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Jazzy_Cat last won the day on December 20 2023

Jazzy_Cat had the most liked content!


4 Neutral
  1. Thank you so much, it works perfectly now! Hoopa is no longer using Happyspace Hole XD I really appreciate it! Now if you'll excuse me, I have a great game to play! ;)
  2. Oh, okay! I get it :) And don't worry about it, I understand. I know how it is when you're hyperfocusing on something ^_^ And thank you so much, I would love to get the files here! Sleep well, and I look forward to hearing from you again. Thanks once again! :D
  3. You're very welcome, I really do love the game! And thank you for the quick fix, it'll make me enjoy the game even more since Hoopa is my favourite Pokémon :)
  4. Hello! I'm still very new to this game, but is Hyperspace Hole supposed to do nothing? At first it says something about the pokemon being happy, and then nothing... After I pick the move again, it just says it failed. I just think it's a little strange, seeing as Hyperspace Hole and Hyperspace Fury are Hoopa's signature moves... (Haven't tried Hyperspace Fury yet though). Thanks in advance and have a lovely day! Love the game so far!
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