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Posts posted by Neo

  1. I'm really not a big Kanye fan. Mostly because rap music just isn't an interest of mine. I'm sure that people who like rap music enjoy his art I just personally don't enjoy that type of music. Therefore I can't judge him on his music that much as I couldn't make a fair judgement.

    I don't enjoy his attitude all that much. I'm fine with him having a bit of an ego as it doesn't really do anyone any harm usually. I wasn't very keen on what he did interrupting Taylor Swift (another artist I don't like all that much) during her acceptance speech. He's certainly entitled to think and even say that he thinks Beyonce had an amazing music video but going onto a stage and interrupting someone else makes it seem like he has a severe lack of judgement. At least he showed he had grown up a little more recently where he didn't go through with interrupting Beck. I'm not still a big fan of him saying in interviews that Beck should give his award away as it still seems unnecessary but he dealt with it a much more appropriate way than going and interrupting someone else's special moment.

    While I still don't particularly like him (and really hope he wasn't serious about running for President) I still respect him for going out and producing music that makes a lot of people happy.

    Kanye has a very strong sense of judgement. He's actually given his own awards to artists that he felt deserved them more than he did. Check that out here: http://www.thefader.com/2015/02/09/all-the-times-kanye-west-gave-his-own-awards-to-someone-else

    I suppose to him, he believes that if he can recognize when others have him beat, other musicians should be able to as well.

    For years, "Power" was my all time favorite song my an artist. With that in mind, I figure Kanye can do what ever the heck he wants, since he has the fame and fortune to do whatever at this point so why tell him to stop? I'll be interested to see how Kanye continues to evolve as an artist, as I'm pretty sure that's fairly common these days.

    Without the aforementioned Taylor Swift incident, we never would've had Power. Kanye called My Beautiful Dark Twisted Fantasy, an underhanded apology. His way of giving back to the music world after everyone hated for raining on Taytay's parade.

  2. I loved his music. Still like a lot of what comes out and GOOD music is an awesome label. Buuuuuuuuut he needs to tone down the ego and maybe people wouldn't watch the video while second guessing a lot of the more solid and positive arguments for him.

    Nah, my man. Kanye doesn't need to tone down his arrogance. An ego like his is seen in many legendary artists, and yet the aren't cut down the way he is. Obviously there's a difference between them and Kanye, and it's that Kanye's a black man who acknowledges his greatness, which in turn makes low-key racist white folks mad as hell. He's got every right to be proud of his artistic abilities.

  3. I don't know how Kanye is perceived around here, for the most part. I know Simon digs him, but that's it. That being said, I feel this right here is a good watch that can be applied to other artists/people.

    Feel free to discuss it or other Kanye related things in this thread. If you've any questions about him, feel free to ask and I'll do my best to answer them.

  4. I'm actually going to play on JP a bit myself, ping-allowing. I think it'll be good practice to force myself to start interacting with others in Japanese. I know almost all the joyou kanji by now but my conversational skills are lacking >>; If I can at least communicate roles and such I should be fine, anything else is bonus.

    I just have to switch region at launch, right? Or is it more involved than that?

    Expect around 250+ ping, fam. That's typically what those from Japan experience when playing on NA

  5. Forums Name: Rcmsnake

    Team Name: i don't have one for this league yet

    Favorite Champ : Thresh

    I only have a EU West account, Hope I can still join in the fun

    You can make an NA account, and if end up qualifying for a prize, I'll make sure to get it to you in EUW
  6. We know exactly when the Draft will be? That'd be helpful for me. SInce I don't want to commit and then be that guy.... XD. ((because holy hell that's annoying because we got 2 of those dudes in our last one that at least got justiced and got the bottom of the barrel, while I took first like a boss.))

    Fantasy Leagues can be made on the 7th, which is Thursday. We will hold the draft on the 9th (Saturday) at 8 EST (unless y'all got issues with that, tell me now)

    When you sign up enter the following information:

    Reborn name:

    Team name:

    Favorite Champion:

    Don't fucking question me, just do it.

