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Eclipse Blaze

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5 Fledgling

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About Eclipse Blaze

  • Birthday 02/17/1992

Profile Information

  • Alias
    Eclipse Blaze™
  • Gender
  • Location
    Inside a sack of potatoes.
  • Interests
    Sonic the Hedgehog, Pokémon, Shounen Anime (especially the edgy, funny, and possibly romantic ones... and a little fan service never hurts!), Anything by Square Enix is pure Awesomesauce, Saints Row, Need For Speed, Hack-and-Slash and RPG Genres in General, Punk, Emo, Metalcore, Post-Hardcore, Dance/Club Music, and basically just anything that gives me a rush (Because I'm epic like that! I am also humble apparently! Saracastic statement is sarcastic!)!!!???!!!???!?!?!?

    U wut m7?

Contact Methods

  • Discord
    User: killblaze777#2696 / My Server, Ethereal Reality Permanent Invite Link: https://discord.gg/NKts9AD

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  1. In my roleplay of Pokemon Reborn that is inside of my head, Solaris' Garchomp and Tyranitar killed my Parents right before my eyes on my 8th birthday because they successful (albeit temporarily) halted the plan to create what ended up being the machine known as P.U.L.S.E. It was still finished later thanks to the earnest wishes of 2 young residents of Ametrine City being taken advantage of. Why did you make this game so sad Ame?

    1. Eclipse Blaze

      Eclipse Blaze

      It makes my personal role play that much more sad. I only survived that crap because the international police intervened. I later joined the international police, and after becoming the true champion of every other region in the world, decided to face my past, only to find out that my parents failed? WTF... and because of a young girl (not saying any names) wanted to save her sisters life? My brain is crying...

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