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Status Replies posted by Hyouka

  1. First off, thinking of D&D due to seeming like fun at the sacrifice of my social life. Also, RAYMAN ORIGINS COMFIRMED FOR A GOOD GAME.\

  2. First off, thinking of D&D due to seeming like fun at the sacrifice of my social life. Also, RAYMAN ORIGINS COMFIRMED FOR A GOOD GAME.\

  3. So one game I built Ziggs AD...

  4. just found out i have summer school. dat geometry class...

  5. No longer at risk of going to juvie.

  6. School is accusing me of trying to buy marijuana and is involving the police. I'll be amish until I can prove they're lying sacks of shit.

  7. *Doubts that he will ever be able to meet Amaria* :[

  8. *Doubts that he will ever be able to meet Amaria* :[

  9. I need someone who plays guild wars QQ

  10. The next person who thinks that autism is a disease is going to die a slow and painful death tonight.

  11. I remeber when my trainer card wasnt missing 4 or 5 badges

  12. I always hate school when there is only a few weeks left

  13. ...Kaito is at work. Hark is dead and I'm having a nervous breakdown. Hmm...

  14. 12 years and 4 separate tries but I finally finished OoT

  15. I always hate school when there is only a few weeks left

  16. Ruining it, but.. C-c-c-c-combo: http://prntscr.com/9agy7

  17. Welcome to another version of "something I ask gets ignored constantly". Today's episode...

  18. Rofl the two status' underneath mine

  19. I need my laptop

  20. oh gOD WHAT ALLAN

  21. So now that's it's confirmed that I can, in fact, play Brawl on my internet, I need people to play!

  22. So now that's it's confirmed that I can, in fact, play Brawl on my internet, I need people to play!

  23. So now that's it's confirmed that I can, in fact, play Brawl on my internet, I need people to play!

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