against Hiroki so soon... The thought made her feel uneasy. She didn't want this. She'd come here with the intention of winning, of ascending, of making a plane filled with nothing but cute lolis. But then she'd met Hiroki, and all of that fell away, became nothing but empty noise. She'd never felt this way about anyone else, not over the many years of pining and observation and stalking. What she felt for Kagari was a strange attraction, something which caught her attention and refused to let go. Something about her, about her insecurity and her hidden kindness, ensnared Kagari's heart. It wasn't the same passionate longing she usually felt when it came to lolis. It was something deeper, more intimate, something which made her heart race and her cheeks flush. She was fairly certain, in other words, that she was in love. Her dream of creating a plane of lolis felt so insignificant, in comparison. So pointless. All the lolis in the world would have paled in comparison to just seeing Hiroki smile. It would not be so bad, to let Hiroki accomplish her dream. Kagari's own dream was meaningless if Hiroki didn't partake in her happiness. She sighed. This was not a fight she wanted.


    Then she had no more time for thought as Hiroki fired a barrage of plasma. Moving on instinct, she dodged and weaved through the curtain, blocking the undodgeable shots with the flat of her blade. It was evident to anyone watching that she clearly lacked the enthusiasm and sheer ferocity she had possessed in her earlier fights. She continued to block, but anyone expecting her to follow her usual attack pattern of rapidly closing the distance to her opponent would have been sorely disappointed - she stayed on the defensive, not moving from her starting position.

  17. 6 hours ago, Twinwolf said:

    "We have sumo wrestling, yeah... but... attacking with your butt or your boobs...?" Hikari trailed off, but her blush indicated her embarrassment at the thought. She looks quite surprised by the demonstration. "I don't know how you can do that so fast..."


    Kagari grinned.


    "Practice, lots of it. The fact that I can just grow myself muscles does help a bit, but most Keijo players are human. Based on your build, you probably won't be able to reach my levels of speed, but you look like you have a good head for reaction. Like I said, I think you'd make a wonderful counter. Want to try?"

  18. 25 minutes ago, kj1225 said:

    Andre stares blankly. After a moment he blinks and pulls a new burger out.

    "Do you not want it? It's really good you know."

    It does smell good. And it looks picturesque of course.



    5 minutes ago, ElfCollaborator said:

    The red-haired girl produces a notebook and a pen after typing for a moment in her phone. She carefully took mental notes on what was up with Kagari and Hikari; after all, what with Venus' new outsourcing program, maybe she'd have to hook these two up. Preferably not with each other; she could tell from just looking at them they wouldn't be the best match.


    "Uh.....here, please."

    Alright, that situation's hopefully settled and the big muscly guy probably isn't stupid enough to keep pissing her off. As soon as that's done, back to finding out where this Cinna is.


    Kagari took the pen and flipped it through the air, catching it neatly between her butt cheeks - through her swimsuit, of course, for sanitory reasons. She jumped up into the air and, exercising remarkable control and dexterity, scribbled her signature in neat cursive writing across the book using her posterior.


    8 minutes ago, Twinwolf said:

    Hikari shook her head. "Sorry. Never heard of it. What does it have to do with my... butt?"

    "Perhaps that is what she does to fight? She does make extensive use of her rear." Ivory supplies.

    ((phone post, so no colors)


    Kagari shook her head, dismayed.


    "Keijo is the greatest sport, ever! Basically, it's a bit like sumo wrestling, if sumo wrestling were a girls-only sport, took place on a ring that was suspended in the middle of the pool, and had only our butts and boobs as a point of contact. You do have sumo wrestling, right?"


    Sumo was such a quintessentially Japanese thing that Kagari just assumed that Hikari's world had it. After all, if it had Japanese names, it almost certainly had sumo wrestling.


    "Outfighter and Counter are classifications for Keijo competitors. Outfighters move quickly and rely on agility to win, like myself."


    To demonstrate her point, Kagari performed a rudimentary Hip Gatling on the empty air, thrusting out her butt thirty times in ten seconds.


    "While counters rely on turning their opponents' force against them. Counters are a pretty rare sight in the sport. You should try it out, it'll be fun!"

  19. 51 minutes ago, Twinwolf said:

    "It's fine, if you're more comfortable like that." Hikari says, followed by a light blush at the compliment and butt-inspection. "T-Thank you. You look nice too... uh... Counter? Outfighter?"


    "Yeah. You know, a Keijo counter?"


    Then a thought occurred to Kagari. A shocking, startling, painful thought.


    "Wait, don't tell me... your world doesn't have Keijo?!?! Please tell me I'm wrong! A world without Keijo is just too painful to imagine!"

  20. 1 hour ago, Twinwolf said:

    Hikari frowns. "That's awful... but sounds like what humans would do, really. We don't have a nice history in terms of coexistence with other species. Or even with ourselves. I can definitely see why you're cautious." Hikari was pretty sure that slimes didn't exist in her world. No historical records at least. And she'd played  RPGs, attacked the slimes like everything else, but Kagari's species seemed different. For one, sentience - the slimes in RPGs tend to not do anything but attack people, which evidently Kagari doesn't do. "I hope you can learn to... if not trust us, know that we don't really intend to kill you."


