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Posts posted by Gyaradoskiller

  1. Obama has impressed me a great deal and I don't think he'd make a statement in this case without facts, and seeing how the witnesses disagree and so many read details are left out, I can see how he would not dare make a definitive statement can be made one way or another because there is no one side that is obviously correct.

    So I guess that means that all of us aren't obviously correct, and that all we have been doing is going around circles huh?

  2. Whether its this situation or illegal traffic stops, or policemen asking questions that directly interfere with 5th amendment rights. Things are so lax that people we hold in the office, and the people they appoint, the people we pay to protect and server us... we as a people have to be more vigilant.

    Or maybe not not-trust them at the first time of trial and tribulation.

    Speaking of office, I haven't seen Obama in this situation. It's weird considering that this is about people of his race.
  3. Wow Maelstrom, is that how you really feel. Music is an expression of ones self. Whether they lived what they rap about or have parental experience, it comes from the heart. This obviously does not pertain to everyone that raps. And you are OC for that African American comment. Are you black? just wondering.

    He's not black.
  4. What happens Darren Wilson (the cop in the incident) is not arrested?

    *Skips over the obvious commercial about a disabled war vet and John Walsh's new program about hunting down bad, bad people*

    Obvious priorities are obvious.

    He's got a barber shop has is frequented by some law enforcement figures. Why doesn't he talk about some of their own thoughts and opinions on the situation?

    He's afraid everyone's rights have been thrown out the window, not just African Americans. Too bad he can't consider the stress involved in being a police officer. He might feel the fear and distress of not being distrusted, but how well does he know the stress of being in danger because everybody and anybody could own a gun and turn it on them?

    I gotta give you that. I mean there's not very much freedom, but at the same time, was there ever?
  5. African Americans should be donating to African countries and not worrying how people perceive them.

    Too late, and you should be worrying. Because they don't trust in the African Americans as they perceive them. Rap. Baggy jeans and shirts. There is a cultural disconnect. Baggy shirts and jeans are seen as undisciplined and lazy. IDGAF attitude says they can't be bothered about their job, the company they work for, or the other people who work for their company. Flare < I Care. The value and perceptions are so different, is it really any wonder that black males aren't trusted?

    Lemme ask you something. Since there was slavery, Jim Crowe laws, and Apartheid, is it any wonder that Whites are looked at as racists when they attack colored people?
  6. What did you mean then if police weren't actually killing protestors? Speak up now, because that is what you said.

    "Killer Mike"

    He identifies himself as a killer. I am so likely to take his word seriously, Neo. So serious, Imma call 911 and report his ass. Killer knows all about peace and protests and law enforcement that doesn't kill anyone because he obviously has experience. He totally stands out from all the other shit rappers that brag how they are ganster and off everybody who looks and them wrong or gets in they way. It wasn't a black culture that said a man's word is his bond, because I can't count as high as there are rappers who are full if it.

    Neo. WTF is this shit?

    I will edit to add more once I have listened to the full video. Prepare your anus, Neo.

    You're too quick to assume shit about Killer Mike and Neo, yet you're telling me that I'm too quick to assume stuff.

    Sit down.

  7. Has anyone seen that Darren Wilson has reportedly received injuries, including an optical fracture and a few other bruises, to suggest violence before the shooting?

    I saw it on Fox, but I don't trust any news reports, especially when this issue is so heavily influenced by race and political sides.

    Seems to me just like another classic political conflict, everyone is at fault no matter which way you slice it.

    >Fox News

    No. Get out. Just no. You do not trust Fox News at all.

  8. That's rather childish, since literally no one has disputed any of the information you've presented; you've just gotten explanations as to why particular people held a certain opinion.

    He's right. Plus, you didn't exactly present any important information at all.

  9. There's no such thing as innocence in this conflict. Everyone's guilty of something. Everyone's fair fucking game. There's evil in both sides, and that's just the flat blatant truth of it. People are making piss poor decisions and are letting emotions influence them. People react to things, and in the end both police AND protesters are people, right?

    And looking back on the last few pages, it's becoming another fucking argument here that's just going to end in people getting angry. Can we not do this?

    I've actually noticed it too. That's why I've been trying to avoid this discussion now. Too bad that there's nothing else big in the political world.
  10. Tear gas is weak shit yo, do you even lift?

    "There can be considerable variation in tolerance and response, according to the National Research Council (US) Committee on Toxicology."

    Which means that it can be weak or strong depending on the situation.

    By the way, you do realize that they can get hit with canisters that can fracture the skull, right? Getting hit with them can result in severe bruising, loss of eyes, skull fracture, and even death.

  11. BULLSHIT! (Get it? :D Cuz your a cow? HAHAHAHAHAHAHA)

    It's Portugal D:< We are ahead of all your losers, and in here it's his birthday so he gets to be 21 earlier than in America.


    But you guys suck it hard at Eurovision. :/

    Happy birthday Kaito!

  12. most respected pathologist in history? never heard of him.

    Bent. Like reaching down for the holster at the cop's waist bent? Arms are highly mobile and many movements and positions are possible.

    I'm skeptical of this second/third hand relaying of information. Just because someone chooses to share one possibility doesn't mean there weren't others as well. It didn't say it was the only possibility. Let's get a little more objective here.

    Here's a little info on Dr. Baden


    Btw Dr. Baden's autopsy is the one I link to on my last post.

  13. I have yet to read that anywhere, actually.

    The absence of a recording when there normally be one would be absolutely suspicious. And illegal. Doesn't mean it couldn't have happened.

    Considering that they were taking off their badges and ID tags during the violence to be anonymous, it most likely happened.
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