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Full Game Guide (Rejuvenation)


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Hi guys its that time again this time it's a full game guide! no need to be impressed this will take an age to complete ide say with my work scedule about 3-4 weeks im gonna try make it good tho and hopefully by then this intro will be a lil more impressive,anyways this is for all the people who get lost i will be referencing some other guides in the guide credits will be given to the authors of the posts :3 anyways for now bare with me for the momment.

From this point onward if i notice a grammar mistake imma highlight it with brackets if you are wondering what that is its just for potential future devolopment! anything to add onto Jans workload ;) you know i like making work for others ;P side note there may not be any just if i do find them as im going along thats how imma record the mistake :3


Maid: Marianette, It's time for you to come out now. Your father wishes to see you.


Follow the only path you can only go one way here

Marianette: What's going on...?

Same again follow the only path you can till the end

Marianette: Wh-what is this place...? Where's Mommy?

???: Mommy is sleeping with our lord now, Marrianette. I'm sorry things had to come to this, but I no longer have any choice. Maid, servant of the lord and I. Are you ready to meet your fate ?

Maid: I was born ready to fulfill this task,master. It's time i see the lord with my own eyes.

???: Thoughtful answer.

???: Arceus! Capremdum Garuganisu oru'ma'! A'd serberus L'orufogeo!

Marianette: Wah..!!! Where did she go?!

???:She's gone,and will be forever, but do not fret. She is more alive than she ever was in her entire duration of living. Now Marianette. It is your turn.

Marianette:N-No...I Don't want to...!

???: Maids,bring Marianette to the alter.


Marianette:Please stop this! I don't want this! I don't want this!

???: Enough Marianette

???:Arceus! Capremdum Garuganisu oru'ma' A'd serberus L'orufogeo!

Marianette: Someone help me, please!


Pokemon Rejuvenation Offers a variety of difficulty modes to chose from. This stems from Casual,Normal(Reborn Style) and Intense Mode. Once the difficulty has been chosen, It cannot be undone.

How do you want to play the game?

Now here i chose Intense this will give me a harder time but im an experienced player and it gives you guys a view of what you will be facing should you chose the most difficult setting. Casual will have 2 less pokemon for gym battles and lower levels having played this my first time out i actually found it more difficult to level pokemon on this mode. Normal 6 pokemon in each gym battle and more pokemon in normal battles than casual alot easier to level your pokemon tho.


???:Hello? Can you hear me?

???:Ah... That's better! Hello my name is Amaria! I am the scout for the Aevium league! It is my duty to get newborn trainers like you out on the road and ready to go! But before we continue with that buisness, a little history wouldn't hurt anyone![anyone isnt neccessary and means you have to scroll down for one word]

The land of Aevium is famous for its difficult challenges and wide variety of Pokemon! You are familiar with Pokemon, correct? Humans and Pokemon need each other to grow as one community! That's where battling comes in! But before you get to battling, you'll need to register and all that jazz, so let's just continue with that.

Do you need any assistance with controls?

Lol most of us are experienced enough to say No info needed if not i kinda feel bad but hit c and say you need info of the controls newbie ;) jk

Great! Now that we have that out of the way ... Let's talk about the Aevium League's expectations and requirements. In the Aevium League, there are 18 Gym Leaders. You'll need all 18 to compete at the Pokemon League.

Pokemon may respond to your calls depending on what level they are and how many badges you have. I'd go further into that, but we'd be here forever! I'm sure someone wil explain it to you eventually! Now let's get your trainer card set!

Which appearance best fits you ?


For this one im going to select boy :3 wish long haired man child was there but beggers cant be chosers :P

Please choose the appearance that best fits you.

Left for me sorry guys i like hats :P well long beanies for me :3 but this is close enough

If I may ask, what is your name? [sounds like a filipino talking to me XD]

okay imma fill in Hypa since i basically go by it on everything :0 i actually called myself hypa when asked what my name was once and i was like umm im sorry im ..... (ha you guys thought i'd say my name) enough of the stupid stories on with the show

So you're *insert name here*?

no im Hypa but anyways ill say yes to your question anyway

Congratulations, Hypa![comma isnt really needed here when you congratulate someone you dont pause for a breath or atleast i don't maybe i've been saying it wrong for years! :0 stop side tracking me! >.<] You are now registered in the Aevium League!

