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Posts posted by Gardevoir

  1. Hmhm, okay~

    Soooo a certain lAmethyst didn't want everyone to think league was dying, despiiiite the fact that it didn't run for two weeks? How silly! But why shouldn't it? He can blame the absence of certain Line Hosts like Tenshi or Saya...
    Or you could look past and see the truth- after all, wasn't the league split into lines so that parts of it could run even if the whole didn't? So why should all of it shut down, hm...?

    The truth, Ledyba and Gentlemuk, is that the line hosts weren't the problem, the leaders themselves were!
    Ame's always said that he's prided the league on having suuuuch awfully, loyal, reliable leaders, didn't he? So he wouldn't [i]dare[/i] admit when they started dropping like flies!

    What's that? Yes, I said it. He lost his [s]marbles[/s] leaders~

    But he wouldn't dare tell you how, hm?
    [color=#696969]I'm pretending like he didn't just give me the okay to say how, because it's no fun if it doesn't piss SOMEONE off~ ^^;;;;;;;[/color]
    Let's start with the boring ones... And who more boring than Florinia!
    (no one)
    We all knew she resigned in the first place, and only came back when Ame finally had the decency to spare us all the Fern... But she didn't [i]really[/i] want to come back. So she dropped out again. Oops! How lazy!
    And speaking of lazy, Blake decided he'd rather spend his time on Black Ops or whatever you punk kids play these days, rather than actually have, like [i]commitments[/i] or [i]orphans to take care of[/i]
    But again.
    It's not as if Heather herself wanted to be here either. We all know she hadn't said a word in months, poor [s]brat[/s] girl. Ame and Blake agreed to keep her around so she wouldn't isolate yourself, but I guess Blake gave up on that?
    I guess you could say that's quite...
    *puts on sunglasses*
    Cold-hearted of him.

    But we can't really talk about Blake without talking about Cal, can we? Well, we could, but that's no good! We all know that Cal only joined in the first place to show up his brother, but eventually got over his toddler-esque fixation with Kiki's help, and has since been studying under her. But ever since Kiki's been in the hospital... Yet [i]again[/i], he's had no reason to be around.
    As for Kiki herself, she's on her third trip there... The doctor's apparently goofed up the first two times? But we can only hope she gets better........ again.

    But that's a sad ending! How about a happy one?! Shelly actually asked her brother, Bugsy, if she could see him, and he finally invited her back home to his new gym in Johto! If she's going to stay there long... Well, we can only hope~

    Don't worry! I know you're panicking, but don't worry! With all these losses, you're thinking, "But Gardevoir! Will you still be around? I can't live with out you!" Don't worry! I'll still be serving as your resident columnist! I wouldn't dare let you all down~ ^^
    Because [i]apparently[/i] Shade likes delivering Psychic Leaders to people, Ame decided for [i]whatever [/i][i]reason[/i] he'd rather use the person Shade brought to him than me. Me!
    I can't work under these conditions! I'm going to my trailer!
    ...And by Trailer, I of course mean Miss Luna's beautiful new house! You know she moved in with her mom, right? Well, there's an empty room across the hall from hers, and so I'm taking over while Master's gone...! ...At least until the creepy boy who's supposed to live in this room comes back from his field study. >>

    ...Soooo... I just said it, too... Master's gonna be gone for a while... I know, I know! Hold your tears though, he'll be back! ...Juuuust after he clears up a bit of legal trouble.
    And you can blame it on a certain latin-spouting, sunglasses-sporting religious freak!
    Those of you who were around that night might remember a certain bout when Elias said that he had taken the liberty of being a creepy jerk and [i]stalking[/i] Master's travel plans when he was going around dominating all those Chess tournaments, right?
    [i]Elias is a liar and made up a bunch of lies based around how there were never really any tournaments, but Master was secretly meeting with foreign CEOs and arranging import and export processes to play the American stock market, and then they came and took him away for it![/i]
    It's all a lie... Master would never do that.. Don't believe Elias! Even now he's on his way back here to take Luna away again!

    ...And so I distract myself with [i]other [/i]people's problems! Isn't that always the best way?
    Unfortunate, I was denied the pleasure already of telling you allllll about the secret, steamy, lesbian love relationship between none other than Amaria and everyone's favorite frigid bitch Titania! [color=#696969]inb4squid[/color]
    The two have started dating! ....What's this, it's for the second time? It seems even Julia didn't know what was going on behind some closed doors... Speaking of which, I'm told she actually blew up her own computer...? Yeah, apparently dry ice and modified voltage settings don't mix well with Toshiba. Who knew?
    But back the draaaama. So you all remember our good friend Ikaru and his ever-lofty pursuit of the steel-clad princess, hm~? Well, not only is his princess now staying in another castle, but she once made him a promise that if he ever found out her secret, she was going to quit, since the whoooole reason she joined was so that Amy [i]wouldn't[/i] let anyone find out. Oops?
    And of course, with Titania would go Hardy, since he was only ever here to show her up, and Amy herself... How sad! Though I think her challengers might be happy about not being walled before the champion battle any more, isn't that right, Will~?

