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Reborn Development Blog

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Everything posted by chase_breaker

  1. OMG hahaha and yes... same boat with my Infernape...
  2. I'm not sure... He'd have to have some major character development for me to ever like him.
  3. It's official, we all hate Fern :D

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. SapphireSkyWillow


      I don't

      Then again

      There is something really wrong with me

    3. chase_breaker


      It's okay there has to be one in every crowd :D haha

    4. SapphireSkyWillow
  4. I'm glad I'm not the only one. Ha! I like fucknut. I love burning his grass pokemon to the ground haha
  5. With out getting into Spoilers, I just wanted to comment on something. I hate Fern. I'm on (I think) chapter 3, where you have to go get the key for the wasteland. Any way not trying to give away too much but man I hate FERN haha. I can't say it enough. I think I just wanted to say this because I've never... and I mean never actually had feelings of hate toward a video game character before but this game... this game makes me want to! Ame this is awesomely written and I appreciate you and all your people who work so hard on making this game so great. I wish nintendo could do a game like this. I guess if enough people see this and play it and rave about it, they might! That is all!
  6. @Silver how do I get a Sig like the one you have that has all your pokemon your party. I think that is so awesome. I want it!
  7. Okay so I a mac user too. Go into your Pokemon Reborn file and remove the all the midi audio from the game. It will stop freezing so much. Save often. If you are unsure about how to do this here's a walk through. Command F (search for Pokemon Reborn) -> Audio -> ME (file) -> Click and drag it to a new location. I picked desk top. I'm hoping that the music will get patched soon on an upcoming episode. That is the fix for the mean time. After that go ahead and go into BGM in the Audio file too. Remove the Battle Meteor Admin theme, that will stop an upcoming freeze for you. Let me know if I can help with anything else.
  8. I'm telling you even though Moxie isn't working. Dragon Rage can pull you through some battles where you don't have a battler advantage.
  9. Yea something will come to rescue you eventually. Took 10 minutes for me lol.
  10. Maybe you feel how I feel about where I currently live. I live in a city called Corpus Christi, but I'm moving as we speak the hell away from this nasty place. People would tell me oh you live by the beach it must be beautiful. I might be to some people but I hate it greatly. Get the Magikarp dragon rage is worth it!
  11. Yea that makes perfect sense. My Gyarados is really strong even just at lv 34. Find myself leaning on him to get through tough battles. You think Dublin is that bad? I don't know I just always wanted to go see other Countries. I've been in the US my whole life and I want to spread my wings a bit and expand my view points.
  12. Thanks Ashka! Dublin eh? I hear it's beautiful! That is sad! I wish it could support all the pkm but I understand it's a process. One day they will all be here I'm sure!
  13. chase_breaker


    Hello and welcome!
  14. What is even cooler... I just found out that Swinub is obtainable I'm pumped!
  15. I'm here to stay baby!

    1. Summer


      you said that waaay too early

    2. chase_breaker


      why do you say that?

    3. Garnet.



  16. Thanks man. I do enjoy myself a bunch here. I haven't been apart of a message board in a while but this is right up my alley. Hope it's up yours as well!!
  17. LOL Miku. I just watched the Wine tutorial on youtube then I downloaded the Wine with Bottler app. Then it's just like opening up with an emulator . You have to right click the .exe, then open with and search wine and then open Thanks Ame, glad I can stick around. You just have to put Gible in the game... or if there's a Swinub I can prolly just be okay haha
  18. Finally had time to read through the site. Didn't realize I was supposed to introduce myself. *cringes* Hmmm where to start. I have played Pokemon since the original games. I was instantly hooked. I had a Gameboy, and a friend of my parents bought this game I had never heard of, it was called Pokemon. It was bought because we were going to Florida and we had a long plane ride to Orlando. I guess you can figure where we were going on Vacation. My parents friend, had a daughter who was a 2 years younger than me. LOL no it isn't a love story. She just looked at me and said... "Red or Blue?" Even though blue was my favorite color, I said red because of that cool looking Dragon thing on the front. I happened to pick Charmander as my first companion. I played it to completion but did not capture all the pokemon. I picked up Yellow because by that time I had watched the show and wanted a Pikachu, something I never got in the first game. I went through a weird phase in High School where I didn't want people to know I liked Pokemon. I convinced myself I didn't so Pokemon then didn't exist for me until my 3rd year of College. I got a room mate who had Pokemon Diamond, and I loved watching him play it, he was really good and he showed me so much about the game. He showed me a whole new way to play that was advanced and had math skills and strategy and holy crap that looked cool. I too picked up Diamond and my other friend from HS picked up Pearl. He didn't play for long he didn't like it still, but me... I was hooked. I have been ever since. I haven't missed a game. I would like to go back and play the games I missed but I just haven't. Shame on me I guess. I feel I have time though. On to present day. I saw Jwittz and he was talking about fan made games and even though I was on the internet I didn't really put the two together that people out there were awesome enough to make their own games. I can't remember where exactly I saw Pokemon Reborn, but it was definitely on a list like that one. I thought man dark, more adult themed, pokemon are not as easy to get. HMM Anyway, to wrap it up... I'm here! I play on a Mac via wine. Even though the game has problems on wine, and has some bugs I love to try to figure out how to make it run smoother on my cpu. Let me say I love this game! I have my third badge and I've never played a pokemon game that seriously... kicks my butt so often. I'm like afraid to grind ha. I hope I can get to know some people on here and I'd love to help out if there is room for a mac user. Thanks for reading this if you did.
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