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Posts posted by pbood2

  1. Oh okay Trevo but then does any of the BN admins or you have control over any legendaries that you know of?

    I'll definitely check it out because i still need to read through 10+ pages of posts that happened while I was on vacation with family lol.

    Just for clarity, commander's posts about ideas for story aren't the end all be all right? We can suggest and still discuss everything especially my final admin battle and the circumstances around it for the story right? I hope so at least and I hope just because I was away while you started discussing it means I no longer have say in what happens with my characters. :D Just saying.

  2. I love that idea Trevo so thanks for coming up with it. :D

    So Phoenix shall be my gym leader kind self name and Dusk will be the mostly dark side admin. :D I like it a lot.

    Jacob or anyone, I don't remember if I came up with my admin team. I feel like I did a while ago but do you need quotes and multiple battle teams, etc Can I still have Giratina (only ghost and dragon that fits the theme of BN) as part of my final battle against the player of the game? If anything is changed and it's important for me to know, please let me know. Much appreciated.

  3. I think based on what I am seeing here, we should go with what`s easy to work with for now and then over time later on make improvements to style of sprites, music being used, etc. That way we can have something decent come together then work on improving it later. Anybody else agree? :D

    I also don't think anyone has picked my character name for me and I would greatly appreciate suggestion on which to pick between Dusk or Phoenix for a ghost gym leader turned bad guy if that is still my character (please let it be). Has anything with my character in the story changed especially due to Commander's suggestions for story. ;P Just wondering and thanks.

    Is the idea that Snow had regarding friendship between my character and his and then hatred over time due to me joining Ultima been discussed because I really like it. Any ideas for map or region yet?

  4. True and that's a great reason to make a game so good job. :D

    What is the story so far so I have an idea and so I can give my thoughts on it? I would love to be involved in helping come up with ideas for story or something if needed eventually? I'm wondering also if I still have the opportunity to have my own characters (ghost gym leader and dark spy admin for BN and being able to pick my own music for them) or is that changing? I still have to look through Snow's picks for my gym and spy admin theme but I do want to be able to pick some things and not lose creative decisions for this if possible. ;D

    Trevo has been gathering sprites? Wow that's great. Where can I see the collection of collected sprites so far if there is one?

    Anyways even though I'm not the most useful, I'll always be around and checking on this. :D Good luck but like I said, I would love to be able to help with story ideas or something. Commander said he would like to see a group and not just himself so relying on Commander and Lore is good and all but maybe create a group to help with story. ;D

    If you want awesome story ideas or reference, I highly suggest Suzerain's Insurgence (one of the best storylines ever) or Z/O because I played them and oompf they have amazing story which I loved so much. Just saying.

  5. Commander that was a very well thought-out post you made. I have seen your avatar title too :P I'm glad you don't mind me biting back. it's the kind of person I am especially if I disagree, I will let someone know. ;D It's great that you have been learning from multiple people as you go because I think that's definitely a strength if you can take criticism and grow from it. :D

    I do agree that the community should make the story and have a say because I find at this point, it's very important for each person to have something they would want. I do worry about mixing and mushing ideas and that it might make the story not as good as it could be but I believe that you definitely along with Jacob, I would love to work on story if you let me know about your ideas, I believe Trevo and other BN members would be good story people if they wanted (I've been thinking about who would be good storywriters tbh). Honest and complete answer to your question though is Jacob has ultimate say since he is the creator of the whole thing to start with. We can give ideas and see what Jacob likes but it's ultimately up to Jacob to give a yes to each.

    Can someone give me a summary of what I missed in the last 10 pages of posts tbh lol? it would be much appreciated especially regarding pitched ideas and discussions about them. :D Thanks and have a great night/day.

    P.S. CAN SOMEONE TEACH ME QUOTING? I keep clicking quote and no it doesn't work ugh. :(

  6. Commander I honestly feel you write so much and I find especially in the last post, that you are acting like you know everything but to be honest, I feel Jacob should be given the chance to do what he feels he wants to do especially storywise (if he wants to have story till end of 17th gym, let him) and then learn if something goes wrong but your suggestions are helpful so thanks for making them.

    I'm sorry if I'm so mean or harsh but they are just my opinions and I haven't been around for 10+ pages to see what you have contributed, etc.

    It seems like no one responded to my post about if you need anything from me, let me know so i'll repeat it again. :P

    This is looking awesome and so can't wait to see what happens next. :D

  7. HOLY Bleep! I have been away for so many pages of posts and I'm so sorry for that everyone. if you need anything from me, please let me know but I will be going through everything I missed over the night later so again i'm sorry but i'll catch up. ;D

    Have a great day/night.

    P.S. stop changing your names. I was like who is this Solarance lol then saw the trainer card and was oh it's jamaka but dang. ;P

    P.S.S Even though I missed lots, I'll be sure to multiquote (if I can learn how geez) and give my opinion on lots of things so don't worry. ;D

  8. Hey Lore that's a cool entry and good job for being bug but I'm curious why are you having quotes involving 3 other characters (Melissa, claros, tina) being siblings.