    Speaking of the champion? Wellllll, it's funny how certain people never existed in the first place. You all remember Bullet's ever-dramatic farewell spoiler, and how he said he was Lin? I'm sorry to say, it's all true! Isn't it odd how she knew so many random things about people only someone around a lot could know? Guess why~
    Once upon a time, there was a real Lin, but since everyone was soooo sloooooow to unlock her, she quit before she ever appeared here, and so Ame asked Bullet to take her place. Tsk, tsk, tsk... But that little facade is all over now~ There's a new champion in town. ^^

    And that leaves two! Cain would have been happy to stay on as leader, buuuut, oh, I love Cain, you know? He just makes it sooooo easy for me.
    Let's start with Cain got his pretty-boy-butt grounded~
    'Cause mommy caught him with someone.
    Not just anyone!
    But another pretty-boy-butt.
    Go Cain! Next time video tape it! what, I did soooo not say that! ^^;;;

    As for Terra, well,
    Ame's been looking for a reason to fire her for ages now, hm?

    [b]And that brings us to next week, where the Reborn League is restarting with a brand new cast of leaders~[/b]

    Not to bore you in the mean time though, over the course of the week, we'll- or, well, haha. [i]I'll[/i] be bringing you tidbit-by-tidbit about what you can expect from the new season of Reborn~

    Stay tuned! <3

    Gossip Gardevoir
  2. Sh.

    There are people, right now, in this [i]very[/i] forum who do not want the truth to be known.
    And I [i]know[/i] you aren't one of them... right?

    You can keep a secret, right?
    Because I'll give you seventeen! ^^

    What lAmethyst doesn't want you to know is exactly [i]why[/i] the league has been dead for so long! S/he doesn't want anyone to think the site is falling apart, and that league is forever_dead.jpg so he hasn't told you guys anything, has he...
    How sad! How unfortunate for you! [b]Your government is lying to you! Protest! Rebellion! [i]Viva la revolucion![/i][/b] and all that jazz~

    [color=#696969]Except don't because [i]technically[/i] I'm part of that government, too... But I represent the people! I swear![/color]

    But how sad, there's no closure? That's just wrong! You don't know about the secret relationship between Titania and Amaria, or whatever became of Blake and Heather? You won't be told if Kiki has finally died or not? This is injustice!

    But I can tell you...
    Shall I?

    What do you say, can you keep a secret?
  3. No, your eyes are not deceiving you! We are finally reopening the Reborn league! When you may ask can my adoring fans see me again? I will tell you! Next Monday, the 19th it will reopen with three lines! What?! There's only three again?! Yes it seems that with the recent events we are back to three lines! (Hopefully this means I get more spotlight time!) ^^. Now, you may ask what does this mean for you as a challenger? It means:
    Sapphire Line: This line will be ran by Ikaru [s] Of course he would want a dark depressing color.[/s] The leaders on this line will be. Hardy, Shelly, Elias, Luna, Titania, Julia, Lin. Good luck to you all! You are going to need it ^^
    Ruby Line: This is going to be run by... Oh what's this? Ikaru's new girlfriend, Ashley? Titania won't like this~ On her line will be. Amy, Shade, Terra, Heather, Cal. Amy on Ashley's line and Titania on Ikaru's. Oh the drama I can feel it brewing already!~
    Emerald Line: This line will be run by Mashew. What? You thought he left? Oh no. His replacement will take care of his line. At least till he.. "comes back to Reborn." On his line is. Victoria, Florinia, Cain, Blake and.. The star of the Reborn league, me! Yes! I am the beautiful main event of the Emerald line! I know, all my adoring fans can't wait to see me in action again!

    I was told to tell you all that the schedule will be updated and blah blah blah. This all is very boring. The most important part of this all is that I will be returning! ^^ Until next time on the highlights!

    ~Returning Gossip Gardevoir
  4. Hello my adoring fans! It is now day two of the revamped Reborn highlights!~ Now now... I know.. You all love me and want my autograph but this beauty queen has other matters at hand!

    Sooo (l)Amethyst didn't let Reborn league run again today! Why must he torture you all by keeping me from you?! We should start a petition to get him replaced!~ I mean what?! I so did not say that. But it seems my time today is cut short on the fact [i]nothing[/i] happened... How can this be? I am left.. Gasp.. Gossipless! Someone call the police! The army! The national guard! This is an outrage! Well it seems I must go now.... Oh but first I do have a small bit of gossip! It seems that Mashew has enlisted the help of Rodaku to get Heather to talk. Now, I personally don't think she is worth the time.. I mean... People trying to get her to talk just cuts into my spotlight time! That will not do! We must do something about this my adoring fans, A.S.A.P! Until next time!~ Which, apparently won't be until next week... What?! Amethyst you are keeping the league closed all week? I will definitely be having a word with you when I see you!

    Gossip(less) Gardevoir~
  5. Well hello there everyone! It is I! The one and only Gardevoir!~

    I have finally come back after traveling around and winning [i]every[/i] beauty contest I entered!! (Some I didn't even have to enter.) But now I have come back to give you all the gossip and, of course, to kick some butt in the league!~ But, enough about me [s]even though you all love hearing about me[/s] let's get to the gossip!

    Well the first day that I have come back and the league.... Didn't even run?! This is an outrage! Ridiculous! My fans demand to see me battling at my finest! So let's see exactly what happened tonight...

    Tournaments that no one entered... Boring!
    Main chat remained dead... Lame... Just like Ame!
    Auth stayed in a private channel talking.... Now this is some news!