    The regal-looking Kagari nodded.


    "Indeed. I share that hope, as well."


    With that, she tipped her head, then spun around in a little pirouette. As she did, the regal dress metamorphosed into Kagari's swimsuit, the circlet vanishing from her head. She grinned at Hikari.


    "This is much more comfortable. Hope you don't mind me taking on this form instead, it grants me a very welcome escape from the gravitas of my position. I'd like to trust you, at least. You're pretty cute. And... hmm..."


    Kagari leaned to the side, inspecting Hikari's butt.


    "It looks like you have a nice and firm butt. But your build isn't quite small enough for an outfighter... you'd make a great counter, I think."


    The other Kagari, meanwhile, while waiting for the woman to give her a pen, turned to that disrespectful man and entertained his queries with an icy glare.


    "Yes, I'm a Slime Queen. I can get as big as I want as long as there's water for me to absorb to increase my volume. I'm not sure what you mean by debuff. Yes, I can turn other creatures into slimes. No I have no idea what a Slime cat is. Are you done? Because I'm still annoyed at the hamburger thing."

  21. 1 minute ago, Twinwolf said:

     "Uh... Slime Queen? Why did you think you had to hide it, Koizumi-sama?"


    The more regal-looking Kagari regarded the girl while she tried to recall her name. A very unassuming appearance, though that bore a certain charm as well. She particularly liked the glasses - they framed her nice brown eyes in a way that really brought out their roundness. Black hair was expected, since the girl was clearly some kind of Japanese, but the length was perfect. Overall, Kagari judged her as "reasonably cute". Also, during this time, she had managed to remember the girl's name.


    "Takino-san, was it? I wasn't trying to hide my royal status, but I was trying to hide the fact that I'm a slime. Hiding one meant hiding the other. As for why... well... does your world have RPGs? Well, I suppose it doesn't matter. In my world, many centuries ago, people hunted slimes. Young, burgeoning warriors, aiming to be heroes, hunted slimes in droves. See, there were a lot of us, and before I came to power, well - most of us were rather indiscriminate in finding our nutrition. When I assumed the title of royalty, I took us in a different direction, directing my race to become mostly foragers and hunters of wildlife - we stopped attacking humans. But, well, by that point, the damage was done. Slimes are strong in numbers, but most of us are weak individually. I am a rare exception, but that is exactly how I came to power.


    By the time I took power, we had gained a reputation for being weak nuisances. Guilds offered rewards to young warriors to wipe us out. Many of my family died at the hands of humans. Many of my sisters and brothers were ruthlessly slaughtered by humans who sought to get stronger, who sought to win glory and wealth. Our population was reduced by close to 70%. Finally, I took my people and withdrew. We hid from the world. We fled to demon territory, where we were sheltered and given places, jobs.  I eventually rejoined human society in this guise, under the name Koizumi Kagari, because of... certain circumstances which I'd rather not explain. I'm happy to say that humanity has entered a much more civilised age, where violence and bloodshed have become less prevalent. But I am still afraid. I fear what will happen if they find out my race still exists in the world. I fear for my people. I fear for my life. With all this, is it not the bare minimum of prudence to hide my identity among this group of strangers, each one so powerful, so many of them human?"

  22. 9 minutes ago, Twinwolf said:

     "I was not aware I was in the presence of royalty. I am sorry I did not pay proper respect." the ethereal figure says.


    The sight of the ethereal woman kneeling down made Kagari panic a bit. As a queen, it was obligatory to respond to such salutation with equivalent grace and respect, but she was currently in the midst of conversation with the other, less formal woman, and to turn her attentions away would be rude. Furthermore, it was clear that the kneeling woman expected her to respond in her regal persona, but her current conversation partner clearly would prefer her less formal, Keijo persona. Unable to decide between which persona to take on, she sighed and placed a finger on her forehead. Pressing gently, her body split cleanly into two halves, each half forming into a smaller, younger-looking version of Kagari. One wore her customary swimsuit and continued conversing with the autograph-seeker, while the other wore a dazzling blue dress with a billowing skirt that touched the ground, a small silver circlet resting atop her head. The more heavily-dressed Kagari turned to Ivory and spoke.


    "Please, rise. You have done nothing for which you may be faulted; Rather, the responsibility lies with me for not revealing my regal status. I had intended to keep my true identity hidden, but it seems that I will no longer be able to do so. Please, treat me as you would any other comrade-in-arms. I may be a queen, but I am here alone, without my people. What worth is a queen without her subjects? 'Tis nothing but a useless title. It would please me greatly if you could simply regard me as a fellow warrior, though I do request that you allow me to retain my queenly dignity."


    The smaller Kagari glowered at Andre while she said this last line.

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