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Stuck on path to route 4 with shuppets


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Hello. I just recently beat the ghost gym leader i think narcissa or something like that. I am at the part where i enter the garitina statue and i am walking through those ruins when two shuppets pick me up and drop me in a hole. So now as i Understand I am suppose to capture all four shuppets to advance. I didnt know that at first so I was just walking around and i coioncidentally caught one by accident so i started collecting the others (i was in fact trying to avoid them because i didnt want to battle them. However, i got three of the four shuppets and the only one I need left is the one of the left where a big floor with a bunch of holes is.  The problem is the shuppet is blocking the hole from which I was suppose to enter in the first place. If you dont understand what i am saying is that essentially I can not enter that floor with a bunch of holes to trap the shuppet because the shuppet is blocking me from entering. I could lose a battle to a trainer  to get back upstairs but that costs me around 1700 dollars. Is there a fix to this

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On 10/1/2018 at 4:05 PM, mike91827 said:

Hello. I just recently beat the ghost gym leader i think narcissa or something like that. I am at the part where i enter the garitina statue and i am walking through those ruins when two shuppets pick me up and drop me in a hole. So now as i Understand I am suppose to capture all four shuppets to advance. I didnt know that at first so I was just walking around and i coioncidentally caught one by accident so i started collecting the others (i was in fact trying to avoid them because i didnt want to battle them. However, i got three of the four shuppets and the only one I need left is the one of the left where a big floor with a bunch of holes is.  The problem is the shuppet is blocking the hole from which I was suppose to enter in the first place. If you dont understand what i am saying is that essentially I can not enter that floor with a bunch of holes to trap the shuppet because the shuppet is blocking me from entering. I could lose a battle to a trainer  to get back upstairs but that costs me around 1700 dollars. Is there a fix to this

honestly losing $1700 isnt really an issue going forward especially considering the next area has no shops to utilize and u would make that $1700 back and then some and what's more the issue with the shuppets is that you dont need to move to a tile directly next to them as generally they move when u move to a tile that is 2 tiles adjacent to them so just position yourself properly and it should move............. also providing a screenshot or posting your save file would also help people figure out specifics on how to remedy the issue

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