    It seems that our dear auth had a meeting tonight... You ask for what? Amethyst and Savage seemed to be stepping down from running lines for the league. [s]Can't say I'll miss them ^^[/s]
    Also, it seems we are getting new people to run the lines? Who you ask? Well my dear fans I will tell you! It is none other than: Ikaru, Tenshi, Saya, Ashley and Mashew. Oh joy!.. More boring people who will be trying to take my spotlight!

    Well.. That's all the gossip I could come up with since Ame didn't run the league and let my fans welcome me back!

    Gossip Gardevoir~

    Featured Battles: None since league didn't run but.... Everyone can smile a lot more now that I came back! ^^
  6. I get that you don't like me and all. Fine! If that's how it is... It's not like I put hard work into updating these for you day after day for so long... So okay.
    If I'm not doing them,
    Well, I made sure that this little Roserade over here isn't either. <3
    [color=#000000;background:#000000;' onmouseover="this.style.color='#FFFFFF'" onmouseout="this.style.color='#000000']It's super effective![/color]

    Gossip Gardevoir... signing out.
  7. I do not approve.
    3/15 people won last night, and I'm just about through making remarks on that sort of thing,
    Because I do not approve.
    First this Roserade
    And [i]then[/i] Titania [i]herself[/i] shows up here and starts pitching a fit (surprise) where everyone can see it thereby completely invalidating my existence to comment on things that you can't see!
    She even goes against Amethyst's rules! Amethyst doesn't even know where Roserade came from, so-
    Well, then again, when has Amethyst ever really had anything under control?
    [color=#000000;background:#000000;' onmouseover="this.style.color='#FFFFFF'" onmouseout="this.style.color='#000000']Never.[/color]

    Dear Rumor Roserade and TitaNightmare,
    Please go die in a ditch.
    With love,
    Gossip Gardevoir

    I would totally talk about all the juicy Valentine's day nonsense that happened, but the only remarkable thing involved Titania who I am now personally boycotting...
    ...Meaning I will have nothing to talk about...

    ...Lin beat Ice again, but that's old news...
    ...Julia trolled the hell out of Ikaru in X-League...
    ...Kaze overcame Elias for Saya, and she's hitting on someone three generations away... But...
    It all seems so worthless... It's true, nothing here does have depth anymore!
    What to do what to do...
    I'm so lost without the drama!


    Goinginsane Gardevoir

    Ps. Featured battles:
    [url="http://pokemonreborn.com/logs/1312.html"]JuliaX vs Ikaru- Nighty-Night Knight Light[/url]
    [url="http://pokemonreborn.com/logs/1314.html"]JuliaX vs Saya- Dragon of Boom[/url]
  8. And now, the real highlights! I sincerely (somewhat) apologize for being absent, I was on a lovely trip with Master, which was delightful~ But I come back and I've been replaced! With a Roserade! SHE'S FRENCH! Sheesh, I knew you guys were fickle, but to have a change in a highlight writer faster than Mashew changes love interests...


    3 people won, which is about 3 more than the number of people that like RR~

    N8 beat Kiki, who he was stuck on for a while, and questions were raised about why her badge is called the Fury Badge. Personally, I think that should be mine at the moment...

    Saya became our first champion, so good on her! That marks the first major success we've had since... well... ever! Super congratulations! Too bad you still have me in the X-League? Oh? Is that a challenge? Why yes, Saya, yes it is. Come on~

    Neku's been trying to be friends with Florinia, for some reason, and a philosophical discussion arose as to what a friend really is. Only on Reborn... Anyway, he was forced to talk to Titania about why she back-stabbed Neku's attempted [s]lover[/s] friend. That's deeeeefinitely going to turn out well for him~ (Especially since Titania already doesn't like him- Good going, Neku, calling Titania attractive "for her attitude")

    Featured Battles:
    [url="http://pokemonreborn.com/logs/1230.html"]Tyler v. Shelly- Stone Edge fail~[/url]
    [url="http://pokemonreborn.com/logs/1238.html"]Tom v. Shelly- Slow Bugs[/url]


    There was a total of four successes, four more than the number of friends RR has!

    Neku tried to bring up the topic of Valentine's Day with Amaria, because he's totally being faithful to Florinia. Very subtle~ Don't think you can slip past me.

    And Tink, you have successfully managed to be mentioned for your success against Cain. Your life's goal has been achieved. You may bow to me now. ^^


    [url="http://pokemonreborn.com/logs/1251.html"]Blake v. N8- Steroid Weavile~[/url]
    [url="http://pokemonreborn.com/logs/1252.html"]Amaria v. Will- Amaria beat Will? No way![/url]


    Two victories for Reborners today, two more than the number of highlights RR will be doing in the future (Are you picking up on a trend?)

    Cal faced off against his fanboy/best friend/lover Nateh, and beat him, but was a nice person doing it. A nice leader? Cal? Heresy!

    My butler went undefeated in six battles, a great achievement! Now where's my tea? Elias?

    Savage meanwhile has gone insane after losing to Shade, an unfortunate byproduct of being here way too long~


    [url="http://pokemonreborn.com/logs/1260.html"]Elias v. Cameron- Those walls...[/url]
    [url="http://pokemonreborn.com/logs/1263.html"]N8 v. Blake- Un-Steroid Weavile[/url]


    Another four victories for challengers, four more than the number of good highlights RR did, and equal to the number of times I've made fun of RR so far!

