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Posts posted by Zetaark

  1. I think you end up having to battle Aster at some point. After that (maybe the end of the episode also, not sure) Aster will go to Eclipse's house to explain the situation. He should then let you go in her room(14.6 only) If you dont have access to it, you may have said yes at one point. Not sure since I didn't try out the other routes.

  2. Ah ok, that makes sense. Yeah back when league was a thing, Laura and Bennett apparently had a relationship. As a sidenote, Laura and Aya, at least in the league, seemed to actually be friends considering that they went to see a movie together. Also not sure how old Bennett was. I may have it somewhere, but I can't recall it.

    Edit: Also yeah Luna should remain single atm, since she never had any relationship with anyone.

  3. Well Ekko looks to be an interesting champ to play. With his ult, it will be interesting to see people use it just for the escapes or the damage. Going back in with ult after dropping W seems like something that could work. Will try on PBE when it launches and mess around with it.(Assuming I actually get a chance to play him lol)

  4. Going to have to say my favorite champs are Trundle, Ahri, Varus, and Sona. Mostly cause they are the ones I enjoy playing the most. Also trolling around with the Troll King himself makes for a good time.

  5. For me, I'd say that Noel was definitely one of the more difficult battles. That stupid Swellow, and that stupid Cincinno. Easiest for me was Samson, who I rolled over without trying all that hard. Charlotte wasn't all that bad for me, though I did use the whole rain dance thing, so that helped.

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