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Posts posted by Shgo

  1. Anyone who uses the word fagtard needs to seriously reconsider how they are living their life...

    I need to stop editing this but fk it q:

    I just remembered the time when my friends and I had to present this assignment in front of the whole school and I messed up (I think I forgot what I was saying or something) then followed that up by saying shit (you know how you fk up something and you're all like "shit! that really just happened?") so everyone could hear.

    Not exactly my best moment xD

  2. I think Jroy means that by switching out the 4 HP EVs for like defense or something you can switch into rocks 5 times instead of 4 in case tentacruel dies to a possible surprise eq from a physical Latios (I may or may not be considering running Dragon Dance Latios now ^-^). Other than that your team looks strong :c

    I give you 10 Joey faces --> :J out of 10. Keep it up!

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