    It kinda seems weird like I just don't understand the progression within the quotes. Are those quotes happening before the gym battle with Seren and why are these 3 in the game and how do you know they would be included. Just wondering. :D

  9. I'm still waiting to answer the questionnaire even though it doesn't really help with potential story building but just my opinion as usual.

    I'll wait to see what Jacob thinks about this questionnaire before I put my answers. ;P

    To everyone who has answered, each of your questionnaire answers are really cool so good job for that. :D

  10. I feel like we should honestly wait for Jacob to come to see what he wants to do think story wise so then we have an idea and can then think of what needs to be done.

    Commander if he want can still post his list of questions but we should wait for Jacob which is 2ish days still.

  11. Commander I do understand what you are saying here so thanks for being more clear. I'm sorry for being mean because I didn't like saying what I did but it was on my mind and I needed to type it. I do believe after reading your most recent post right above, there was a misunderstanding somewhere which could have had something to do with time.

    I'm okay with it if people do throw ideas around because if you don't how will you be able to progress anything. I do believe that this will in turn lead to better and more hammered out story features like you think should be in this topic because of being thrown around and talked about immensely here. I also believe discussion over this topic is better than PMs because at least feedback and input can be taken from all over.

    I believe that Jacob will be having final say on everything discussed within the thread so it's not really 17 people coming up with story because if Jacob doesn't like it, he just won't use the idea I would think. :D

    I have nothing bad to say about what you said for aerodactyl but I feel aqua is trying to minimize the power of aero by giving it not the best attacks possible so it doesn't one shot everything possible. :D

  12. I think that could work Aqua because then aero is not as op than it was before being ace or whatever.

    When it comes to mega placement, I think anything about lvl 20 mega is manageable as long as you have a varied party and good strategy going into the battle.

    ALSO: 150+ posts in one day WOOHOO and 5 gym leader spots left in this game so good luck. :D

    EDIT: WOW I'm dumb but okay thanks for clarifying so I don't make that same mistake over and over. Ultima is a great name so good job.

  13. good idea aqua but what about eggmoves and tm potential for each pokemon. You don't only have to limit to level up movesets.

    I joined Black November and Team Scorpia in this thread and became admin not in the arcane thread but i'm the only one lol.

    Snow would you mind linking those songs maybe a YT link so I can listen to them easily. ;D Also great point about character development. I agree.

  14. Hey Snow. Since you are offering about remixes and themes, etc, I would really appreciate some suggestions for ghost gym themes or evil spy type theme songs for my character ingame.

    I'm probably going to look at some later on but I'll definitely check out what you suggest if you suggest some. :D

  15. oops I made a mistake in my team. Instead of mega-sharpedo, change it with greninja and make the scizor mega scizor because I forget I'm spy role so I need my aces to be ninja-y so scizor and greninja will be so. :D

    Commander you do raise some good points but what works in your reborn hardcore might not be so effective or useful here because of different field potentials, etc. Therefore, you might provide a good team, I'm going to provide a team I think would be useful to use based on my experiences sorry to say. Okay if mega-aero needs to be removed, what flying mega do you suggest then because Jacob is giving him one flying mega.

    About the story, I really think this format of throwing ideas and seeing what people think is good and easy as opposed to letting 2 main people have control over the whole story. I mean each gym leader person on this thread should have creative control over some of the story for their character. I don't know if Jacob agrees with this or not but this is just my opinion. That's the point of a thread and I believe it's the perfect place to talk about anything game related.

    Also, I would appreciate it if you stop making yourself out to be the greatest person alive with your suggestions and knowledge by saying hey PM me in secret somewhat so I can come up with all the story ideas because it's kind of offputting to be honest. Sorry I don't mean to be rude or mean but I'm just saying my peace.
    If I'm misunderstanding you, let me know but I have read your top half of the post multiple times to make sure i'm not saying anything not valid.

  16. Seeing as you are leader of the Black November it makes sense for you to be highest type of trainer being elite 4 so good idea. Up to Jacob though.

    To be honest Commander, I would love the flying to have the offensive mega aerodactyl not utility or weird set aero because it would make it challenging and more fun. Rotom-F is a great option for the team as well. Fletchinder (see insurgence for reference on how beasty this can be), murkrow, gligar or rotom-F, togetic with evio, mega-aero and tropius or mantine (both pretty bulky) would be a great team.

    We will be battling each other a lot Commander on ideal teams because we have different opinions. I promise you that :P

    Jacob if you see it, I put my admin team and please let me know if it is good. Other admins can also let me know and I would greatly appreciate the feedback.

    Love that idea Snow but like Jacob said wait 3 days to pitch ideas. :D

  17. Oh okay but you said opening 7 spots but 5 are closed so um what?

    Does that mean there can only be two more gym leaders picked?

    Can I be mixed gym leader and just use my team nitro ace team because i'm having a hard time picking a type to be lol. If not, It'll take some time (an hour max) but I'll pick a type to be then and have a team at least for you..

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