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Posts posted by Geo

  1. [quote name='Dragonz996' timestamp='1303810660' post='12982']
    Where'd you get the name Neku
    I been using Neku since I join Reborn, I wasn't seen with it unless you went to the beta server but now you do. It was actually my training name in the past but lets move shall we....leave my past alone.
  2. [quote name='Dragonz996' timestamp='1303810428' post='12978']
    Who invented the Lou Thesz Press B)

    [s]I already know the answer but please, do tell me what you find[/s]
    Da who wut?
  3. [quote name='Dragonz996' timestamp='1303809525' post='12972']
    y u rename AIDS to HIV?
    See: dat Weezing
    Its only natural to name a Weezing after a disease or something having to do with smoking.
  4. [quote name='Professor Layton: Pokemon Master' timestamp='1303808380' post='12970']
    what is the airspeed velocity of an unladden swallow?
    Google is your friend...Thats looks like an HW question meh boi.
  5. [quote name='Professor Layton: Pokemon Master' timestamp='1303807982' post='12967']
    Ok first question, When is The persona 4 anime finally gonna come out?

    (starting with some non-troll to evolve into troll)
    Who knows? I watch things like Fate/Night and Bleach.
  6. [quote name='Maelstrom' timestamp='1303807516' post='12961']
    If you were a wild pokemon in the safari zone, how many rocks/ mud clumps would it take before you ran away [s]or broke the rules and attacked the trainer[/s] ?


    Only one, then i'll open up a fresh can of whoop ass on the trainer who threw it.
  7. [quote name='Dragonz996' timestamp='1303807513' post='12960']
    y u no liek ur past

    y u escape ur past by using new name?
    .......... I'm not escaping, my past been resolved but I don't like cause of how I used to be. hopefully I don't go back to that.......
  8. Here's a topic where you can ask me questions and i'll attempt to answer them If I find the question abit personal or to hard to answer, I will say "ask another". Do not ask me about answer to HW. >> google is there for that. your teacher copy paste and print things from there. this just for fun.*looks at camera then shoots it* ......she is watching my movements as well as Ikaru's.
  9. [quote name='Dragonz996' timestamp='1303728629' post='12867']
    Oh, I read that already.
    y u write sad story, sounds like a typical storyline in a hentai manga though o_O

    [b]EDIT:[/b] Where'd you find them?

    I always write sad short stories, they start off happy and ends with a twist or death. my poems are pretty good tho, not scary or sad, it just have meaning. However this the wrong topic meh boi to discuss this in.

    Theres Hentai Manga......WTF, GOOGLE! GO GO GO!!!! MUST READ!!! *O*
  10. [quote name='Dragonz996' timestamp='1303727733' post='12863']
    Raid you say? I've got [s]10[/s] 6 people waiting to battle them.
    That, or we can go weatherfag and break all of Smogon's rules :)[/quote]

    Basicly, their all weather fags themselves, they just fail at it. so wynaut

    [b]EDIT: Is this that story you were talking about?[/b]
    Nope, but check your inbox for the URL.
  11. (19:34) [ROD]Maxie: aren't u the Reborn Groupie Neku?
    (19:34) Neku: .......I'm not a groupie.
    (19:34) [ROD]Maxie: but ur wit Reborn.
    (19:35) Neku: and?
    (19:35) [ROD]Maxie: tell amethyst we challenge Reborn to a battle.
    (19:35) Neku: Ame is gone.... and why challenge Reborn? I'll kick all your asses by myself.
    (19:36) [ROD]Maxie: ur too cocky, bring it noob!
    (19:36) Neku: .....that was the quickest way to piss me off. Gj! >>
    (Insert Asswhooping )
    (19:43) [ROD]Maxie: ur gud, that means Reborn is a pro server.
    (19:43) Neku: Don't even compare me to the likes of them, this birdy is on his own. don't even use my name and Reborn in the same sentence.
    (19:45) [ROD]Maxie: how can u even say that?
    (19:45) Neku: why are you wasting your time "Raiding servers" when theres only 3 of you and yet you call me cocky. >.>
    (19:46) [ROD]Maxie: we cud manage, just tell ur server that ROD is coming to kick their asses
    (19:46) Neku: Fine whatever.... Like I care really about Reborn.
    (19:50) [ROD]Maxie: I dun get why u hate Reborn. I been there in lurk mode watching you troll people and lmao, but here u are treating them like they did something to u.
    (19:51) Neku: ..... bye!
    (19:51) [ROD]Maxie: w8.....didn't u use to be orange, why so black and angry. why are u acting cold instead of trolling?
    (19:53) Neku: LawlRacism. now Bye!
    (19:53) Neku: Oh and Reborn has like 6 people that would battle counting myself out the mix it might be 5. Try to get two moar people or out number that.
    (19:54) [ROD]Maxie: thnx Neku for the Info. we'll raid them soon.

    And where's the Raid you ask, I don't fucking know!
  12. I wrote this on paper, I just want to share it and see how good it is. Its a story that ends with.......well find out.

