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Posts posted by DarkLight

  1. Miki took a brief survey of the mountain arena while Raito picked up his bottle. Despite the broken chips of rock around the area, there does not seem to be a defining blow that can signify the end of the battle. She sighed. "Well, at least I didn't miss much," she said out loud. Her Jolteon was playing catch with the empty Carbos bottle, ignoring her comment.

    "Please be in meeting room #2 in five minutes."

    Miki jumped a little as the intercom relayed the message. Then she realized that she didn't take him to the healing machine yet. Miki instantly snatched the bottle from the air and stuffed it in her bag. She then unclipped her Luxury Ball to call back her Pokemon.

    "Raito, I'll let you back out after a quick heal." With that, Raito disappeared into the Pokeball in a red flash. Miki immediately ran back to the spa room, put the Luxury Ball into the healing machine, and let out a surprised Jolteon from the said ball.

    Miki explained as she attached the Luxury Ball back onto her belt. "Sorry about that, Raito. I'll give you back your toy when we have time. For now, we are called to meet up with Silver again."

    Raito nodded as his trainer quickly made her way to the door. "Jolt?"

    Miki smiled towards her partner. "Yep. I think it's our time to shine now." With that, Miki and Raito began following the signs to the meeting room.

  2. Miki opened a door located at the far end corner of the training room. She let out a gasp at the machinery that is placed before her. Just as the breeder had said, this is the conclave's emergency backup system. The lighting was pretty dim, but it was easy to make out most of what is inside. There were 3 huge backup generators that were hooked up to various wires stringing in every direction possible. They serve no purpose for the trainer, of course. Those wires probably led to different parts of the building. On the sides of this room were several chairs placed neatly beside one another. Miki could guess that the trainers could sit there while their Electric Pokemon let off some steam.

    After she closed the door, the trainer approached one of these generators, looking for some wires that can hook her Jolteon to. She frowned as she only found those electric wires. How can an Electric type discharge its energy then? Suddenly, Raito went in front of her and pushed her back and let out a bark.

    "I guess he figured it out." she thought. Miki nodded in encouragement and let Raito approached the generator by himself. "Perhaps he saw something that I missed. Well, there is only one way to find out."

    Miki allowed Raito to fire off a few Thunderbolts on his own as she sat in a chair. She realized that the Thunderbolts were attracted to (and absorbed by) some sort of magnets located on the two sides of the generator. Miki smiled as she looked at a meter located middle of the generator; the dial was slowly inching up towards the limit capacity.

    After a couple of minutes of unrelenting Thunderbolts, Raito stopped for a few seconds and shook out his yellow and white fur. He then walked back to Miki and gave her a grin. "Jolteee~!"

    His trainer gave him a scratch behind his left ear. "Glad to have you back to normal, boy. Let's go and see if they have finished." She got up and walked back to the training room with Raito prancing behind her.

  3. Miki raised an eyebrow at the current situation as she regained her balance from Ogre's Earthquake. It wasn't as devastating as it could have been, but it was enough to knock a human down. Luckily, she and Raito were not standing too close to the arena to risk an injury. However, her Jolteon was a little peeved as the Earthquake knocked the bottle out of his paws. Miki saw it roll towards the edge of the area and stopped by a rock formation. Raito, uncharacteristically, sighed and put his head down between his paws. He seemed a bit tired or bored.

    Although she would prefer to continue watching the battle, Miki realized that Raito must still be effected by the excess electricity stored in his body. Excess energy can cause a number of symptoms in Electric Pokemon: The most common being hyperactivity and the worst being a cold. Lethargy is sometimes present depending on the individual Pokemon; broadly put, an overcharged Pokemon will display strange behaviors. Just like Breeder Kahlil had pointed out, Raito needed another discharge. "At least I know that the Absol can use Calm Mind. That is good enough for now."

