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Reborn Development Blog

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Desolation Dev Blog

Status Replies posted by Tempest

  1. Trainer Cards now display in sigs and profiles like they used to~ Still working on getting them updated for 6th gen, though, that'll probably happen next week

  2. Trainer Cards now display in sigs and profiles like they used to~ Still working on getting them updated for 6th gen, though, that'll probably happen next week

  3. Trainer Cards now display in sigs and profiles like they used to~ Still working on getting them updated for 6th gen, though, that'll probably happen next week

  4. Since I'm about to start a monotype in Reborn... what type should I pick? the current options are Fire, Water, Grass, Dark and Steel.

  5. No school tomorrow! Thank you extreme cold.

  6. No school tomorrow! Thank you extreme cold.

  7. No school tomorrow! Thank you extreme cold.

  8. My horrible teacher just gave us a survey that she wrote that looked like it was going to the principal, except it went to her. She nearly cried when she read them and then instantly was okay agian and guilt tripped us over them. We all think she made the surveys look like they were going to the principal and then tricked us so she could guilt trip us.

  9. Finals are tomorrow. What's the best way to procrastinate studying?

  10. When the O Power guy says "Let's bond", I wonder what he does to you.

  11. I wanted to do homework today, but I don't have school tomorrow thanks to MLK.

  12. Sup' with the girl chained on the top of the page? Is that Luna? O.o

  13. To get or not to get LoL, that is the question.

  14. I just crashed my snowmobile into a tree and totaled it, and I think a broke my hand.

  15. I just crashed my snowmobile into a tree and totaled it, and I think a broke my hand.

  16. I changed my profile pic. Time to make a new alt. Trololo

  17. Fucking Chrome. Why do you like pissing me off?

  18. Fucking Chrome. Why do you like pissing me off?

  19. Gah. 5000 word essay is done. My entire grade for this semester rides on this essay, so let's hope it's good.

  20. Gah. 5000 word essay is done. My entire grade for this semester rides on this essay, so let's hope it's good.

  21. Gah. 5000 word essay is done. My entire grade for this semester rides on this essay, so let's hope it's good.

  22. Gah. 5000 word essay is done. My entire grade for this semester rides on this essay, so let's hope it's good.

  23. GUYS. Calm down, Ame didn't really break my heart. Wow, sorry for making people worry. >>; It's just something she's doing in Reborn game that made me unhappy, chill. >>;;;

  24. Why can't I sleep, god damnit. I need time getup in four hours.

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