Once the S.S.Oceana docks, meet me at Gearen Laboratory! From there on we'll pick out your starter Pokemon and then you'll be on your way to great things! See you then!


[jan if you ever read this maybe put more Ameria: enter text here otherwise it kinda becomes a lil slated and you end up just spamming c to get rid of it :P]

Lady: Oh? Are you done? Please see me at the counter so I can print out your Trainer Card!

Ah yes,Hypa. This shall only take a momment.

Lady:`Mhm~,oh yeah~...... [ make this sound less like a porno ]Perfect~!

Here you are, Hypa. A brand spanking new Trainer Card. Courtesy of the S.S.Oceana

Hypa recieved the Trainer Card! It isn't verified, though.

Lady: Like that dialog box just said it isn't verified yet.[staph breaking the fourth wall >.<] You'll have to verify it at Gearen Immigration (hope its not like the americans they take one look at me and i get frisked >.<)

*hates writing dialog so much* On with the guide!

Mom: Hm,I wonder if Hypa is finished with their[his/her/um pronouns for neither] registration yet

Mom: Speak of the devil, or in this case, my angel~... ( jeez mom there is a cute girl standiing near you when you said that ... sooo embarressing >.<)

Since you're done with registration, why don't you take a little stroll with me?

Mom: right this way. (i like how we get no choice we just have to do as she says talk about under the thumb :P)

You see those doors?Behind those doors is a spectacular event. Soon a banquet shall begin behind those doors. But before that can happen, I have some things to do. So why dont you explore the ship and meet some people? I know it's been hard since we've... left... but we shouldn't let it get the best of us. So have fun, Okay? If you want to go to our room, it's the very first door top left I'll see you soon hun. Cheer up, Don't look so "gloom".

Mom: I'll see you soon (yea i didn't hear you the first time)

Okay guys we finally got control of our character !!! yay :3 plenty of exploring to be done if you go into the rooms there are some interesting stuff to be found somewhere on board there is a rare candy too! yeah ikr totally exciting on with the show!


Oposite the registration room there is a handy potion yay!

enter the room on the bottom right set of rooms, first door bottom left click on the wall where the rooms seperate for an extra lil cutscene for some backstory on your mom

Bottom left set of rooms 2nd bottom door there is a woman saying she has a secret hidden in the room we'll get back to that later

Bottom left set of rooms 1st top door you get another through the wall cutscene

Stairs on top right: maid at the top gives you a freshwater, go to the left talk to the guy by the healing machine for later, head out the right side the last woman on the right gives you a rare candy she got from a vending machine i wanna find that machine >.< okay now guys go up the stairs from the piano room to find the captains room to get this show on the road!

Jigalllyyyyyyy puffff jigallllyyyyyyyyyyy pro'est song ever now lets draw on some faces >:3

-"forgot" to take down the captains dialog- he explains elite 18 and level caps in Aevium

after this go back to the room where that woman said she had something hidden and you can find a hypa potion

okay downstairs to where you met your mom the first time and go to head through the double doors !

Mom: Going in without me... ?(yup i dun wanna be seen with you you're so embarressing you scared off the hot chick earlier)

Mom Eager as ever. Well, shall we be seated?

Lady: Oh! Lady Nancy, and Hypa?

Your table is to the upper left, second table.

Mom: Thank you, dear.

Augustus: Urmpghh, mm yes, may I have your undivided attention, please?

It is a pleasure that I host the 48th annual Grand Finale Banquet. You know when i was young I would've never thought I'd stand here before you today

Mom: Oh dear, Augustus is going to ramble yet again...

It is quite an honor indeed, ah, but I'll save you the trouble of listening to an old coot's dried up story.(thank you now i can stop typing it)

Now to introduce our chef of the hour Ramon.

Ramon: Ya, iz very easy to do. You take spoon n' fork and devour to ya heart's content, eh. what are ze waiting for? EAT!

???: TROLL!!!!! AGUSTUS!

Augustus: hm? What is the meaning of this senseless yelling.

???: There's a troll in the dungeon! (if you get this reference well done childhood successful)

Augustus There's a troll in the dungeon?! We don't even have a dungeon!

???: That's because I'm the troll.