    "Raito, let's go to that room and see what we can find." Miki said gently. Raito looked up and nodded to his trainer and began walking with her, careful to avoid the rocky arena.

  4. I agree with Absol there. No matter how much description there is, there will be a time when it gets tiring. And even with a spectator like Miki around to give thoughts, I can't go into a huge monologue all of the time. I can make her leave for the mini room for the Jolteon to discharge electricity, but that's about all I can do.

  5. While Raito crunched on the Carbos from the brown bottle, Miki stood near the rocky battlefield to observe Sarcus and Flux's battle. She was not expecting the Will-O-Wisp from Absolution; Miki was expecting an Absol to attack head on since their defenses were not the best. Nevertheless, that crippling move can save Absol in the long run. Then again, since Ogre has a Rock Polish under its belt, he can deliver his moves quicker than Absolution despite the burn.

    Miki could only watch as Absolution and Ogre battle it out alongside their trainers. "Regardless of who wins, we all still learn something from this match. This will be fun." she thought, smiling to herself.

  6. Miki was quite astounded at the huge training room that lay before her eyes. She had expected a battlefield or two to host multiple battles, but to have even stimulated ones was beyond her imagination. Miki almost praised the cruel Goddess for her dedication towards these facilities. She couldn't wait to have a battle here with Raito and witness others to, hopefully, learn some new battle techniques.

    "Yes, it is quite a sight isn't it?" The breeder commented as he stood beside her. "The only things we are missing are those Power Items that help improve a Pokemon's battling capabilities. However, we do not know if some of the remaining acolytes managed to transport them to another base or they just were not able to get their hands on them in the first place. But otherwise, I think we are good to go."

    He strolled leisurely towards the left side of the room and stopped at the nearest door. The breeder opened it and, from a shelf, took out a brown bottle with a blue cover. He proceeded to shake it to get Miki and Raito's attention.

    "And this is what you are looking for. It is one of the eight types of vitamins that are used help boost a Pokemon's battling abilities. There are also Rare Candies, but I have not seen one since Dawn came aboard, and those are much rarer than the vitamins you see here."

    Miki held out her right hand, expecting the breeder to hand over the bottle. However, the breeder went over to an icy battlefield located near the back of the training room. The male breeder then stood there facing her; he was not going to hand over the vitamins that easily. The young lady looked over to Flux and Sarcus, who seem to share the same idea as the stood near another battlefield. Miki then, hesitantly at first, walked over to the icy grounds and stood in the trainer's spot.

    The breeder pocketed the Carbos and brought out a Pokeball; his eyes gave off a competitive glare towards the Japanese girl. "I heard that you like to battle over in the other room. So, let's make this interesting: If you and your Jolteon have the skills to win, I'll reward you with this Carbos. This will also help your Jolteon release its overabundant energy. It will be a friendly, one-on-one knockout battle."

    Miki nodded. "And w-what if I don't win?"

    Her opponent laughed as he enlarged the Pokeball. "Then you need to get him to exercise some other way. Go Sneasel!"

    In a flash of bright, white light, a black skinny Pokemon jumped onto the battlefield. Its long, pink earpiece indicated that it is a male Sneasel. The Sneasel raised its sharp claws and let out a "Snee!" as he stood confidently on the ice.

    Miki frowned a bit at the situation. Ice is certainly not going to help Raito's balance, rendering her companion's running capabilities almost useless. There are, thankfully, huge ice blocks for Raito to lean against, or crash into. To left her side, however, she saw Raito gave a grin and let out a few sparks from its fur. The yellow Eeveelution looked up to her to check her response. "He is not going to make it easy huh? Well, neither am I." Miki gave a encouraging nod to Raito before facing the field once more.

    "Fair enough! Raito can take care of it!" Raito jumped onto the ice, only to slip a bit before regaining his balance. Nevertheless, he is ready to claim his reward.

    "Ladies first~" Miki teased. "Thunder Wave!"