    Edit this shit into your posts, y'all blind.

  7. ...how much reborn rupees equal a USD? or is it literally just 50 rupees >.>

    Riot points, fam. I'm not a cheap fuck.

    It's not referring to rupees, it's referring to Riot Points, the purchasable currency that allows you to buy skins, ward skins, etc. that you cannot normally but with RP.

    Also, count me in.

    Hopefully everyone shows at the draft so we can have a balanced team and not have someone win who didn't even know what their team was.

    I will fucking kick them this time. No games, fam. Super teams for people that didn't show are bullshit.

  8. H41VezW.png




    1st Place: $50 RP

    2nd Place: $25 RP

    3rd Place: $15 RP

    4th Place: $5 RP

    Prizes will be dished out at the end of the split!


    • Don't be a dick
    • Don't be a dick
    • Don't be a dick
    • Don't be a dick

      Sign the fuck up so we can do the draft this weekend before LCS starts.

    When you sign up enter the following information:

    Reborn name:

    Team name:

    Favorite Champion:

    Don't fucking question me, just do it.

    Let's get this 2016 season underway, so I can win my own money from you fucks.

  9. Question

    Is this another one of those kooky adventure time shows which is so whacky but still somehow a show that has depth to it?

    I don't know how those work

    *continues to watch copious amounts of anime*

    Steven Universe is the shit. Will the new episodes be coming in the form of a Steven Bomb or airing weekly?

  10. im only here bc my chrome crashed and it reloaded this forum for some reason whaddup son

    Hey, friend. Hope you're doin' well post-reborn. You know where to find me if you wanna talk.

    Which hip-hop albums do you think were badly slept on this year? Over hyped?

    Also, which one do you believe will be released first: Cudi's MOTM3 or Reborn Ep.17?

    I feel like BUSH and SURF were slept on this year. Snoop and Pharell came swingin' with BUSH and put together an excellent album. I also feel like Donnie Trumpet and the Social Experiment's Surf wasn't rated well because people wanted a full blown Chance project out of it. I feel both are excellent albums that didn't get the attention they deserve. Overhyped? To Pimp a Butterfly. Don't get me wrong. Kendrick did an amazing job with the album, and I feel it was his best work being a solid 9.5/10. My only issue is because of this album, you've got people thinking Kendrick belongs in the GOAT conversation. He doesn't. 10, 15 years down the line, maybe, but even then I don't see Kendrick being more than someone that hovers the top 10.

    At this point I don't even want to THINK about what MOTM3 would sound like. Cudi has been releasing straight ass, and I no longer have interest in him as a musician. Reborn Ep. 17 will come out before it AND will have a better soundtrack than whatever he puts out.

  11. It's crossed my mind once or twice, but nothing like "I would love to be a Reborn auth" It'd be cool to work with the authy for a change, and I'd probably enjoy giving back to the place that's given me so much. S'whatevs tho. Not something I'm gonna pursue, nor something I'd turn down.

  12. What quality/trait you lack but would like to have?

    Sometimes I wish I was better at socializing. Like, I can get by rather well nowadays, but it's always so taxing.

    Being such a long-running member, What is it that you liked the most about the reborn community when you joined on its early age?

    And I was always curious as to why you live in 1982. Is it because you were born that year, or because there's something from that year that you like?

    When I first joined, the people in general were what I liked the most. Everyone except for she-who-shall-not-be-named was pretty cool.

    1982 is like half completely arbitrary half a nod to The Super Dimension Fortress Macross which aired that year.

    Do I hate you?:

    Though I've seen you around here quite a bit, I haven't formed an opinion one way or the other. Though, I'll more than likely end up with a favorable opinion of you down the line.