    Valentine's Day has been a popular theme for the week, as people and leaders are pairing up! Now, Ikaru? Try to resist your temptations and don't make a valentine for Titania. It's for your own [s]safety![/s] good! Oh, wait...

    Nateh rematched Cal and showed him his valentine, and Cal immediately took Nateh to his room for privacy. What transpired? No one knows~ But Mashew certainly seemed upset, if you know what I mean!

    Batman strangely asked Shelly to be his valentine, because that's totally not creepy at all. Nope!
    Also, it's Shelly's birthday Monday, so no one forget! [s]Or else she'll get more depressed[/s]

    [url="http://pokemonreborn.com/logs/1274.html"]Hardy v. Tyler- Focus Blast pain~[/url]
    [url="http://pokemonreborn.com/logs/1276.html"]Cain v. Muin- I'm So Sick (of Cain's music)[/url]
    [url="http://pokemonreborn.com/logs/1279.html"]Avion v. Cain- Feel the burn~[/url]
    [url="http://pokemonreborn.com/logs/1283.html"]Cal v. Nateh- Awkward valentine...[/url]
    [url="http://pokemonreborn.com/logs/1284.html"]Batman v. Shelly- Even more awkward valentine~[/url]


    Three victories for challengers yesterday, and I'm totally out of ways to make fun of RR! Anyone want to help?

    Kingo defeated Hardy, after twelve battles! We did some math, and figured out that at that rate, it'll take Kingo until about July 27th for him to beat the league! Better get comfy~

    Ika defeated Lin, becoming the second champion! Let's do some more math here, though:

    Ika > Lin
    Titania > Ika
    Titania > Lin?
    [color=#000000;background:#000000;' onmouseover="this.style.color='#FFFFFF'" onmouseout="this.style.color='#000000']Me > RR[/color]

    Hey, what do you know! I came up with something! ^^


    [url="http://pokemonreborn.com/logs/1289.html"]Cain v. Rodaku- Awake, Crobat![/url]
    [url="http://pokemonreborn.com/logs/1290.html"]Florinia v. Blair- Stalling is (Eru) fun![/url]
    [url="http://pokemonreborn.com/logs/1302.html"]Heather v. Neku- Lying loser~[/url]

    Gossip Gardevoir who-is-superior-to-Roserade-if-you-didn't-realize-that-already
  9. 5/14 people won last night, coincidentally the number of people that like Titania. (Ikaru voted five times~)

    Cain had the epic faceoff with Nateh to determine ownership of Mashew, who is apparently an object now, though why anyone would [i]want[/i] him is beyond me~ I mean, what? We love you, Mashew!
    Additionally Cain has begun making plans for to meet with some of the other leaders... Starting with- Heather. That's a brilliant idea... Right? Wrong!

    Let's see, what else. Oh! Lin will show up starting Monday, and after that you all get to do the X-League and fight me!
    I feel like that's going to be so fun [s]for me only[/s]

    The race for who will be the first in the hall of fame is on!
    A four-way tie between Ice, Bullet, Ikaru and Saya has emerged for the first claim on Reborn's hall of fame.

    Featured Battles:
    [url="http://pokemonreborn.com/logs/1219.html"]Saya v. Titania- With a not-so secret spy~[/url]
    [url="http://pokemonreborn.com/logs/1222.html"]Nateh v. Cain- Fuck you (ooh ooh ooh!)[/url]
    [url="http://pokemonreborn.com/logs/1226.html"]DomWolf v. Cain- Heat Wave, what?~[/url]
    [url="http://pokemonreborn.com/logs/1228.html"]Connor v. Cain- Cain's having a bad day[/url]

    Gossip Gardevoir
  10. 2/14 people won last night, a percent much like the percent of Doc's videos that are good~

    To start out Mashew failed to confess his undying love for Cain to Nateh... Just kidding, it's the other way around~ See, apparently Mashew and Nateh have started dating behind everyone's backs, and they said no body knew! Good god, you all. You can't keep this secret from me~ [color=#000000;background:#000000;' onmouseover="this.style.color='#FFFFFF'" onmouseout="this.style.color='#000000']Let the speculation on what else I know begin![/color]
    Meanwhile Saya was the one who had the stones to tell Cain, and it seems he's about to try and steal Mashew back. Oh ho!

    Meanwhile Neku ended up raging against Cal, which give Cal peace... somehow? He lost and was happy. Did someone give him a brain transplant while I wasn't looking?
    Neku also pry Julia and Amaria for random information about Florinia, such as things about cat and little brother... because that deeeeeeefinitely makes sense~ Sure, you know what you're doing, lolGeo! Get to it!
    Also he was pretty blatantly hitting on Amaria, but he's only about the 1547th person to do so~

    Featured Battles:
    [url="http://pokemonreborn.com/logs/1203.html"]Neku vs. Cal- Rage is good?[/url]
    [url="http://pokemonreborn.com/logs/1208.html"]Amaria vs. Will- Half the log involves bagels... what?[/url]
    [url="http://pokemonreborn.com/logs/1209.html"]Nateh vs. Julia- Part 284~[/url]

    Gossip Gardevoir
  11. 100 highlights! Yaaaaay! We've reached more highlights than all-time victories in the league (5/16 last night)~

    Notably, Ikaru beat Amaria, opening up access to Lin next week. Who wants to bet that Mashew'll hit on her [i]immediately[/i]?