    Raito let out a weak electric spark towards the Sneasel. However, the Sneasel dodged it as he slid across the ice.

    "Nice strategy, trying to paralyze my Sneasel in order to bypass your disadvantage." The breeder complimented as the Sneasel slid near Raito. "But no luck... Shadow Claw!"

    The Sneasel's black claws slashed Raito's face as the Jolteon attempted to avoid the attack. Raito cried in surprise as he crashed into a chunk of ice.

    "Raito, you okay?!" Raito was shaken, but nodded firmly before attempting to stand its ground once more.

    "Freeze him with Ice Beam!"

    "Agility! Use the blocks as breaking points to turn!" Miki yelled.

    Raito managed to get away from the frozen bluish beam in the nick of time; he appeared now on the other side of the field, his back next to a chunk of ice. "That Sneasel needs to be slowed down so that Raito can fire a Thunderbolt. He can't take another physical --"

    "Agility into a Punishment!"

    "Crap..." Miki forgot that Sneasels can use that move. "But, I can use this to my advantage..."

    "Wait there Raito! Let him get close to you!"

    Raito glared at the Sneasel as it got closer and closer, then he raised his claw...

    "Shadow Ball!"

    Raito quickly delivered a purple and black blob from its mouth onto the Sneasel. It hit the opponent in its stomach, knocking him back into another chunk of ice across from the Jolteon. A burst of smoke came out from the collision.

    "Pin Missile!"

    "Get out of the way, Sneasel!"

    Sharp needles fired towards that ice block. A few cries of pain could be heard from the black Pokemon before it sped away to an ice block that was parallel to Raito's. The Sneasel is close to exhaustion from those two attacks.

    "Sneasel, Double Team. Then, Punishment once more!"

    Illusionary copies of the said Pokemon immediately surrounded Raito, attempting to confuse the yellow Pokemon. The ice from the battlefield has made this a deadly combo: There are more copies of Sneasel thanks to the reflective properties of ice. Raito looked to Miki for help, his feet still struggling to get a grip on the slippery ice.

    Miki smirked. She knew that Raito is almost out of stamina no thanks to the ice, but she also knew just how to end it. "After all, ice is prone to melt into water..." As the Sneasels ran at Raito, Miki let out her final command.

    "Finish it with Discharge!"

    Crackles of electricity could be heard from Raito's yellow fur as they surround the entire battlefield. The electric currents quickly dissipated the clones as they zipped to the watery patches and shocked the real Sneasel out of the air. The Sneasel fell with a bang, twitching from the powerful currents.

    "Not bad at all. No wonder Team Dusk invited you." The male breeder recalled his fallen comrade back into his Pokeball and gave it a pat before he shrunk it. Raito proceeded to slide back to Miki's side of the field, away from the ice, and slumped onto his side panting happily. Miki gave him a belly rub, smiling proudly at her companion's strength. She heard the breeder's footsteps approaching her and saw him handing her the brown and blue bottle.

    "Here, you go. One Carbos for the Jolteon. And quite well deserved after that." He paused as he looked at Raito relaxing on the ground. "He might still need to release some steam after that battle. The mini room is open for your use over in that left corner. In it is a backup generator that you can hook up your Jolteon to. Not only does this provide electricity to this conclave when there are blackouts, but it allows Electric Pokemon to release their energy. It's a win-win situation. I'll be in the next room to heal my Pokemon. My Sneasel took a good beating after all." He laughed lightly as he walked off.

    "Thanks but... uh, what's your name?" Miki asked, cocking her head to the side. "I-I'm Miki a-and this is Raito."

    "Kahlil. It's nice to meet you too, Miki and Raito."

    Miki waved as Raito got to his feet. "Well, boy, want to take a break before another discharge? You can have this bottle while we watch the next battle."

    "Jolt! Jolt!" Raito agreed and walked towards the two men.

