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Posts posted by Geo

  1. [quote name='Bullet' timestamp='1309293044' post='16984']
    I vote Mysidia, cuz we [i]might[/i] even have a slight chance against em :L
    PBC is no different from Mysidia if we're talking about chances and all but wynaut Mysidia since "We" know them~ I'm pretty sure if the choice was between PO or Smogon, it would be like picking to get Trolled or Assed out.
  2. Why isn't bacon a damn mod yet, Geez it's best thing on earth nexts to Tacos. Oh I get it, your modding people not "gods" like ze tasty delicious bacon. Ame, i know your a vegiterian but what has bacon ever did you Q.Q. j/k anyway gratz Inuki and lol Winter wut the fuck?
  3. My memory feels fake.... I don't remeber much of anything, I don't remeber who I use to be or nothing, All I can recall is certain events especially the event that lead me here and the rest went blank from that point. I feel like my body was acting on without me tis whole time. Wanna know whats crying shame? I don't remeber how I got ban or recall doing anything and No I haven't been dranking I've been quit it during March. So seriously who are you all really? tell me what happend fill in the blanks I need and someone plz.... TELL ME WHO THE FUCK AM I!!! I really feel like I've been dead mentally or just a fail copy of the original. Its feel like Geo = Original Neku = copy gone wrong. I just don't know....
  4. Hey Dumbells, your not open minded enough! Tis post isn't useless at all. Heard of the famous text walls on Reborn that lag the fuck out of people despite it being in another channel (sometimes). It can go here instead of being posted in the chat and pissing some of us off unless its Serious buisness or private.

    [s]I don't pay attention to the chat so I appear in at crappy moments saying the wrong thing but yet I know wut happens on it, aren't I magic[/s]
  5. [quote name='Neo' timestamp='1307486189' post='15497']
    Fairies vs. Monsters


    (1.You only use pokemon from the "Monster Egg Group."
    (2. I can only use one's from the "Fairy Egg Group"
    (3. No Items.

    Sounds goood eh? Always Available

    Also if you wan't Geo, I could post these in a section on my youtube channel. Since my firered runs can't go there <_<
    Thnx Erick :D and sweet Monster group FTW :3
  6. [quote name='Bullet' timestamp='1307486767' post='15498']
    Challenge: <insert name here>

    Rules applying to both of us:

    1. No Dual Type Pokemon.
    2. No Fully evolved Pokemon. That means Pokemon that don't have an evolution(example: Zangoose) are also banned.
    3. No Eviolite. I'll have to go with honor system on this one.
    4. All Pokemon are level 42(set in the teambuilder).
    5. Every Pokemon on your team must be of a different type.
    6. No hazards.
    7. No weather.

    Rule(s) exclusive to you:

    1. Only Pokemon from Gen 1-3 allowed.

    Rule(s) exclusive to me:

    1. Only Pokemon from Gen 3-5 allowed.
    I like this Challenge, so yea I accept it. It seems like a rival type battle to just strict!
  7. [quote name='Owen V. Seattle' timestamp='1307418096' post='15440']
    Allright I just now got an Idea...

    Eeveelutions against eeveelutions

    2. you can use any eeveelution
    3. NO ITEMS

    its quite simple, No?

    Im readily avalible on weekends
    so be there... Ill be waiting
    Alright I accept, don't have anything downloaded and Ninpen is being Ninpen so I'll just post the Log
  8. Yea my adventure to Disney world in the form of a Rhyme Scheme!

    My adventure starts in the castle, what else is new I brought a toy dat wasn't even brand new. The first ride I saw was Childish as hell but however a teen mother was there. Her Child was 5 who likes to hide and the only way to find him was to cry. I told the mother to try to cry and out out came the child all googley eyed.(He was wearing something) She think me and rewarded me with a smile and wave but however I wanted to get laid.(bummer) Venturing deeper and deeper I found a food stand who sold me something that burned my hand, I bitch'd and whine til they passed by, laughing at me attempting to show pride. "Oh fun" Both were Bi, bodies nice and fine, all I wanted was a number but they saw my cucumber.(yea never wearing thoese pants again >.<) She say tis to me " Hey big boy, you wanna play with me" while the other one just smiled and behave But however I asked "hey wats your name?". She replyed with offer no man can't deny but however time wasn't on my side. So I replyed back " umm gotta fly" but however they said, that I was gay. (>>) I ran back to meet up with my folks to catch ride and get soaked, but however I caught a float. Later on i saw thoese hoes, both flirting with a pole. They attracted a man who was covered with gold but really does he know? If you fuck a hoe, you'll get aids but since they're bi wouldn't it be..... ahh whatever~

    There is moar but I'm tired, however tis was the highlight of my day.
  9. I'm surprise no one requested "One winged angel" but hell even I'm sick of FF7, its too damn overrated. you say FF everyone assume your talking about 7 which is just annoying. Seriously FF2, 4, 5, 6, 8, 10 all need moar love, I never got FF9 nor played but I know it needs love too.
  10. Negatives about Ame, since I'm never on the positive side unless there's something in it for me.

    Trick me here without revealing the loophole about Terra...... real nice bro <<
    Lies(Mostly harmless) and Forgetful >.<

    Hmmmm Nice.
    Keeps saving my ass especially from myself.
    Took me in during the most horrible time in my life.
    Puts up with my addittude when who could've kick me to death.
    Help us establish Exc.
    keeps saving my ass.
    Best Trap ever.
    keeps saving my ass.
    Again Steadly Saving my ass.
    Much moar, can't name tho.

    Basicly I owe Ame moar respect then I give him(seriously look how many times I put "saving my ass")
    but my addittude, actions and motives don't allow it.... you don't want to know my true motives. *slams Top secret lable on post* but Thnx Ame, even tho I call you a fool sometimes I still have a spot in the void I call my heart just for you. [s]Try not to let go of anything, MUAHAHAHAHAHA![/s]

    I should visit Kiki and learn how to control myself and lose some of this Negativity... WAIT NO NO NO FUCK NO SHIT NO HELL TO THE NO will I ever resort to dat not even If Ame threatens me to do it. (inb4 threat that'll make me do it) I GOT MY OWN WAY*Blows up a building* and it works everytime!!! Thnx for the Nuke Trigger!! ( + w+)-b
  11. Okey, This is for an Motivation contest between my friend DMX and ......errrrrrrrr moar like DMX's friends, I don't know them so why should I bother with names.

    The Theme is STOP TROLLING (Inb4 I'm dead last)

    Here's my entry~

    If ya want I'll post the others from the contest but enjoy.
  12. shit.... Just... GOT REAL!!!

    Ban for being jelly of my hat and Style. Q.Q (im out of things to call him on Q.Q YOU WIN THIS ROUND WOLFY!!!)

  13. [s]Does this Pyramid Hat makes me look like A boss!![/s] Eeeer Lets see, Would you prefer an Clone that is my complete opposite in every way including Gender. [s]Meaning she'll suck ass lol Giggity~ Wait if I'm ok looking, she might be fine ass hell. Gaaaaaaawl!!!! fuck that I call dibs but wait she'll be mindless/dumb as hell too so no dibs.[/s] over me.
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