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Status Replies posted by Shushup

  1. Apparently, my Cain/Fern alts aren't appreciated, despite me doing nothing wrong. >>;

  2. Hey Vinny, you're in the game as well. owo

  3. Just defeated Anna and Nomos! Cosmos(Victini) and I held on, and got our third reborn badge! Watch out Titania, because Cosmos and I are coming for ya!

  4. Finally done with college!!!! :D

  5. Laura tells me "Are you ready, Shushup?" I got ready and then boom......server disconnected~....

  6. If our love's insanity, why are you my clarity~?

    1. Shushup


      Funny, how I read this but I sang it... with just seeing the first 3 words

    2. (See 6 other replies to this status update)

  7. I dont like Fern. I want to set him on fire

  8. if anyone can fix my save file, please help. heres a link to the post with my problem: http://www.pokemonreborn.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=8228

  9. if anyone can fix my save file, please help. heres a link to the post with my problem: http://www.pokemonreborn.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=8228

  10. ..I should think more carefully about my moves next time. I ended up more or less KO'ing about half my team against Aya.. >>;

  11. ..I should think more carefully about my moves next time. I ended up more or less KO'ing about half my team against Aya.. >>;

  12. I'm starting to give up on Noel. Seriously. I'm sick of this bullshit.

  13. Someone please destroy Noel's U-Turn Brave Bird burn + Facade spamming piece of shit birds.

  14. i lied i love u

  15. Elite block down! Just the champions to go!

  16. No, really. There's no leader more infuriating to beat than Noel. Fuck this, I'm going to bed.

  17. I want the key to Shade's Gym so I can evolve my fking Magneton ;-;

  18. My laptop charger fucking exploded. I need a new one, send help.

  19. YES FINALLY DEFEAT SHADEEE! (after 10 tries..........)

  20. FINALLY beat Shade!

  21. i dont want to be a swimmer

  22. Stop talking about Spring Break. It's Easter!

    1. Shushup


      Yea, but Sunday is just the celebrating the Feast that Jesus will have soon in the week, and comes Good Friday then comes Easter, the day that Jesus has resurrected or as most non-Catholics/Christians, the Bunny will hide it's eggs :)

    2. (See 10 other replies to this status update)

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