  7. "Hi Flux and Ogre! We're back too!" Miki greeted the two as she walked into the spa room. She looked this way and that to see if anything has changed. Then, she spotted two breeders near a corner looking a bit worried about something, although she couldn't tell why. Miki saw them gave a nervous glance to Flux and Ogre, who was eating some berries. The the trainer cocked her head a bit before Raito poked her leg with his yellow snout. Raito was looking at her expectantly, his ears twitching with excitement. Miki gave him a pat and walked over to the breeders.

    "E-Excuse me, umm... D-Do you know a place w-where I can train my Jolteon here. H-He's been r-really hyper because of the electricity h-he has b-built up. P-Plus, he has eaten a Tamato berry or two s-so he needs some exercise..."

    The female breeder gave Miki a smile and pointed to her back while her partner went over to Raito for an examination. "There happens to be a training room right next door. When Goddess Dawn renovated this place, she had made it a priority to build a state-of-the-art training ground there so that her acolytes' Pokemon can become stronger. And, conveniently, she made this room right next door so that they can relax after the intense training sessions."

    "You're lucky your Jolteon is only hyper." The male breeder interjected. "I have seen other Electric-types fall ill with cold-like symptoms after having built up this much electricity in their bodies. Although the illness isn't fatal, it is still not healthy for them in the long run. Your Jolteon is trained well to not succumb to a cold. He must have had a lot of experience dealing with electricity under your care." He gave Raito a scratch behind the ears.

    "Thanks, s-sir." Miki replied, grinning a little. "If he only knew about the other half of the story..."

    "As for the Tamato berry you have mentioned," the male breeder said as he got up and walked towards the door, "All he needs is a Carbos or two and he will be in top fighting form once again. We are lucky that this conclave still has a small supply of vitamins to cancel out the hazardous effects from those berries." He gave Ogre a quick glance as he finished his sentence. Then he turned to his partner. "I'll show her to the training room and the vitamin storage while I'm there. We'll be there if anyone needs us."

    "Follow me then." He gestured to Miki. "There is a specific mini room next door for Electric Pokemon to discharge their electricity. Your Jolteon can release his energy in there without harming the others. Your friends can come along, too, if they want to train."

    "Ah, o-one final question," Miki asked the female breeder next to her. "W-Will you battle to help us w-with our t-training?"

    The said breeder laughed lightly. "If you think it helps take down the Church, we will do all we can to help! My partner there is the better battler, so it will do you good to go with him."

    Miki gave her thanks and waved goodbye to the female breeder before walking to the next room. "Well, Sarcus, looks like we found the training room. Flux, do you want to come with us?"

  8. Miki glanced at the blades that Sarcus is holding before he put them into his sleeves. They seemed like ordinary kitchen knives to her, why is he so keen on getting them back? But then again, she is no expert on knives, nor on any weapon for that matter. She focused her eyes on the abundant shelves full of knives, swords, and guns. Team Dusk definitely hit the mother-load of weapons with the capture of Eterna City. It made her wonder if she should pick up one weapon just in case she could not run. It wouldn't hurt to try but, considering her thin frame, the only things that she can lift easily would probably be a knife or two, or a small handgun.

    "Err. . . sorry about that. Let's go find Flux."

    "Mhm," Miki nodded, "We probably have been gone long enough." She walked quickly after him and closed the door to the weapons room. Raito, in his hyper state, ran swiftly to the healing room once more without a word to any one of them. "Let's hope there are people that are willing to battle once we get there," she thought. "Maybe those breeders...?"

  9. "I think--" Before Miki could finish her response, Raito darted by the two trainers and ran off in the direction of, what she assumes to be, the weapons room. "Looks I have no choice but to follow you then!" she laughed. "And, b-besides, we need to find the t-training room too. Four pairs of eyes a-are better than just two."