???: There's also actually a bomb in the dungeon. Thought you'd like to know.

Mom: Get Hypa out of here!



(sorry included this un spoilered due to it being hilarious)

Okay we are back in the captains quarters again and we can move again ! yay! head downstairs and through the double doors again. back through the double doors head down the stairs on the bottom left and through the double doors down there

bla bla bla mindless dialog your mom sacrifices her pretty pokemon to save you you were about to get a pokemon from her but she flakes and you get nothing when she gets bound by deoxys. then the piano crashes ontop of the deoxys to save you again <3 that pianist has bae status

You exit to the left of the boat where you get surrounded by deoxys again when you are saved by a talonflame!

and there you are on oceana pier! hurrah thats the longest Prolouge ever! nah just felt like that because i had to type most of it out lol anyways im writing this after a 12hr shift so its probably error strewn

Talonflame: Bawww!

???:Talonflame, did you find anything?

???: Oh dear!

???:Are you okay? Were you on that ship?

Hypa explained what happened...

???:So thats what happened... If im truthful[honest sounds better imho], I saw most of it go down. I sent my trusty Talonfalme to save any victims and now here you are. Oh how rude of me! I havent introduced myself! My name is Tesla.

Tesla: Unfortunately that ship is no more. However do not fret. I'm sure your mother is fine. Although, she is in the clutches of team Xen... Team Xen is the organisation that attacked that ship. They have been causing a lot of trouble lately, but nothing of this magnitude. It seems whatever they're planning has finallly brought to the surface (is that a boat pun about the sinking of the ship how dare she my poor mom :'() Anyway you are all alone now, aren't you? What do you plan to do now? ...I see, well in any case. You'll need a Pokemon if you are going to survive by yourself. You can get one in Gearen City which is luckily, is right next door. As for me? I think I'll go check on the ship's last known point and search for survivors.

Tesla: I'm a firm believer that everything happens for a reason. I'm sure things will work out accordingly. Oh, and before I go... what's your name? Hypa...? Alright, Hypa. We'll see eachother soon! Clear the way please!

Tesla: Full speed ahead, Talonflame! Tailwind! (talonflame can travel at 310mph at fulll speed with no harness just holding onto feathers i would worry for her safety)

(had to include this as a part of the main guide due to its validity)

We are free to move again! hurrah! on with the show now like she said Gearen is "right next door" well head north and reach the gate

talk to the girl at the front counter to move on through ^^ From here you want to head directly north till you get to this building ^^

Yeah there is ameria again! talk to her near the counter again to start to get your first pokemon well you gotta head upstairs first :P

???: Ouch!, Im sorry about that, excuse me.

Now we meet Prof.Jennerson but thats not so important head up the door on the top right and go down the elevator we will find ourselves in this magnificant room

Pokemon Starters

Okay From here we have a wide choice of any pokemon from the first 6 gens

Okay guys now this is where it gets interesting the mystery machine as i ike to call it gives us the ability to randomise our starter with the probability of getting a jackpot starter!

Jackpot starters:


2.Ralts(dont recomend it you can get it later)


Grass area:

in this area you will find







Water area:

In this area you will find



3.Oshawott(its dialog is good please talk to it even if you don't tend to want it)


5.Mudkip(obtainable later in the game


Fire area:

In this area you will find







Because im special i chose to spend hours on getting my favorite jackpot starter Axew makes life easier start of game but midgame kinda difficult so once you have chosen talk to the girl on the right and she will challenge you to a battle head to the left side of the battle arena to start the battle

She always uses a lv 5 fennekin

win or lose she gives you some pokeballs, and we then face Ren he uses a lv 5 Froakie

win or lose you get some running shoes from Prof. Jennerson

Now you got your first pokemon and you can head out to have your adventure!

Okay guys i generally head left at this point and follow the path to gain some experience:

The first trainer:

Optimist Telia


lv 3 meowth

lv 4 pidgey

Next trainer:

Misstress Nadine

lv 6 wurmple (which kicked my ass)

lv 5 Bronsly (it has high def and normal attacks will be as good as useless)

this battle can be a little difficult to do early on

Okay at this point i headed into the park and caught myself a pidgey lv7 but i'd suggest catching yourself bidoof as its is a great hm slave and can be rather useful at its best momment.(okay guys at this point imma be honest i resumed with the playthrough after my motherboard failure i didnt catch the pidgey)

Next Trainer:

Kimono Girl Shakotal


Lv5 shroomish

After this battle Head to East Gearen there is a market there with a VERY helpful vendor that you will be able to use later on in the game it supplies rare candies,reverse candies and revives although with me guiding you through ill be pointing out where all the rare candies that i have found are! :3 SIDE NOTE!!! she only appears on saturdays!