    And speak of Mashew, another love triangle opened up (we have what, 5 now?), and it appears Cain will be two-timing both Mashew and Tyler.
    Then Mashew felt awkward. First Julia, then Cain... who next, Shade?

    But, anyway, Cain'll be sad, and spiral into emoville like every other leader. Except for Terra, but we all know why she isn't!

    [color=#000000;background:#000000;' onmouseover="this.style.color='#FFFFFF'" onmouseout="this.style.color='#000000']SHE'S HIGH~[/color]


    [url="http://pokemonreborn.com/logs/1182.html"]Kingo vs. Blake- Who's the oaf now?[/url]
    [url="http://pokemonreborn.com/logs/1186.html"]Kiki vs. N8- Baton Pass~[/url]
    [url="http://pokemonreborn.com/logs/1189.html"]Ikaru vs. Amaria- 1% HP...[/url]
    [url="http://pokemonreborn.com/logs/1190.html"]Cal vs. Neku- "Ikaru: ... Geo what possessed you to lead with two fire weaknesses?"[/url]

    Copying Gardevoir
  12. Last night, 5/14 people won. Normally, I'd call that failure, but it's Reborn. Can we expect more than that?

    There was some drama last night, as AZKnight went crazy after being spurned by Luna and accused Master of foolish things. Master quite rightly put him in his place. So there~
    To add insult to injury, Savage declared his love for Luna. Well done! Wait, what...?

    Ika talked with Titania a while, and before you ask, there wasn't failure! Wait... what?
    Yes, apparently Titania defended Ika against Soul, who accused Ika of having no skills with girls, [s]like I've been saying for weeks now[/s], and he even got to hug the crown bitch!
    Although, we're now meant to assume that Ika is meant to be the princess in this relationship, which makes sense if you think about it~

    Featured Battles:
    [url="http://pokemonreborn.com/logs/1166.html"]Savage v. Luna- There are much better ways to hit on someone than beating them, Savage~[/url]
    [url="http://pokemonreborn.com/logs/1174.html"]Ikaru v. Radomus- Just. Shut. Up.[/url]
    [url="http://pokemonreborn.com/logs/1179.html"]Titania v. Saya- Lesson learned: Don't send a Tyranitar in when your opponent has a Doryuuzu~[/url]

    Gossip Gardevoir
  13. Last night 4/16 people won, a staggering total! Four more than normal~

    Soooo Savage confessed his undying love for Shade. That type of thing seems to happen a lot around here, doesn't it?
    And then he proceeded to beat Shade with his rain team, after this fourth or fifth attempt? Humilation=Best start to a relationship~

    Meanwhile, Amaria and Ika went off into a secret channel to talk... For hours into the night...

    [url="http://pokemonreborn.com/logs/1150.html"]Blez vs. Shelly- Blez talks enough for the both of them~[/url]
    [url="http://pokemonreborn.com/logs/1154.html"]Luna vs. Nateh- Somewhere, AZKnight is crying, doesn't know why~[/url]
    [url="http://pokemonreborn.com/logs/1162.html"]Savage vs. Shade- Lovers' Quarrel?[/url]

    Gossip Gardevoir
  14. Psssst... Can some on tell Geo to start making sense in his posts please?

    Anyway! 5/12 people won last night, iiiiiiiincluding Bullet (finally)~!
    Meaning Lin's profile has been unlocked!
    Oh, and also all of the Leader Profiles have received an update in the new format, because Ame actually [i]did[/i] something for once in his life!

    But that's not the fun part.
    No, sir.

    How do I say this? Oh, Amaria. Drama everywhere, I love her! [s]...Dramaria?[/s]
    But it's like this... No, let me do it like this.

    Here is a list of people who have confirmed or rumoured to like Amaria:
    [list]Me, because [i]Drama[/i]~
    But! Here is a list of people who Amaria likes:
    Yes! It's true!
    And yet... Here is a list of people who Amaria likes and actually like her back:
    [list]...[color="#181d1b"]Nothin' to see here folks, move along![/color][/list]
    Here is a list of people who's heads are exploding because they're caught trying to choose between two people, one whom everyone loves and loves him, and one who everyone hates and hates him:
    Silly boy~

    Featured Battles:
    [url="http://www.pokemonreborn.com/logs/1137.html"]Amaria vs Tenshi- Super-Serperior! With a bonus confession~[/url]
    [url="http://www.pokemonreborn.com/logs/1138.html"]Terra vs Saya- DITTOYUULOSE[/url]
    [url="http://www.pokemonreborn.com/logs/1142.html"]Amaria vs Will- Deliverance indeed~[/url]
    [url="http://www.pokemonreborn.com/logs/1144.html"]Amaria vs Ikaru- Lovers Quarrell! [/url]

    Gossip Gardevoir~
  15. 6/16 people won last night, an improvement by your standards~

    Neku got married to both Julia and Mashew, setting up a fun little love triangle~
    He also asked Amaria to help with his crush on Florinia, which our water leader was delighted to do. That's three people he's in love with now, if you're counting...
    Yet this doesn't really beat the new man-whore, [STK]Tyler, who proceeded to hit on Amaria, Shelly (pedoterritory) and Cain (Mash'sterritory), the last one without even knowing Cain was a guy. Although he did continue to hit on him, afterwards... applause!

