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Posts posted by Gyaradoskiller

  1. Halloween...

    Well here in Germany Halloween like in the U.S. has come here only a few years ago... and we have a similar tradition around the same time... so we get the same s*** two times in a row... thanks america!

    and boy I hate both of them...

    All I want to do is play my games or watch my series... and then the effin door rings... constantly... it's so annoying... and you are "forced by society" to be all nice to those kids... and I'd rather eat all the candy myself...

    decoration? As if I would spend money for something that is good for only one day of the year

    parties? - no... I'm not party guy... I don't like party atmosphere and the music that is played is mostly garbage in the official events around town.

    dressing up? - spending money for something like that? no... IF I would do it.. I would take a 2 hour nap and go as myself... I would be scary enough with my tired grumpyness and messy hair.


    All you have to do is lock the doors, put "I'm not home" signs, keep the lights off, and have your computer with you with zero interaction with people on the night. Thats what I do.

  2. My opinion on this whole ebola thing is short and simple.

    IF there is SOMEHOW an actual outbreak of it here in the US, it will be a glorious display of natural selection at its finest.

    Is it me, or does this sound like something Kim Jong-Un would say?
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