    Why did you start all this? ^^

    Kuro mentioned they'd love to see a topic called "Does Neo Hate You?" It sounded like a good idea, so I added the AMA aspect as a way to let newer members of the community get to know me.

    Do I hate you?:

    Nope! c:

    What do you feel about having the by far most popular AMA of this amastorm? Also, are you doing this as a way to discard the "I hate y'all" impression that the grumpy old man may create upon the other members, to make it easier to blend among newer members?

    It's nice. I didn't really expect it to be received this well, to be honest.

    Actually, no. It's kind of a way reintroduce myself to you guys. I'll probably still have a bit of that "I hate y'all" 'tude down the line.

    Oh thank you for answer that tho.

    No problem, friend.

    such grump

    much past

    Do you still have that old koga avatar lying around on your computer?

    Which hentai series would you recommend?

    What is angry lemon and pigswag? I really don't know and I don't want to look it up because I'd rather hear it straight from the horse's mouth. That tropical frog tho.

    Welcome back.

    I'm gonna assume you mean the purple one with wings. I do.

    I'm such a stickler. If I ever find something that I can recommend 100%, I'll let you know.

    Mad Lemon:


    #pigswag is the emote I made back when I was trying to get my pig OC into the RP forum.

    Do I hate you?:

    We've been friends around here for a long long time. We've played PSN together, just shot the shit, you've even defended me when I was in trouble one time. (Like, all night in a back channel type of defense.) If there's anyone on Reborn that I hate. It most certainly isn't you, Mael.

    #pigswag is #pigswag


    Is there any fictional character that you would fight in the ring and kick the ass of

    All the Reborn game nerds want me to say Fern

    I'd kick Gendo Ikari's teeth in given the chance.

    Do I hate you?:

    Roo, you're great. I know that. You know that. All of Reborn knows that.

  13. do you hate anyone in reborn?

    I've got one person I dislike a little, and one I can't stand. Hate tho? Nope.

    Are either of those you?:

    Nope c:

    Why did you skip my question? :c

    I didn't tho. Check my last response on page 2. I realized that I skipped it and went back for it
  14. You have whatever the hell you want. No limits homie.

    Then really, enslave white people

    Immediately get to work on reparations for descendants of enslaved Africans and set up the payment for that. Ban financial contributions to politicians and their campaigns, while keeping them under a heavy lens. Set up a committee with the greatest American minds to apply the best aspects of other world powers to make them work for America. (Healthcare, Economic system, the whole nine yards)

    Huh, Simple answer, yet pretty enlightening to me I suppose.

    Also kinda surprised at that last part XD. Then again, I tend to find when I actually try and talk to people, they tend to have pretty positive reactions. I'm just so used to assuming people just hate my guts... I should probably stop doing that seems like it's a horrible idea.

    Yeah, stop doing that. You're cool

  15. Oh another wave of these joy

    Since people kinda stole all the good questions, here's some random ones:

    - Do you like pigs?

    - Do you like bacon?

    - Do you know who I even am???

    - Vine Whips or Trout smacks?

    I do like pigs. They're very nice.

    I do like bacon. Though I'm contemplating no longer eating pig products anymore.

    I do know who you are, Chubb. I've seen you quite a bit around here.

    Vine Whips, fam.

    Do I hate you?:

    Nah, you're a rad ass swine.

    Assuming both you and jelly were Aces with no warning points, who'd lose ace first?


    Depends. Jelly has gotten worse soft-punishments than I have. (1 year long warning points, etc.) I've been outright banned.

    So, what do you think are the most productive/rewarding/best ways of wreacking havoc here and fucking shit up?

    If someone wanted to leave the community, would you reccomend a soft and smooth goodbye or completely bombing everything they've done and utterly destroy any bridge with that place, rendering oneself an outcast?

    Lowkey, when my friends fucked up the minecraft server was some of the craziest shit I've seen around here. Literally thousands of chickens everywhere.

    Soft and smooth goodbye. There's no need to burn a bridge that you may want to cross later.

