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Everything posted by howwedewend24

  1. Isn't it possible to do a simple edit to the compiler to allow any ability to be set in trainers.txt and not just abilityindex? Just like in the newer versions of Essentials For example in prankster Smeargle it would sit here... --------------------- SMEARGLE,100,FOCUSSASH,BATONPASS,STICKYWEB,SHIFTGEAR,SPORE,0(This is the abilityindex. It could be coded to accept a string such as "PRANKSTER"),M,1,false,JOLLY,31,70,Bastian,false,,,252,252,252,252,252,252 --------------------- This is the relevant bit in Compiler.rb if !poke[TPABILITY] || poke[TPABILITY]=="" poke[TPABILITY]=TPDEFAULTS[TPABILITY] else poke[TPABILITY]=poke[TPABILITY].to_i raise _INTL("Bad abilityflag: {1} (must be 0 or 1 or 2-5)\n{2}",poke[TPABILITY],FileLineData.linereport) if poke[TPABILITY]<0 || poke[TPABILITY]>5 end As it's seen, only native to species (normal&hidden) abilities are accepted. What do I edit to make it accept any ability? edit: So I created a def parseAbility and sloppily changed the code above to: iAblt=poke[TPABILITY].to_i if !poke[TPABILITY] || poke[TPABILITY]=="" poke[TPABILITY]=TPDEFAULTS[TPABILITY] elsif iAblt<0 || iAblt>5 poke[TPABILITY]=parseAbility(poke[TPABILITY]) else poke[TPABILITY]=poke[TPABILITY].to_i raise _INTL("Bad abilityflag: {1} (must be 0 or 1 or 2-5)\n{2}",poke[TPABILITY],FileLineData.linereport) if poke[TPABILITY]<0 || poke[TPABILITY]>5 end It's not working so far edit2: Of course it isn't, all I did was clean up the text if the variable isn't between 0 and 5. I achieved nothing. Why does it ignore characters instead of trying to match them with what's in PBAbilities just like the other fields?
  2. I got it working on the same day, that's the proceedure but I made a mistake with the pbs files. Still this isn't really useful for me, I need the pokemon to have any ability and the override being independent of modded files. I don't understand why they would make abilities be so strict behind the scenes, should be as simple as changing an index from a list.
  3. Alright. I am most curious about illegal abilities however, I can see that dev trainer Smeargletail has a Smeargle with Prankster. The text in trainers.txt looks like: SMEARGLE,100,FOCUSSASH,BATONPASS,STICKYWEB,SHIFTGEAR,SPORE,0,M,1,false,JOLLY,31,70,Bastian,false,,,252,252,252,252,252,252 I don't see anything relevant here, how did they manage that? edit: Nevermind, they achieved it through creating a new form (=1) for the pokemon. Seems like there's no direct way then.
  4. There's pokemon ingame with an upward of 1000 (seriously) EV on stats, not even possible with debug which is stupid (why is debug limited?). How did the developers do it?
  5. Every time I restart reborn the controls go back to default, how to prevent this?
  6. So it's like that. Seems pretty arbitrary that you can change moves outside the movelist with debug but not abilities. Thanks for the info. EDIT: Maybe it's the wrong script but I edited montext.rb, pokemon.txt (pbs), gen8pokemon.txt (pbs), and the ability still isn't available to be selected with debug
  7. Bump. How do you set any ability for your pokemon permanently? Debug mode only allows legal abilities
  8. How do I make the new abilities stick? In normal debug any other ability stays with the pokemon even if I disable debug
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