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Reborn Development Blog

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Everything posted by RivalMaster

  1. OH.MY.GOD you fucking did it. thank you veeeery much. how did you do it?
  2. YES i tried to escape rope but it only leave me at the entrance to go Jirukala village so is no good. Also if you go down the ladder it only takes you to the upper levels not the first floor. :l Game.rxdata
  3. YES i tried to escape rope but it only leave me at the entrance to go Jirukala village so is no good. Also if you go down the ladder it only takes you to the upper levels not the first floor. :l You mean upload my save file here in the forum?
  4. Hello everyone so im currently stuck trying to rescue Amber and Venam after the hall "bitch i'ma kill you scene" and fell off the cliff, i know they are in the uxie cave part however i dont know how to get down there anymore. since when i try to get back this on in the way. how i get back to the main entrance again?
  5. HI, first time playing the game (loving it btw,even tho Narcissa was way to strong lol). im stuck in blacksteeple prison after saki and the gang said "to the field" i've talk with everyone in the prison but nothing happens im version 6 so walktroughs are no good. please help, thanks
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