    Do I hate you?: Don't rightly know you enough to say I do, so now c:

    Would you have been down for #THELEMONING2015?

    Why did you start this trend back up again? You're the last person I would have expected to.

    What's your goal for the future?

    Not too big a fan of the __ings2k__. I really only like the hattening.

    I started the trend again because Kuro kinda brought it up and decided it'd be nice. Then, everyone thought how cool I looked and they decided to hop on my bandwagon.


    African-American Studies professor.

    You're elected president, or whatever. You can change this country in any 3 ways you want, what do you do?


    Depends, tbh. Like, do I have a supermajority in Congress? Gimme more criteria, and I got you, fam.

    Do I hate you?:

    No, even if we literally don't see eye to eye on almost everything.

    Hmmm, I not very good at questions but I guess I'll ask this.

    How have you been here this long? Personally... I'm someone who can barely stay somewhere more than a couple of months and even being at Reborn... for 2 years now to me feels like forever. Maybe it's just a matter of my perspective but I've just wondered how anyone can stay somewhere so long.

    And I guess secondly, what's that one thing you just love for no reason at all, you can't explain it it just is ((if you have something like that.))? For example, mine is rain. Just something about it makes me so damn happy for no reason at all. I couldn't tell you why it's so magical to me, so... spectacular. Just something about it gets me in a way nothing else does.

    I honestly, just kinda stayed. It's hard to leave a place that's been like a home to me. I've wanted to leave, but haven't, too much of a weenie to do so.

    Cacti. I absolutely love them for no reason whatsoever.

    Do I hate you?:

    Nah, you're cool, af.

  16. Oh, uh, thank you!

    Also, nice answers. Follow up question: how has your time in the community changed you, both for better and for worse

    Definitely for better. I'm 1000% a better person because of this place.

    For being a member here for so long what made you stay this long?

    I really really don't know. I've wanted to leave so bad for a while now, but now I don't.

    Do I hate you?:

    Not in the slightest.

    Alright, some of your answers to Alice's questions intrigued me enough to have me ask some follow ups of my own, even though I didn't ask the original questions.

    You say you like farming sims like Harvest Moon. I started with Friends of Mineral Town, and Harvest Moon DS is probably in the running for game I've had the highest playtime on, ever. But I just sorta burnt out and stopped playing after that. How are the more recent games in the series? Would you recommend?

    Is it bad that I prefer Seel to Dewgong?

    In what order do you make your tea?

    What is your favourite meme?

    I really dig the lastest game. I really wanna download some of the older ones and play those.

    I love Seel. Not my second favorite, but still up there.

    Boil water -> pour onto tea -> Steep appropriate amount of time based on tea -> Sugar (3-4 teaspoons) -> Milk/Honey/Lemon optional

    Favorite meme?


    Do I hate you?:

    Don't know you, but that also means I can't dislike you.

    One question because i'm very uninteresting:

    Do you make the gifs in your signatures yourself?

    Some I do, some I don't.

    Love you, pocky.

    Just out of curiosity, but weren't you an auth before, and if so, how long?

    If there ever was a veteran user that was nowhere near the running for auth, it'd be me. In fact, I reckon my history would discount me completely.

    You know you cool, Trevo. I ain't gotta say that.

    we must protect gfriend \o/

    i only reemember listening to one song of theirs though whoops

    do you also play other simulator games? like the sims 3 and the sims 4?

    also, i remember reading somewhere that you like fashion. how did it come to start?

    have you also pursued any careers towards it?

    bc i used to like drawing dresses and i love spriting them \o/

    Gfriend is very important. They remind me so much of early SNSD.

    I don't play any other simulator games, tbh.

    I got into fashion a long time ago, and kinda made reading/watching it a serious hobby like two years ago. I really enjoy it. Sculpture that you can wear on the body is so dope. I'm not gonna pursue any career in it, though.

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