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Status Updates posted by CandyDragonWaifu

  1. saying hi to show im still alive

    1. CandyDragonWaifu


      Im here again for now

  2. Hello trans people be my friends please

  3. Ayo, why can I only go right on the Pokemon selection screen? I can use the left arrow other places. Can someone fix this? It's rather jarring for me (it's also in other things).

  4. Tell me your favorite Vivillon pattern.

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. CandyDragonWaifu


      Thanks for telling me! I've always loved being a girl and am pretty confident in my biological gender, I've never been confident about my sexuality though.

    3. Ghostea


      the funny thing is, I also feel pretty confident in mine too! I love womanhood and feel a connection to "traditionally" feminine things (i also don't mind being called girl, woman, etc) but at the same time embrace the idea of being genderless. so I get the best of both worlds hehe! and that's completely understandable, it can be a complex thing! it can take some figuring out for sure.

    4. CandyDragonWaifu


      Yup! I'm 22 and still not sure if I'm just straight or something else. I know I want a family and kids, but I feel like my mental state and just myself in general will never let me have that.

  5. Hello friend

    1. CandyDragonWaifu
    2. NeoBolt


      Hii o/ hope you have a great dayy

    3. CandyDragonWaifu


      It's night here, but thanks nonetheless!

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