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v12 Game, black screen


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Well, i've just downloaded Rejuvenation v12, and when I launch the game, the screen stays black, BUT i've the texts. No sprites, no animations, only texts. (btw,no matter how many times I download the fonts, the game still say that I've not the correct fonts on my computer, but this is a minor issue, I play Reborn with the same thing and it works perfectly).


How can I fix it? I haven't any savestate on this version 'cause I've just downloaded it.

(if there is another file to download, please give me the link)




P.S.: Please try to be easily understandable, I'm French ^-^'


EDIT : Solved my problem by uploading V 12.1. If an admin could close this topic, thanks!


Edited by Atsuya
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