    As the two trainers and Absolution head to the weapons room, the lights above flickered for a second. Miki heard a small chuckle just ahead. Raito's trainer suddenly recalled that he had eaten a Tamato berry when they met up again, which would explain a slight, almost unnoticeable, decrease in the Jolteon's agility. She would have to help her Jolteon get back up to speed, no pun intended, before their mission begins.

    "Raito," she called after him, "Get away from that outlet! You can cause a blackout when we get to an enemy conclave, not here!" She turned to the duo to explain. "A little training definitely would not hurt; Raito gets too restless if he has built up too much electricity. Plus, it will keep his mind away from his bad habit. He loves investigating electrical outlets since he was an Eevee."

  10. After her leader gave them his first instructions, Miki instinctively bowed as a sign of her appreciation. Inside, she was elated to be working alongside Sarcus and Flux because they are two familiar people that she knew since she has been out from her hidden home. Although she doesn't mind meeting new people, Miki didn't want to overwhelm herself just yet. Two people are good enough for now.

    Miki decided to stay with Sarcus before leaving to find Flux. The trainer is quite curious about those knives that Sarcus mentioned. Maybe she could ask Sarcus to show them off in their spare time. She positioned herself on the side of the wall and gave them some space, just in case she wasn't allowed to listen in on the upcoming conversation. Miki then waved Raito over to respect their privacy.

  11. Seeing as Silver is not going to budge from his position, Miki steeled herself for her response. She was hoping that they can discuss this in a more comfortable room, but Silver's decision did make sense. Who would want an outsider to know about their base?

    Raito came up and gave Miki's right hand a comforting nudge. Miki smiled at the Jolteon sitting at her feet before facing the leader of the Dusk's Covert Ops. "It's now or never." She took a deep breath and nodded in Silver's direction.

    "Yes, I have made my d-decision. B-But before I say it, I-I do want to say a f-few things. First off, I want to thank you... F-For those Shuca berries. I know that they are r-rare to come by and by g-giving them to me, Dusk c-could be at a d-disadvantage at some point in time. A-And thank you for taking c-care of Raito while I-I was away. It really means the world to me.The second thing is... Well, I-I want to say you're right. I am, indeed, a risk factor. Back there, a-at the interrogation, I shouldn't have done what I have done. I was f-foolish and, perhaps m-most importantly, I underestimated my partner. I n-never took into account my Pokemon's desire to end this hellhole we are in. This desire, I feel, is what can m-make all of the difference in a b-battle. In my t-three years of hiding and isolation after Dawn drove us out of our h-home, I had r-relied on s-statistics to win a fight, but I had forgotten to f-factor our will to decide a victory. In a s-sense, I became a robot. A-And that will not do at all, since I am a human. Sarcus, Flux, and you made me realize my flaws and I'm r-really grateful."

    Miki paused for a brief moment as Raito stood up and face Silver. It's time to wrap this up, and her Jolteon knew it. Her voice grew steady as she passed her final decision.

    "I know that I need to a-assimilate myself back into the world and f-face the threat that my parents tried to save me from. A-And to that, I need to be a-around other people... That is, people that I can trust. You, and the members of Team Dusk, are all that I have left. I want to make a better future for everyone, a future where trainers, and even ordinary citizens, can live in peace without the threat of a tyrannical Goddess. And I know it will not be easy. Raito and I know that there will be sacrifices along the way, sacrifices that will force me to lose my loved ones in order to protect Team Dusk's mission. We are willing to do that and anything else that is required of us."

    She offered a handshake to Silver. "I know I have a lot to learn outside of books. And I know you are taking a risk by accepting me. I can definitely assure you, though, I can learn quick. I will make sure that the risk you are taking is worth it. And with that, I am honored to accept your invitation to join Team Dusk."

