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Pokemon: League Masters: Trainer's Quest


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“Ralvarn….” A cold crisp-sounding voice echoed in the back of Josh’s mind. The black-haired youth slowly opened his eyes and gasped softly. He was in the midst of a clearing in a snow-covered mountain range. Mountains towered above him and snow littered the ground. Yet, despite the snow, Josh felt nothing. He didn’t even know how he got there or why he was dressed in his pajamas still.

“Ralvarn!” This time, the voice was clear and made Josh jump in surprise. He scanned the area for the sound of the voice but he could not find it. There was nothing anywhere in the clearing. Suddenly, a vicious blizzard came from behind, knocking Josh into the snow. He yelped and turned around to see where that attack came from. Eventually he found the origin. Standing between a mountain pass was the legendary dragon of ice, Kryzen.

Kryzen stood about ten feet tall and was crouched on all fours. Its scales were a blueish white and his wings were made out of ice crystals. Its eyes showed a deep warm red and its teeth were bared in a snarl. Josh immediately identified the pokemon, although he never saw it in person ever. He only remembered hearing stories of Kryzen from his father.

“W-why are you calling my name?” Josh stuttered, getting up from the snow. There was no response from the dragon. It simply narrowed its eyes and growled softly.

“Save me, Ralvarn…” The dragon suddenly charged straight at Josh, its feet kicking back snow as it gained speed. Its wings were spread out wide and Josh started running, his world turning black. Soon, his vision faded, but he could hear Kryzen’s voice still. “Save me…”

Edited by KidBlazeX87
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Chapter One

beep beep beeeeep!

The sound of the bedside alarm quickly roused Josh as he shot awake and rolled outta bed. He groaned and held his head. That...was just a dream. It seemed so real though. He glanced at the clock, which read 8:35. Good....I still got time to get to Professor Aspen's lab. Josh turned off the alarm and walked over to his closet, located on the other side of the room. In it, he grabbed the hanger containing a white tee-shirt, a black jacket, and black pants, which was recently given to him by his father. Today was a special day anyway, for it was the day he could become a Pokemon Trainer. Professor Aspen had already invited him to choose his starter Pokemon, so he had to hurry before they ran out. Thus, Jacen quickly carried his outfit into his dressing room and changed.

A few seconds later, Jacen came back out, fully dressed. He tossed his pajamas into a basket and headed straight downstairs. Once downstairs, he was greeted with a surprise. His father, League Supreme Jacen, was sitting at the table. He looked at Josh and smiled. "Good morning, son."

Josh blinked and smiled back. "Hey there, dad. what brings you home from Isen City?" Isen City was where the League Masters Association was located, which Jacen led as the Supreme. The LMA was an organization Josh knew little about, for they claim its a secret association. Many trainers go to compete against the LMA every year, and those that succeed join as League Masters. Josh knew someday he would be a League Master, or even the next Supreme like his father. Yet, he knew it was a long way away, so he just sat down and began eatng breakfast, which was a stack of pancakes coated in syrup waiting for him at his spot.

"I got news from Aspen that your starting your journey today, being you are now 15. So, the LMA thought I should take the day off to see you off. Your mother went into town already to buy some supplies for you. I am supposed to meet her there with you so you can go to the Research Center and meet Aspen."

"That sounds like a plan. Lemme just finish up." Jacen chuckled softly.

"You sound just like me when I was a youngster."

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