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Posts posted by Gardevoir

  1. [url="http://www.pokemonreborn.com/index.php?showtopic=4"][img]http://www.pokemonreborn.com/images/intro/radomusi.png[/img][/url]

    [b]Name:[/b] Radomus
    [b]Type:[/b] Psychic
    [b]Position:[/b] 13
    [b]Badge:[/b] Millenium Badge
    [b]Days available:[/b] Mon, Tue, Fri.
  2. ...As if I'm going to let any rogue Kitty steal my spotlight... These are my highlights! Mine! And MY Gossip! You can't take that away from me!

    ...<3 you, Lara? ^^

    Out of a total 17 battles fought on Friday, exactly 7 badges were awarded! Congratulations to the new qualifying trainers, Doc and Middleman, as well as the others who finally got their badges!

    ...Less congratualtions to Florina, who despite losing much more than the other entry-level leaders last week, shifted up in rank.

    Cal, Corey, Julia and Heather continue to fall this week, as Cal finally reaches the lowest position- what shame! Blake, on the other hand, continues his rise, having gone from position 4 to 11. Not bad for an Oafking.

    ...boring stuff aside... Friday night was very exciting for all of us! The recent appearance of Team Meteor brought an unexpected but very [i]un[/i]pleasant surprise in the form of their leader, Solaris appearing... with a mind controlled Amor! You have no idea how fantastic this was!
    ...only for storytelling purposes, of course... ^^
    But, sadly, in the end, AmethystStorm challenged Solaris to an end-all fight, and earned the freedom of Will, and Amwhore. Shamed and distraught, Meteor turned tail and fled...
    Oh well...

    Featured Battle:
    [url="http://www.pokemonreborn.com/logs/380.html"]AmethystStorm vs Meteor Leader Solaris[/url]

    Gossip Gardevoir

    if only...
  3. *huggles everyone but Geo*

    Out of a total of 13 battles played, 5 badges were awarded! Congratulations to Mashew, Nightmare, Will, and Bullet for being the third person to earn 13 badges!

    And of course...
    That means the mysterious and magical 14th leaders profile is revealed!
    ...Hiya~ I can't waittt.

    Featured Battles:
    [url="http://www.pokemonreborn.com/logs/335.html"]Bullet vs Shelly- Misplayed Indeed[/url]
    [url="http://www.pokemonreborn.com/logs/336.html"]N8 vs Blake- Weaville >[/url]
    [url="http://www.pokemonreborn.com/logs/341.html"]N8 vs Blake- The Second Coming of Weaville[/url]
  4. Mhmm... You can't fire me~ And I already said, my true secret identity is Bullet, not Amethyst.

    Anyway, on Friday out of a total of 6 battles played 4 badges were awarded! I notice as the number of battles decreases, the number of badges rises... If we keep this pattern... That means... The most badges will be awarded if nobody fights!
    Everybody, quick, stop making challenges and you'll win!

    In Rank shifts this week... Nothing surprising!
    Cal and Corey move down, Blake and Kiki move up! Yayyyy!
    Oh, and everything else that implies...

    Featured Battles:
    [url="http://pokemonreborn.com/logs/332.html"]Miss Kitty vs El- No Spore Necessary[/url]

    Gossip Gardevoir
  5. Ohmygod. You all have No idea how badly I want to talk about how much of a FAILURE Amethyst is!
    Sick Wednesday, late yesterday, even later today!
    Trainer cards unupdated! Tournaments late, gym leaders and members alike mysteriously vanishing!

    Can we fire him?
    Please? <3

    Out of 8 battles played, only 6 were won, because Amethyst is lame! Yes, that makes sense.

    And that's all he gave me! That's it! Done! Out! Whoo!

    Strike, strike, strike, strike!

    Gossip Gardevoir
  6. So I just have to stop talking about Miss Kitty.... Iiif I tried to cover everything that happened with her, I would simply have to explode. And we wouldn't want that now would we? <3

    Out of a total 14 battles played last night, 5 badges were awarded! Congratulations to Bullet, Max, N8 and Nightmare

    That said, Blake, having lost two three people this week alone, seems to be losing his cool. While his previous ratio will probably slip him past Julia and up another rank, he's continue incline may finally becoming to a stop. That said, Blake's battles WERE pretty close- check them out below.

    In other news, lolGeo is smoooooth! Only turning to Miss Kitty instead of Yuki now! Woowoo.

    It seems Corey's starting to hog the spotlight this week. Although he's not a very spotlightish person... Oh, good luck~

    Featured Battles:
    [url="http://www.pokemonreborn.com/logs/308.html"]Bullet vs Blake- Round Four and Final[/url]
    [url="http://www.pokemonreborn.com/logs/315.html"]Nightmare vs Blake- Out Stall'd.[/url]

    Gossip Gardevoir
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