  12. Miki took a step back to examine the mahogany door once more. Sure enough, as Sarcus mentioned, there was no sign of Arceus' counterpart anywhere. There was no space left on the door for Giratina's figure to be represented. Surely, even the Goddess isn't that ignorant to not know of the serpentine of the underworld. Giratina is always mentioned in mythology, especially those of Sinnoh. To Miki, it can only mean one thing. She turned to Sarcus to voice her opinion.

    "Nowhere. I-I think Dawn purposely left Giratina out... B-Because G-Giratina represents us."

  13. My apologies, but I was actually waiting for you guys to get to Silver before typing up a response. :P

    Anyway, I'll be gone for the day, but hopefully back by tonight or tommorow morning/afternoon: Once again I am being dragged to virginia for a day to help with the family business, much to my discontent. ^^; So if you don't get a reply before I leave, expect one when I get back.

    As for Pearl, I'll be sure to make sure that she doesn't die, no worries. xD Want me to do the same for Fluffy, or...?

    Oops! Sorry as well! I got a response typed up now so it should flow smoothly from here.

    Um... I hope Fluffy doesn't die, but I think it's up to his owner and the others to decide. Whatever the case may be, I'm fine with it.

  14. "Oh, t-this must be it." Miki commented as she, Raito, Sarcus and Absolution stood in front of an imposing door. Compared to the rest of the cell doors, this one had a particular flair to it that screams authority. It seems to be made of a dark-red mahogany tree etched with fancy designs with the three deities of Sinnoh in the middle of it all: Dialga and Palkia stood at the sides looking up at Arceus, their creator. Miki would have been impressed by the intricate details if it weren't for the fact that Arceus is now controlled by their enemy. Her eyes then ran to the top of the door; there were 4 little holes that would make a perfect fitting place for a plaque. Miki gave a grin despite her nervousness. "I guess Team Dusk did away with this place. I wonder whose office this belonged to." She tore her eyes off of the door to face the others.

    "S-So, Sarcus and co, shall we?" Without waiting for a response, Miki knocked on the door. "S-Sorry to interrupt, but i-is Silver here?"

  15. Look at this thread, there's every pokemon available in there afaik.

    I have a question myself : how do I trigger the thing with the heracross and pinsir to cut webs ? A guy from the lab says they battle for honey, I have a combee and honey but I don't know how to use them to cut webs. Does it unlock anything by the way ?

    You need to look for those trees that you can put the Honey on. After an hour or so (of playing btw), a Pinsir and Heracross will appear. Heracross cuts the webs down to unlock new passages on Route 1 and the forest and Pinsir will destroy the logs for the same purpose. I heard we can also get either a Heracross or Pinsir, but I haven't gotten around to that yet.

  16. Don't worry, I answered... >.>


    You know that Acquiescence has already said there won't be mega-evos, right?

    Sorry if I seemed impatient or anything. I meant no harm. ^^;

    I guess the decision on mega-evos is left to Kaito now. So, we'll see~

    @Hakuna: Oops, you are right. I thought Pokelord was done with the battle... ><

  17. Miki smiled politely to the scientist and his Aggron. "Ah, it's n-nice to meet you, too, Flux and Ogre. It was... quite an experience to hear an Aggron's roar. I think it might be useful actually... Hmm... Well, I guess we shall l-leave you be too. J-just don't break it or anything. I d-don't think S-Silver, or a-anybody, will be too happy if t-this healing machine c-can't heal their Pokes." She laughed nervously, scratching her head with her left hand. Raito, in the meantime, ran up to Ogre and gave a "Jolt" as a friendly greeting. He looked curiously at the huge, metallic Pokemon.

    As Sarcus and Absolution walked out of the spa room, Miki snapped out of her nervous state and turned to the door. "Weapons? Ah, w-wait up you two! Come on, Raito!" She quickly ran out of the room to catch up to them with Raito trailing close behind her. Then, a few seconds later, she poked her head into the spa room once more. "Oh, I'm Miki, in case you didn't hear it before. A-And Raito is my Jolteon. Bye!" And just like that, she disappeared from view.

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