    Ikaru and Ice had a falling out, and Ika's mood died for the evening. He incited the worry of Amaria, and now it's rumored that he likes her now! Don't be silly everyone, he clearly loves [s]Ame[/s] [s]Titania[/s] Me!

    Kiki beat Nateh 6-0, much to everyone's amusement~
    [color=#000000;background:#000000;' onmouseover="this.style.color='#FFFFFF'" onmouseout="this.style.color='#000000']This is the 217th time in a row Nateh has lost to Kiki, a remarkable feat considering that the league hasn't even gone that long~[/color]

    Saya beat Amaria last night, becoming the second person to do so and revealing the dragon leader's name: Lin!

    [url="http://pokemonreborn.com/logs/1121.html"]Julia vs. Domwolf- Why would you ever use a Cheri Berry?[/url]
    [url="http://pokemonreborn.com/logs/1124.html"]Thomas vs. Florinia- Florinia+Nottriples=Failure[/url]
    [url="http://pokemonreborn.com/logs/1130.html"]Neku vs. Cain- Heehee~[/url]
    [url="http://pokemonreborn.com/logs/1133.html"]Saya vs. Amaria- Curse fail~[/url]

    Gossip Gardevoir
  16. Why not you? Riddle me that, Squidman.

    4/21 people won last night, a percentage that equals Ame's success with anything~

    Shelly's being depressed, but what else is new... Well, new is that she's named some of her pokemon (Volbeat, Yanmega, Urugamosu) after various people in her life. Bugsy, Heather and Cal.... If only there was a Bug/Psychic... What? Given their histories, however, this.. [i]is[/i] a bit concerning.

    Nevermind that! It seems out new member Roger has already developed a crush on both Julia and Luna. In just one day! Mashew the man-whore would be proud~

    However, Florinia's lack of emotion has been explained! [s]She's a robot![/s] She said that she cut out emotions to be more efficient, and so that she didn't have to feel any sort of pain... So... pretty much my first explanation.

    Meanwhile, Master put Luna's care in the hands of Elias, a move that has [i]no[/i] significance whatsoever~ I mean, suuuure, you could say, or he could say, it's to help try and get them back together, but Luna's creeped out by him, so let's not okay? Okay! Luna feeds me, so let's not creep her out. Good!

    Finally, Nateh has finally reached Kiki- wait, why is this important? Well! Back, back in the days of old, before we had people like Doc [s](Ah, the good times...)[/s] and back when Kiki was the lowest rank (what?)... Nateh could never ever ever ever ever ever ever beat her. Oops! And looks like that can continue now!

    Oh. [Insert random Ikaru + Titania gossip here].


    Gossip Gardevoir

    P.S. Ame, get a job you lazy bum!
  17. No, you're making yourself sound silly. Besides, that was just satire~

    6/19 people won last Friday! ...There are no words...
    Now given the 19 people, you'd normally expect that this would have taken about 15 hours, given how fast Reborn goes normally, but no. No! Why, you ask? It's really quite simple. The only reason we got through in any sort of decent time is just this- Because there was no drama! At all! (Fairly sure this is because of the absence of both Julia and Titania last night~)
    But to be honest, that's not exactly fun for me...

    Also, let's get one thing straight. Master Radomus definitely beat Ice. That totally happened. Shush.
    And also Ice is definitely not maxed out on badges now. Definitely not. Shush.
    Though, hypothetically speaking, that would make him the first challenger to do so, and hax or not, wouldn't that technically mean he's better than a certain ex-fanboy of mine? Hm~

    Meanwhile, Ame is going to be raging soon because of [s]Every mod abusing their powers[/s] a certain triples glitches that has repeatedly now dramatically changed the outcome of matches by not allowing leaders their turns, but switching around their Pokemon in triples randomly... Inconvenient? Yes! Because it was just that that caused Master to lose to Ice! ...Hypothetically, of course...

    That's not enough. I need to manufacture drama. Hmm.
    [color=#000000;background:#000000;' onmouseover="this.style.color='#FFFFFF'" onmouseout="this.style.color='#000000']Would Ikaru being in love with Terra make any sense? Well, whatever. Let's go with that.[/color]

    Featured Battles:
    [url="http://pokemonreborn.com/logs/1087.html"]Neku vs. Florinia- Fear the Bronzong[/url]
    [url="http://pokemonreborn.com/logs/1097.html"]Radomus vs. Ice- Nothing to see here, move along~[/url]
    [url="http://pokemonreborn.com/logs/1103.html"]Florinia vs. Connor- Fear the Leafeon[/url]

    Imaginative Gardevoir
  18. 5/16 people won last night. While a good hit percentage for a baseball player, that's not that great here~

    Ame failed, because he does that. Oh, you want details? I thought just saying Ame + Fail would be enough. Fiiiiiine... See, He read the availability list for Friday, and gave people the option of fighting Florinia. Personally, I don't know why someone would actually [i]want[/i] to fight Florinia, but that's besides the point. The most important thing? Ame failed! This is, however, compounded by the fact that Florinia didn't correct him of this, and in fact [i]came on the server herself[/i] before anyone said anything.
    Although she did seem to be pretending that she knew all along. Truth, or a clever cover-up?

