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Posts posted by Gaunt

  1. New season!

    So much hate for Radomus why is that? He only let half your team die by not helping you against El (while being all "mysterious") when you could easily take him on together and by killing another half himself...yeah i see why now.

    ...poor Sickle...R.I.P. best Kricketune there ever was.

    R.I.P. Flounder at least you died in battle as every Khornite should, now go the Eternal War awaits.

    You were not kidding when you said there'll be more deaths i hope no more core members die...wait Mako is the only one remaining...welp good luck.

  2. My perfect partner is right beside me: my PC!

    ...seriously though it would be nice if we had at least some hobbies/interests in common (hentai included) just to be able to have some conversations outside of the usual "how are you/how was work". She should be able to handle my stupid sense of humor (someone with the "sarcasm" stat maxed out would be good). Said person should be an Atheist (or at least Agnostic) or we would argue every day (and that is not good for a relationship). I don't want to marry and have children (adoption is a maybe but only if we both have a stable income) so again someone who wants 3 sons and 3 daughters is not for me and of course said girl should have good looks which is a highly subjective thing i know but i could never be attracted to someone ugly and/or fat (if i like only her personality we can be friends but nothing more). In conclusion finding someone with these parameters is almost impossible...so yea my PC it is.

  3. So this is Snakewood eh? Never played it because some people said it's really bad and from what I've seen they are probably right, like really a zombie apocalypse in Pokemon? Where every person (little kids included) have several living weapons of mass destruction to defend themselves with...the zombies would not stand a chance. Well at least the protagonist is not too bad (for now).

    My favorite part:

    Dero: brother give your words of wisdom and advice!

    Brother: ...press B to run

    I was laughing for several minutes

  4. A really sad ending for this Season...the last one at least i knew the Pokemon would "survive" but now 4 of them are gone forever one of my favorites (Selina) among them...that's tough and you even prepared for the fight (with the Berry and the Focus Sash) did something go wrong? Well at least you fought and survived when i got there my strategy was to Destiny Bond the thing but that's not actually an option in a Nuzlocke (only one more unfair boss battle to go).

    RIP Cheshire - never understood why Sean kept you around for so long but you went out in glory

    RIP Cinder - you were near death many times but always survived somehow...not this time

    RIP Al - almost killed a God i hope you'll finish him off in the afterlife

    RIP Selina - never liked Meowstics but you managed to change my mind, i'll train one in your honor.


    I also think that the part where the fake Gardevoir takes the pendant from you is just stupid and would NEVER happen if i was actually in control of my character like really if you want the "bad guys" to have it why give it to me in the first place? Or if you do take it away at least make it look more plausible, sadly it's not the only time this happens (and the second time is even worse).

  5. tomorrow will be a lot of spritework since i'll have to work out new colour schemes for all of the buildings. tsk, black was so easy...

    Why can't they stay black? Gray (or other) would be more "normal" sure but this is Pokemon (we have the Black City in Unova as example)

  6. And that is just Opal Ward? Looks really good but the question is: how did they manage to clean it like that in the short amount of time they had? With the help of Pokemon? Maybe but then why didn't they do it sooner? The only "change" that occurred was the return of Adrienn (because Team Meteor is still alive and kicking) and only one person is not enough imo.

    For the barren streets problem: why not add some Pokemon statues? I don't mean the tiny ones near the Grand Hall but something bigger (like the chess in Radomus Gym?), for example: the city was formed around a Meteor crater right? So maybe some "outer space" Pokemon like Clefairy, Deoxys (or even Arceus). Or like you said just more "green" (trees, flowers, exc..)

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