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Everything posted by EmpFallen

  1. This is a guide on how to add custom crests. We’ll be changing the game’s text files, so I recommend having a vanilla version of Rejuvenation and another where you do all your modding in case something bad happens. You’ll need to be able to read and understand Rejuv’s code (it’s not that difficult). https://www.rebornevo.com/forums/topic/65765-modding-tutorial-rejuv-v135deso-ep6/ is good to read as well. Adding The Crest Go to itemtext.rb through Rejuvenation > Contents > Game > Scripts > Rejuv > itemtext.rb (I'm on mac so idk what it's like for windows. It should be the same though). Scroll all the way down, and the last item should be :FURRCREST. Copy it and paste that below. Change the name, ID, and description to fit whatever Pokemon you want. In our case we’ll be making a crest for Crobat, so it should look something like Make sure there’s the } below your item. Then you can run compileItems and you should be able to get your item through Kernel.pbItemBall(:CROCREST). If it doesn’t work try quitting out and then rebooting the game. You’ll also need to go to PBStuff.rb in the Scripts folder. Control-F “crest” and you should see all the Pokemon with their crest. Make one for your Pokemon as well. This “links” Crobat to the Crobat crest, so now when you go into a battle, you can see the crest symbol next to the HP bar. Making the Crest Work Go to Battle_Move.rb in the Scripts folder. We’ll be spending most of our time here. First we’ll make it so that Crobat gets Dark STAB and resistances. Control-F “Resistance-changing Crests”. You should see a bunch of entries for existing Pokemon. Dark resists Ghost, Dark, and is immune to Psychic, so it should look something like Then Control-F “STAB-addition”. Add another one for your chosen Pokemon. It should look like If you also want to change the crit rate of your Pokemon, Control-F “RAZORCLAW”. You’ll see a bunch of “c+=1”s. Let’s increase Crobat’s crit rate by 3 when it uses a biting move. Samurott’s crest checks if the move is sharp, so if you Control-F “sharpmove” it’ll lead you to the code for the Sharpness ability. The code for Strong Jaw is also there, so copy paste that for Crobat Now let’s make it so that Crobat heals when using a contact move. If you Control-F “Shell Bell” in Battler.rb you’ll see the Shell Bell code. Copy it, change it a little, and add a check for contact. Restricting It to a Certain Form (optional) If you want to make your crest only for a certain form of your selected Pokemon, for example Alolan Marowak, you’ll need to go to Battler.rb in the Scripts folder. Control-F “hascrest”. You should see Copy paste that and change it. For Alolan Marowak, it should look like This makes it so that Marowak is only crested if it is Alolan. (form 0 is normal form, form 1 is alolan/hisuian/aevian) These are all just examples of commonly seen changes that Crests can give. If you want something more game-changing and in depth than simple STAB bonuses and stat increases then you’ll have to look for other items/abilities that produce a similar effect, or you’ll have to create it entirely from scratch (I tried to make it so that Crobat switched out when it used an attacking move, but U-Turn, Flip Turn, and Volt Switch were their own class of moves, and the switching out code was really weird and I couldn’t understand it, so that didn’t end up happening). You might also need to go through multiple other text files to find the effect you’re looking for, so be prepared for that. Obviously a lot of people have ideas for crests, and I haven’t seen a custom crest guide anywhere in the forums (i didn’t search very hard though), so I thought that this would be helpful in case anyone wants to implement their own into the game. If you want to share custom crests (downloading the changed files and replacing them), I don’t expect that it’ll work with multiple mods (as each file has something different), so I think it’ll be helpful to detail the changes when sharing them to avoid problems with using multiple mods. If there's any problems with this guide then please let me know.
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