    As for what else happened... A lot, actually. Mashew fought Julia, defying all logic. First you're hitting on Amaria, then going back to Julia... it does make for good gossip, though~
    Bu! The key here is that Mashew 6-0'd Julia, because Ame didn't send her Mash's right team. Again. Amethyst? Fail? I'm sorry, I can't tell the difference between those two words.

    Mean while, Shelly's getting worse, talking less and less. If only --Ikaru with Titania-- Ame could learn from her~ Despite the best efforts of the entire server, effectively lead by Hark in counsel that would put most cinematic inspiration speeches to shame, the poor girl continues to withdraw more and more. She [i]says[/i] she's fine, but she's not exactly a great liar~

    On the bright-ish side, Ice beat Amaria, so apparently he's the best of everyone here. Woooooooooow~ This means that once one more person defeats her, we'll finally learn the name of number seventeen. ...After how long?

    Let's see, that's two Ame failures in one day. Falls short of the record (23.7, if you're curious) but not bad nonetheless~

    Featured Battles:
    [url="http://pokemonreborn.com/logs/1071.html"]Hark vs. Shelly- Hark's a psychiatrist. Who knew?[/url]
    [url="http://pokemonreborn.com/logs/1080.html"]Ice vs. Amaria- Derpface sweep![/url]
    [url="http://pokemonreborn.com/logs/1083.html"]Amaria vs. Saya- Speed tie failure~[/url]

    Gossip Gardevoir
  19. 2/11 people won. Is it fair to say that all of you suck? (It is~)

    Shade and his Shedinja are beating all rain dance teams, because clearly it's impossible to deal one point of damage! ^^

    On the other hand, one of the two people who managed a win was Nateh, who beat Blake after receiving the rare un-rage from Cal. Maybe Cal has a soft si- Sorry, couldn't write that without laughing~
    Aaand the other? Ice, who Urugamowned Titania, because that's clearly a clever pun~ Worthy of Ame's Offical Seal of BadJoke! As for why Ice didn't just do that the first time? Who knows...

    Lastly, Amaria made her debut tonight, and Mash immediately started hitting on her. Of course.
    (He rebounded awful fast from Julia, didn't he?)

    Ikaru asked Amaria about Titania, because he's definitely trying to [s]stalk[/s] understand her. He must learn something.
    ...Phew! Had to get that out of my system~

    [url="http://pokemonreborn.com/logs/1060.html"]Nateh vs. Blake- Blake hates Sandstorm![/url]
    [url="http://pokemonreborn.com/logs/1061.html"]Amaria vs. Saya- Beginner's luck?[/url]

    Gossip Gardevoir
  20. No need to state the obvious, Will!
    Last night, 2/14 people won. Must resist... urge... to laugh at people... for the millionth time... Eh, not worth it. Haha~

    A surprising lack of drama happened last night, [color=#000000;background:#000000;' onmouseover="this.style.color='#FFFFFF'" onmouseout="this.style.color='#000000']probably because Titania wasn't there[/color]. In lieu of that, my master did beat Ikaru, who clearly can't figure out battling or dealing with [s]bitches[/s] women~

    What is noteworthy, though, is that Shelly is losing her confidence. It's almost as though something was... dare I say... [i]bugging[/i] her?

    She even implicated that she might stop talking completely (which should probably be a punishment delivered unto Ame... Please?) This development seemed to bother even Geo, which scared me. He has feelings of any kind? Impossible!

    [url="http://pokemonreborn.com/logs/1045.html"]Shelly vs. Neku- DRAMATIC BERRY EATING[/url]
    [url="http://pokemonreborn.com/logs/1046.html"]Saya vs. Luna- Double'd Ditto[/url]
    [url="http://pokemonreborn.com/logs/1056.html"]Julia vs Batman- Double rainbow all the way across the...battle?[/url]
    [url="http://pokemonreborn.com/logs/1057.html"]Shelly vs. STK Tyler- Hail fail~[/url]

    Gossip Gardevoir
  21. Congratulations to the 6/17 people who actually did something meaningful last night, including newcomer to the league, Tink, the same who was so uselessly challenging Titania's ideals the other night. Seriously, you may just as well argue with a steel wall- oh, wait.

    Further applause to Ashley, who at the top of the evening faced off against her own antagonist, the brooding silent Julia (something a few weeks ago we might have thought to be a paradox...) and pulled off a win for Mashew's honor! That honor was shortly thereafter crushed as Julia beat Mashew again, despite him even running sand and mole. Oops~ Mashew, shouldn't you at least be able to sweep an electric team with what might be the most deadly ground type? Shame...

    Speaking of sand and failing, Cal failed at fighting sand, choosing for some... strange reason to take the sand teams that came on at him, in singles. His inevitable defeat led to both he and his lover storming off in rage. Awwww, how cute.

    And as for lovers- something... very strange occurred last night... As Rodaku took off for the night, he left a message to be delivered to Terra. The message? "FLEEP" He said that this should be translated as "I love you," and whereas any normal human being should have been throughly lost, it's quite clear that Terra is far from normal (no surpise there) as she... seemed to know instantly what it meant, and was rather shocked at it. Have they made up their own language, or is there a true psychic connection?!
    Neither. Everyone is just crazy...