Back to the plan of action

Next Trainer:

Prima Donna Bianca


Lv6 Azurill

Lv7 Woobat

Next Trainer:

Cool Guy Sim


Lv6 Treeko

Lv6 Starly

My Axew got lv 10 after this battle he from this point till about the 4th gym he will rock everything he comes across dragon rage is basically one of the most OP moves you can get at such a low level

At this point i did the Help Quest Dangerous Pokemon! it was rather difficult for the levels of my pokemon but with some confusion hax i killed the lv 27 arcanine and got myself a Growlithe. I then took some liberties and advanced the time on my pc (to night) so that i could go get Misdreavus it is a ghost type and carries psychic moves its on the top of the Emerald Appartments in West Gearen this pokemon is amazing to grind on too as the event is uber repeatable you can keep spamming a(x) and end up getting some massive exp.

Now for some quick updates on the team im carrying at this momment

Lv 17 Misdreavus (Shiny)

Lv 17 Axew

Lv 15 Growlithe

okay guys at this point we have fought all the trainers in Gearen City to get some levels for our pokemon, now we need to go to venam's house its beside the to be daycare center

Now Venam isnt dead guys but we need to get her a berry from the store you have probably past it at this point. The Berry Emporium is the place you need to go to the important part is you need a pecha berry

HELPFUL TIP!: get an oran berry while you are there it saves you time later.

Now we need to head to the umm yeah well we are going to the sewers. Head into the bottom right hand corner of East Gearen we will be near a peir and we will encounter a motobike grunt

Next Trainer:

Gang Member Rufus


Lv 7 Teddiursa

Lv 9 Pidove

This guy goes down pretty easy head further south and you will see another vision of venam pulling a sickie this doesnt last for long however with ren backing us up!

Now we finally enter the sewers and ren joins us to "help" get us through the place

Next Trainer

Technician Jerald

Double Battle


Lv 7 Pichu

Lv 9 Pichu

Go down a lil and head west to the next battle

Next Trainer:

Beginner Amanda

Double Battle


Lv 9 Whismur

Lv 11 Bidoof

Now Head west a lil more and then head north to find venam again! :3 But the doors break because of a power failure >.<

Traceback your steps to the entrance but instead of heading west to the first trainer head north

Next Trainer:

Gang Member Bob

Double Battle


Lv 6 Machop

Lv 8 Makuhita

Lv 9 Meditite

Next Trainer

Enthusiast Luca

Double Battle


Lv 7 Skitty

Lv 9 Litwick

After these two easy battles keep heading north and ignore the path to the east its not useful right now

Next trainer

Punk Ben

Double Battle


Lv 7 Psyduck

Lv 8 Stunky

Lv 9 Bunnelby

Team Update

Lv 18 Misdreavus

Lv 17 Axew

Lv 15 Growlithe

Anyways on with the show we will now see 3 pcs now you need to put em in the right order

Monitor 3 First

Monitor 1 Second

Monitor 2 Finally

Reset successful!! Yay now on to bigger and better things go back to the doors where we got seperated from venam

Okay she is pulling the same stunt again >.< oh well lets get on with things the garbage crew are acting up and need to be put into place so lets do this thing!

Next Trainer

Garbage Crew

Double Battle


Lv 12 Trubbish

Lv 12 Trubbish

Lv 14 Garbodor

Easy right ? sorry if you struggled i did some pregrinding i guess >.<

You actually get taken out this time so nice of em not letting us go threw that dirty sewer !

Okay we finally get our little date with Melia <3 okay maybe its not a date but lemme dream >:3

so what you need to do is head to the train station which is in the upper right hand corner of west gearen

Once we get into the station we will meet tesla for the first time since the boat crash. Now since we are here talk to the grandpa in the corner since the quest that he gives is currently bugged if you dont do it in the next stages of the story you wont be able to do it later.

