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Posts posted by Shgo

  1. j1zuTlX.png

    Despite popular belief, Madstone is worth your gold to purchase on Fiora, especially on TT where Vilemaw is such a crucial chokepoint to victory.
    As you know, Fiora is quite squishy and doesn't stand a chance in fights. That's where the Frozen Heart and Mallet come into play, even giving her some much needed CC to boot.
    The Grez's Lantern also adds more to this build. As you can imagine, having both of these frozen items could really chill down a champion, thus comes the Lantern's warm flames to keep her blood boiling for the fights to come!
  2. most stressful game of my life

    Kio: Featuring me; the guy who dc'ed five times in the beginning of the game against the also dc'ed but also there faster kennen.

    I was only able to get 20 CS by 10 or later because of it. Thank goooooodness for late scaling and Tony. Shoutout to Janna


  3. ZWoe91V.jpg

    Unfortunately you can spell Teemo without team #Phreak? While he can provide good map control and scale well into late game, he offers pretty much nothing to a team fight specifically. As for split pushing, while he is a lane bully who excels in 1v1 situations for certain match ups early game, he is incredibly easy to gank pre 6 which can shut him down mid to late game. I don't understand the correlation between Nidalee and Teemo though; feel free to elaborate on that if you want.

  4. I really don't like taking hexakill too seriously which probably shows in my end game stats, but as far as getting counter jungled goes, you have to remember that there were 6 people with tp invading, and our ad + support were stuck bot lane which of course means we'll more than likely have to give up the buff regardless. What you should have done is go directly to your red and farm up the jungle until you've caught up. This is where communication with your team is key. You need to remind them to place some decent defensive trinket wards and position perfectly. You'll also need to plan your route around where you think the enemy jungler will gank so you can be there to provide counter pressure.

    I also noticed you were complaining about being continuously invaded, and my response to that is since you knew you were behind from the level 1 invade, you should have focused heavily on putting some defensive wards in your jungle and taking advantage of knowing their position on the map. That's also where I should have come in to provide more vision and support for you.

    Sorry for not communicating as much as I could of in game, but I honestly just didn't care and was messing around mid lane the whole time. If it makes you feel any better though, the enemy jungler was Platinum.

    Wes is garbage and AP Udyr is the real OP [:

    OH quick note, you probably want to build more defensive when you're behind like that.

    Does not want to fully reply so hostile post takeover

    I just got /really/ frustrated with the whole invade for first blood and then getting stuck in place and i guess i ran right back into all of them at blue? that kinda sucked. the game did go better eventually but that start was the wORST ever- and when i went for red, suddenly pantheon :(

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