    And finally, at the end of last night, just as Tink qualified his very first league team, Shelly faced off against their friend, ConnEr, who was promptly 6-0'd. In response, he left, bashing his head against various things to his own pain, and Shelly's disturbance. It seems little Shelly couldn't quite take the guilt from the disappointment she cause ConnEr and she, well, somewhat freaked out. The people online succeeded in calming her down a little, so good job with that, and yet she left saying something about Stopping... Stopping what? You can't leave us hanging like that, Shelly? It's too suspnseful! (So good job!)

    Featured Battles:
    [url="http://www.pokemonreborn.com/logs/1007.html"]Julia vs Ashley- The Phantom Freezehax[/url]
    [url="http://www.pokemonreborn.com/logs/1009.html"]Julia vs Mashew- Attack of the Moles[/url]
    [url="http://www.pokemonreborn.com/logs/1015.html"]Cain vs Rodaku- Revenge of the Music[/url]
    [url="http://www.pokemonreborn.com/logs/1017.html"]Cal vs Kingo- A New Rage[/url]
    [url="http://www.pokemonreborn.com/logs/1018.html"]Terra vs Ikaru- The Hippowdon Strikes Back[/url]
    [url="http://www.pokemonreborn.com/logs/1021.html"]Shelly vs DragonZ- Return of the Dragon[/url]

    Jedi Gardevoir~
  22. What can I say? Sometimes I don't know my own strength~

    Congratulations to the 3/10 people who won last night! Congratulations to myself who is renouncing any hope for decent win rates!

    And congratulations to Reborn for finally breaking 1000 battles! It's been a long and dramatic road for everyone except boring ol' Kiki, so here's to many more battles, badges, and bad puns in the future! The actual 1000th battle is posted below for your viewing pleasure, that being a strong contender in the league, Savage and his rain team, against the ever-ominous Shade!

    Incidentally, the 1000th battle [i]would[/i] have been Round 3 of Whitney vs Blake, but apparently Ikaru isn't the only one who likes to fall asleep at his keyboard~

    And that brings us to the finale of the evening, as Titania [i]once again[/i] took out Ice, and in turn Ikaru. But the twist tonight? She set her supposed knight-in-shining-armor on ignore for the whole evening, not even speaking a word to him once.
    But did that stop her from flaunting her attitude all over the place? Not at all! Even throughout her battle with Ikaru, she was instead arguing against newcomer to the league, TinkeryIt about much of the same that Ikaru had said to her in the past, and then some... Perhaps this spells competition for Ikaru? Better watch out~
    Even so, at the end of the night, just before fleeing, she gave one final spiel to Tink, which within, to the shock and surprise everybody, she referred to Ikaru as a friend! Could it be sarcasm? Irony? Or has the knight's warmth finally melted a hole in the iron rock we call Titania's heart?!

    Featured Battles:
    [url="http://www.pokemonreborn.com/logs/999.html"]Luna vs Kingo- OR, Power Ranger vs Megalon[/url]
    [url="http://www.pokemonreborn.com/logs/1000.html"]Shade vs Savage- The Millenial Battle![/url]
    [url="http://www.pokemonreborn.com/logs/1004.html"]Titania vs Ikaru- The Fated Showdown, pt. 2[/url]

    Gossip Gardevoir
  23. The number last night- 2/16! Mere, meek, and measly, all of you!
    Though to note, they [i]were[/i] both against the new kid Cain... And I'm going to stop right there, because I don't even want to remember, think about, much less, [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xhE632UeaX8"]haunt you all with the Special Track Cain played for Mashew in their battle.[/url] No! I would never do such a terrible thing! ^^

    Meanwhile, guess who was right about the new trap in town and Blake?! But when I said that a rivalry between Whitney and Blake would arise I was just a little bit understating... After Whitney's second loss last night, it turned out that Saya and Whitney turned on each other! Whitney even went so far as to flat-out call Saya his "enemy," too which Saya took the low blow and, addressing Whitney as Trap Girl!

    And even more, having finally defeated Julia, Nateh took up arms against Blake, the same Shandera in hand that Uxie murderer him with, and still managed to lose! Prompting even Saya's own "son" to turn against her!

    ...It's so much fun!

    ....Ahem, but. Saving the best for last, of course... My Master! He, naturally, crushed his challengers last night, and looked stunning doing it!
    Even so, there was some... discussion... afterwards about myself and the butler Elias, and I would like to clear one thing up, and one thing now!
    Just as Radomus said, I may have hypnotized him before in self-defense... He [i]did[/i] try to kidnap me, what was I supposed to do?! ...But it's been his choice not to wake up. And just as Radomus said, we're simply allowing him to stay with us until he finally can wake up and return to his own life. Of course he doesn't even know he has a previous life now- if we were to send him off, that would just be cruel. And it's not like we can wake him up ourselves... So really... We're doing him a favor! That's right!
    So no more blaming us, right? Right. Glad we go that cleared up!
    And it [i]so isn't my fault![/i]

    Featured Battle:
    [url="http://www.pokemonreborn.com/logs/992.html"]Shelly vs TinkeryIt- Scizor cuts through![/url]

    Innocent Gardevoir
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