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  1. I've not been much of a fan of, well, due to my age. Nothing against fangames, more of a lack of interest/availability until roughly a couple of years ago. Reborn was among the games I fell in love with, so much so that I've actually created some interesting personalities piggy backing off of reactions to how the characters interact and how I think my character would do so. I can't really say for certain if this gets read or even noticed at all, but I wanted to say thank you. You helped me unlock a lot of creative freedom I had lost growing up as a result of my Mom having a stroke. I can confidently say that, if I hadn't stumbled into Reborn or Rejuvenation (Reborn in this context, but that led me to Rejuvenation, so it counts to me!), I don't think I'd in as good of a mental state as I am now, despite the many shortcomings I've had since that day. You won't get the reference at all, since it came from the gift you gave me, but I can say for certain that my Stardom Characters are glad you took this journey. I hope for your success, wherever life leads you, and I hope, though know it may not be the case, that this message at the very least can be looked upon as a shining light for your life as this game was for mine.
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