    [i]As the day started, two sisters awake. One full of joy, the other with hate. The joyful one would always play and was able to brighten the day, but the sister who hated was vile, manage to to set that straight. She would glare , kill, and plant fear into anyone, who dares to look her way. She'll even threaten the joyful one but yet she didn't care. The Joyful one was always happy until that scary day, the sister arranged her day and she was set for rape. The sister lead the joyful one deep down an alley, where the people she hired grab her sister and cause the virgin rape. The Joyful became taken by pain, crying for peace in her but there came lust who turned her into a slut as the men had thier way. The sister laughed but cried out help when they decide to shoot, the poor slut, unable to move still begging for more to have but the men, right on sight, had killed her before hand. The hatred in the sister had turned to sorrow then fear, she beg and beg but the men didn't care and end her too, now look what this story brought you. [/i]

    Ain't it sad~

    Rate from 1- 10 plz.
  13. ain't this just a wonderful side of bitch puddin. *takes off troll mask with a devilish smile* with all the emotions and hormones bouncing every damn where in the server Its going to be [s]Eru[/s]fuun to watch. [s]inb4 one of the auth go insane[/s]

    Edit: [s]I'll just watch it die instead[/s] Bye AmethyPornstar,Troll, Bieber ,Trap and whatever fking else I call you.
  14. Someone seems paranoid :rolleyes:

    This tier is simply usless. This is just as pointless as having a Weatherless Tier , you gain no experience whatsoever from tiers that only exsist for your satisfaction, your basicly hiding from your problems instead of solving them, you can't win every match Klolso just learn from them. Beside Jirachi's cheap ass Flinch hax can always be stopped and its really not a good example cause of a whut? Shadowfag Chandelure! If its not then it theres Vaporeon or things that resist Iron head.

    I vote No


    If you read it, Shaymin - S is ban and all but 1 Deoxys forms are ban. the 1 form thats not ban utterly sucks. your point invalid completely. I suggest get all your fact straighten out. I know the Tier list on the server is buggy but still it doesn't changes anything.
  15. I was thinking, maybe we should hold a wanted poster contest and why wanted poster? Well for one thing its for fun and the prizes would benefit the League and the sprite shop coming soon(we have something else for people who aren't in the league. another thing is I would like to see who ends up on a poster out of the members and leaders. anyone intrested? [s] I suck at making people intrested, I'm use to always making them leave[/s]

    Minimum people needed: 5
  16. I like this Dr. [s]Dumb[/s] Doom whatever he is~

    @Mael Gipson: Ame actually took Doom from my Troll lock which made me Q.Q [s]Ame is such a party crasher[/s]
    So what reward should we give this guy :P At least he was better then the spam noob but dumb to not know he was being counter trolled.
  17. Giga Drain can be a bitch too depend on the user while Drain punch can meet Mr. Shadowfag and get complete walled in. Infact Mr.Shadowfag also laughs at Grass moves too and leech life? Leech life hmmm herp so fimiliar.... IT MUST BE POWERFUL IN SOMEWAY!!!(ifucantidentifysarcasmufail.)
  18. Reason why DMX says its Hail+Sun depending/tips:
    "You can have coverage but it will never be complete and total."
    "Blizzard effects everything while sun boost fire which screws you over."
    "The code can be rearrange to provide coverage you need, but again it might not be total."
    "Try to lose one the weather user or be close to losing it with low HP and send it out for scouting."
    "Remeber, one side have to be stronger then the other in order to use it or you can just rearrange it the way you want to get what you need."
    "Good Luck"

    My Team: HOOOSS

    Sableye: Just to stop people from setting up and burn pokemon, It also will attempt to Stall Hail abit.

    Obamasnow: I'm using a scarf set for him, I was about to give him Growth but I has nothing with T-wave or able to put pokemon to sleep for it can sub up and set up. DMX told me to use a sub seed set but I'm not a leftover whore.

    Genosect: I has Blizzard on him + Life orb even tho I should go for Leftovers on him, he gets the best from both sides A.k.a 100% Accuracy Blizzard and Boosted Flamethrower. I should use Tentacruel over him but nah. also stops Outrage from Trollin'.

    Hitmontop: This my rapid spinner and with Intimidate + a burn and leftovers it should take hits nicely, I also have one with Technician Ankle sweep for my other Hail/Sun team in the making.

    Sun side:

    Ninetails: This Fox is the reason why i'm not using much Status much cause I got Hypnosis on it which I hate IMO, I carry a balloon it so it can come out and kill things like Metagross or Trolololololo with a focus sash.

    Leafeon: This is a Cheer up Leafeon with made to kill fuck over Heatran who tries to get the sun boost and attempt wall it and some Tentacruel.

    So far the Sun side seems Good but the Hail side is holding me back abit. If you want the Leafeon set I'll be happy to share it if you ask.
  19. (11:54:01) DMX: Geo, you realize any team could work right?
    (11:54:05) Neku: Yea, but its impossible to pull of some teams and combinations.
    (11:54:10) DMX: Combinations can be pulled off always, some require moar work then others, thus is why your taking a Lesson of Weather Combinations from me. >:P
    --skip normal synergy explaination to combination synergy--
    (00:12:11) DMX: Positive Synergy Weather Combos: Rain + Sand Hail + Sand. Negative Synergy : Hail + Rain Rain + Sun. Depending Varible: Sun + Hail
    (00:12:15) Neku: Depending? Shouldn't it be Negative? ._.
    (00:12:19) DMX: Rave and I manage to pull it off with HH SS OO ..............Key: H = Hail S = Sun O= Pokemon to provide at least coverage or support.
    (00:12:22) Neku: Impossible............Well I know Rave can pull everything off since he likes kinda like Bullet sometimes but thnx Draco.
    (00:12:25) DMX: Who is Bullet? O.o ....Nvm, anyway time to delete PO off my comp again, c-ya on Ebuddy or somethin'.
    Intresting~ BTW This is extremely Old, appearently DMX saves everything he talks to me about so he can black mail me later.
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