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Dark Desire

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Posts posted by Dark Desire

  1. A long awaited update, both for newer people to know the face behind the man, and older people to see me now. Figured I'd post this while bored as fuck in Baltimore. Hate the lighting in this picture though, everything has a yellow tinge. @.@

    Look out for Kaito Kid this spring split 2016. Bring all the silver mindgames to LCS.





    it's kinda amazing that you were able to keep that face in both pictures

    oh and that isn't a team liquid jacket >:[

    • Upvote 2
  2. tots not double posting this is merely topic bumping with new information after I posted nearly 24 hours ago. So down boy!

    This video has a ton of neat tricks its worth watching.

    imo it was kinda a shitty montage, the only notable things to take away from it was: the end hitbox of dair hits them in a way you can follow up with almost anything, same with falling upair and nair into limits moves at higher percents

    using limit side b as a ledge spike option was pretty creative though

  3. cloud and Ike are kinda different, cloud has a more zone and camp play style while Ike is really read and more combo based

    I think Ike is purely better because of his kill set ups out of throws, plus getting percent with him is way easier, cloud's recovery is ass and with his up b not snapping the ledge, that pretty much breaks his chance of being A tier, so many characters can take advantage of that

  4. my opinion on cloud so far: probably around high B tier, ike is definitely better then him, nair and b spacing is okay, his recover sucks ass, his side b without limit is ass (although with limit it's a pretty decent kill option) his moves do pretty good percent, his upsmash is pretty ass but all his limit b's are pretty good and basically carry him to be a decent character

  5. idk about inklings getting in, i feel like they wouldn't of gotten mii customes if they were just going to put the actual characters in, although it does seem likely wolf will be brought back to hype up the new starfox game

    when it comes to the ballot, i'm not expecting them to put more than one character from it in the game, also i don't think they would put indie characters into sm4sh since it doesn't really cater to people who play smash casually, they're less likely to know who characters like shovel knight are, and i feel like sora has a pretty decent chance of getting announced with KH3 coming up in the near future

  6. Soon.

    Out of curiosity does anybody think this is actually going to be the last we get for smash dlc? I dont think so, since they worded it in a way where it sounded like its the last direct exclusive to smash, but not the last time smash will appear in directs.

    i don't think so, i wouldn't doubt us getting around 3 more characters after cloud and possibly the ballot winner

    and cloud <3333 there's no way they aren't releasing him after the announcement

  7. What about JG Ekko? Does he benefit?

    I would think it would be a huge nerf to ap ekko, since being able to burst people down with sheen prof/thunderlords during ganks made him a viable soloq pick, but tank ekko is still just as good

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