To get the train you need a ticket so go to the top of the room and talk to the guard there tickets do cost 100$ but it is a return ticket so you should be fine in terms of cash if you are a lil low do some of the help requests they give good cash and some items :3 okay so after you go into the train you should be met by Melia she willl introduce you to the healing machines sparcly covering the aveium region

There is the next awesome part about this area you can get yourself a old rod which is useful to cover some weaknesses in your team with some water types.

There is one other awesome thing about this area there is an event pokemon! well its a pretty basic one which im not particularly a fan of but its whismur you will need a gourmet treat to start the event tho if you want this normal type monster for early game these cost 2000$ and can be found in the pokemart.

Okay so head north through all the bushes and stuff now we will enter an area with a lot of water you will initially need to head east then north

Next Trainer

Cool Guy Jeff

Single Battle


Lv 8 Plusle

Lv 8 Minun

Next Trainer

Fisherman Shane

Single Battle


Lv 5 Magikarp

Lv 8 Magikarp

Lv 11 Magikarp

Lv 12 Magikarp

Next Trainer

Fisherman Orlando

Single Battle


Lv 8 Finneon

Lv 9 Magikarp

Lv 8 Finneon

Next Trainer

Beginner Darin

Single Battle


Lv 11 Poochyena

Lv 12 Pidgey

Next Trainer

Gang Member Sherik

Single Battle


Lv 11 Pikachu

Lv 11 Caterpie

Next Trainers

Optimist Kairi & Tourist Karin

Double Battle


Lv 9 Buneary

Lv 11 Vulpix

Lv 12 Taillow

Lv 12 Pansage

Now after we battle this disasterous duo we go into the mountain! basically keep heading north till you find Melia boom she descovers a secret tunnel

Next Trainer

Pre-Leader Melia

Single Battle


Lv 12 Doduo

Lv 13 Eevee

Lv 14 Teddiursa

Lv 13 Minccino

Lv 14 Togepi

After the battle we see an epic absol which is the precurser to danger !! ooooooh now exit the cave you will be surrounded by grunts and vehicles.

Next Trainer

Team Xen Henry

Single Battle


Lv 13 Growlithe

Lv 13 Zubat

Lv 13 Finneon

Now after the battle Melia is a total bae and gives us a snag machine these allow us to catch shadow pokemon team Xen have these pokemon and they are kinda powerful the only way to fight em is with a fairy type as their moves arent effective my suggestion is to catch em as once you unlock their souls they have amazing moves they wouldnt normally get. She also does something else really bae and gives us 20 Great Balls <3

Next Battle

Team Xen Amellia

Single Battle


Lv 13 Tympole (shadow)

Lv 14 Smoochum

Lv 14 Oddish

Next Battle

Team Xen Larcy

Single Battle


Lv 13 Stunfisk

Lv 14 Snorunt

Now I love the next disasterious duo they are brilliant but i did type out their next section of dialog because its brilliant but due to my browser shutting down i lost it >.< what a pain anyways read this dialog because its pure hilarity at its purest.

Next Battle

Misfortunate Duo Eli & Sharon (or should i say shardon)

Single Battle


Lv 14 Lunatone

Lv 15 Solrock

Okay now we finally face the boss this is a pretty dificult fight but its winable with a nice bonus shadow pokemon to boot

Next Trainer

Team Xen Executive Zetta

Lv 14 Murkrow

Lv 15 Weezing

Lv 14 Duskull (shadow)

Lv 15 Sneasel

Okay after the battle we get thrown into the dimensional rift thanks melia >.< okay so we awake in a weird place identical to the place we were before but its got a red tinge to it but anyways in this place there is 7 magikarp scattered around the map :3 unfortunately we cant catch them but we do have to rescue em so without further adoo the 7 locations

Magikarp 1:

Magikarp 2:

Magikarp 3:

Magikarp 4:

Magikarp 5:

Magikarp 6:

Magikarp 7:

Once we have got all those Magikarp Melia will magically appear and guide us around to where the mountain was before otherwise we are doing well :)

Thats me for now ill get some screenshots uploaded soon i have about 40 so far i think photobucket is gonna kill me for uploading so much including all guides ive made its over 300 now :3

Hypa away!

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