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Character Ideas????


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Okay so here's a little thought that I had that may be shot down by everyone on the forums....because whatever


In Pokemon rejuvenation are we like allowed to give character ideas to the devs or something because I may have a few in mind...


I'm not sure of course because this sounds really like weird...


But i'm not really sure if its a bad idea I mean I had an idea for two characters but i'm sure the whole community of rejuvenation has ideas as well...


I'm not sure if anyone can tell me that would be great!


I mean like yeah...what if we could I mean it has a problem because it would be up to the devs


but they might be flooded by now i'm not sure...


It wouldn't be that tough to make sprites for them so I should try and give them a shot of an idea


Thanks in Advance

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There in one thing i’m pretty sure : that you’re not totally sure... 



More seriously of course you can , why not ? :)  It wouldn't hurt devs to receive more ideas ! 



I personally have a lot of ideas for reborn aswell ( but i hold myself back otherwise Ame is gonna tilt :D ) 

Edited by Zarc
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Well, it's alright to give suggestions and stuff but don't go overboard. They don't have to consider your ideas if they feel they don't want to and shoving them in their faces won't really help. But if you want to then go for it. Maybe one of your suggestions will make it into the game!

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