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What Game do you think deserves more praise than it got


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As the last post in the following thread was in May (and that is way more than just two months), I decided to make a new Topic of it and for those who want to know what thread, here you are:

"Underrated games"


(and next for those who want to check about the last post)


As you can read in my profile, part of my forum-name is related to a game, Battle Realms.

When it got out, it met a strong opponent, Empire Earth (which is also a good game).

The press got their focus on that one and either didn't bother to take a look at BR or

compared EE to BR and (most of them) said that BR was worse than EE.

BR is a build-up-strategy-game like EE and got the one or other parallel to that game,

but takes other points into focus and is imo the better game,

one of the reasons is that you can't simply hide behind walls, because there aren't any you can build.

Also I like that the units work like rock-paper-scissors, one can counter another.

Quite a few games I know do it the way BR does it.

There are quite a few more things I could list up, but if I would point out every thing I like about that game,

it would be far too long (well, I know it is already a long post either way).

Quite a lot of blogs who write about BR criticize, that it takes a long time to build yourself your defenses / your army.

Well, I think (and my brother showed to me at the time we played it like daily) that it can be played otherwise.

In general, if you play with others than only AI, it gets a lot more dynamic to play and

I Iike the idea to only have one building type for recruiting units and

educate them (or exchange them) to get another type of unit.

To end my post, I'll give the forum the question,

do you agree to my post, that BR is underrated?

What Game do you think is / was underrated?

And why?

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Underrated: Knights of the Old Republic II: The Sith Lords

Reasons why it's good:

-builds off of and establishes new Star Wars lore

-questions the morality and values of both the Sith and the Jedi, something most Star Wars universe bits tend to gloss over and say They are Sith and feed off hatred and greed . This game instead says [/i] The Jedi literally just sat in their temples and waited while the entire Republic was nearly destroyed! They're just as cracked as the Sith! [/i] and it's quite a refreshing view on the matter.

-the characters are rather diverse and different, from an Assassin Droid to the leader of the Mandolorians to an Ex-Sith Lord to a scoundrel who is certainly far more than he seems... Each character has their own quirks and interests.

Reasons why it's underrated:

-it's a bit of a jumbled mess because LucasArts forced forward the release date, so tons of content was scrapped, including an entire planet and many connecting bit of backstory

- it's "not the same as the first one," because the first one is your typical SW story; you are a force sensitive who rescues the madien with the help of your friend the excellent pilot and a Wookie and then you fly off in your Smuggler's ship to go stop the Dark Lord who destroys a planet. In TSL, you wake up surronded by corpses and the entire game attempts to make you question your morals. If Obsidian, the company that developed it, was given more time, then this would have been able to be executed properly, but, because of the rushed development, this was scrapped and we are left with a bit of a mess.

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