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Dark Desire

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Posts posted by Dark Desire

  1. did all the free quests up to where i am in the story atm and barely off from 40 quartz feelsbadman

    decided to buy some quartz instead,, lets hope my EX luck streak continues

    ...and back with the results, 13 rolls and only a shitty 4* CE

  2. The buffs to Xin are probably needed, in all honesty. They give Xin an actual late-game purpose other than run into a teamfight, press R and promptly die. With the crits he actually becomes a threat in 1v1s when splitpushing late-game.

    As for Ryze...yeah...he's kinda nuts right now, especially with people figuring out how good he is with many of the new keystones, especially Stormraider's.

    but he's already a 1v1 threat with rageblade,,

  3. this fixes one of the things ived really hated HS for which was for newer players being at a disadvantage when it came to not owning the older expansions and having to save massive amounts of gold or just having to buy them, never really effected me since i just buy the expansions when they come out but yeah >>

    the one thing that gets me is that i've spent hundreds of dollars on packs just to get all the good legends from GvG so not being able to use them in a ranked format really upsets me

  4. some of the placements i really question is of that bowser being that high, lucas and peach being so low ( we've already seen what people can do when they master their character's infinites so i feel strongly that these two in time will be at least top 15, peach could easily settle somewhere within top 10) and ike being a bit low, i really don't see how lucario/wario made it above him

  5. well i didn't get a totally legit win this week due to ryu's absence but we take those

    but like wow fnc is just starting to bring my score down every week it's making me sad but i think i'll still win against erick next week with fenix/amazing/mrrallez bringing in a majority of my points

    also anyone want yellowstar in return for another support? >>

  6. Bayonetta had a jab combo that did upwards of 30%. I can't imagine these are the iterations of the characters that make live, but ya never know.

    Also overall I would say that Corrin's frame data was superior, especially on kill moves. Bayonetta's only reliable way of setting up her strong kill moves may be through Witch Time because the frame data on her smashes is awful. She also can screw herself out of a combo really easily due to that gun follow-up mechanic she has. But she definitely has the damage and the mix-ups. She'll probably be a solid mid tier. If you like skippy characters like Sheik, Greninja or Mario, you'll probably enjoy success with her right off the bat.

    Corrin actually looks fairly decent as well. Fast mix-up zoner with smashes that Shulk wishes he had. Huge range on everything. Projectile that paralyzes. However his attacks seem to be highly committal and thus rely on prediction though, so I expect him to start off about mid-high in the tier lists then just freefall like Roy did. He seems to be more intelligence-intensive character than mechanics-intensive, so you'll probably excel with him if you main methodical characters such as Robin or Ganondorf.

    roy fell because of the lack of a neutral, bad recovery, and having to be in melee range as a sword user but with corrin, he has excellent spacing tools, range, decent kill power (untippered fsmash looked pretty weak), and one of the better if not the best recovery from a FE character and all while still having decent speed

    right now i can predict him to fall a place or two below cloud on a tier list ( i think cloud is lower A tier atm ) and while bayonetta looks like a good character at a glace, I can't predict where she'll fall until release but what looks interesting about her is that with her projectile game she'll force you to come to her and with a well timed witch time, she can set up for combos/kill set-ups, and if her ariels have kill power, she could predict the launch angle and DI to pull off ZSS style kills with bair or upair

  7. When it comes to figuring out whether he's homosexual or not it should be easy if you just become really good friends with him; he'll probably mention something about his sexuality then or make a move on you since it looks like he's trying to persue you for something

    I wouldn't try to rush things though, you wouldn't want to lose what could become a good friend just because you professed your love to him and got rejected/made things awkward

  8. While I'm not one to approve of blaming others (Hell, I've been doing it a lot recently because I'm back in Silver and I forgot how hellish the players in there are), I can understand. That Graves does not know how to build him, let alone build any basic adc when behind. But, if you're finding that your laner is hopeless, roam and help your other teammates snowball. Let the guy get fed off assists in teamfights and he'll find a way to get back in the game.

    his build was fine actually, although he should've build at least one defensive item be it either steraks or scimitar against that team

  9. ...You have Nero... I hate you ;~;

    oh and I'm not even there yet since I can't even beat that fucking Tesla cause all the Lancers I have aren't even higher then lvl 40 .-.

    just use all cu's and hope you proc the OHKO on the np,,

  10. Okay so.... this is the first time I'm ever putting a picture of me up here... I'll be honest I'm still a little uncomfortable about it. I've kinda always been one who didn't really care about looks and yet I've always got silly double standards where I'm never really happy with anything that has to do with myself. As a result I've sorta avoided this thread a lot. Because I jsut never felt comfortable putting a picture of me out there in the world cause personally... I'm not the biggest fan of myself etc... and as a result I never felt it was fair for me to look in this thread. If I wasn't ever willing to show what I looked like... well why should I see others? To me, it just didn't sit well. So, I've always avoided this thread until now really. So... I guess you'll finally get to see what your Sensei looks like. Keep in mind this photo is a bit old so it's not entirely accurate I suppose, however I've not really changed much. The reason I got to use an old one is cause I fundamentally hate people taking pictures of me ((mostly since I've got... a lot of self confidence issues. It's silly I know but I just am never comfortable with my picture being taken.)) So, this might sound really really stupid... but this is one of the hardest things I've really ever done. It's really hard for me to type this up and harder for me to push the enter button but I'm going to. I think it's about time I suppose. But, yea It's pretty difficult for me even if it seems silly. I hope you guys understand it's taking a lot out of me to even consider doing this and more to actually be doing it. I trust you folks, so don't misplace that trust. Anyway... enough of me being me let's get this on the road.

    For reference... I'm the bald guy XD. The rest are some HS friends


    ayy my bb <3

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