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Starting Over


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So, im planing on starting over since my first playthrough was.....no muy bueno, Natures and habilities were not what i was expecting (most in shadow pokemons) but i cant' decide on a good team to start, i started with Piplup, and got an Oddish and chingling, oddish got stuck in gloom because i never found a leaf stone and chingling evolved actually helped (thanks yawn and heal bell)

so any suggestions would be nice, where to catch what, objects that i might miss (curse you leaf stone) etc

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First of all, for the problem with stones. Some stones (or most of it? ) can be found somewhere in the game, but yeah its easy to miss them if you dont know where they are hidden or you dont press on every tile as you walk. So you can always search on the forum or check in this thread for the item you want (it may not be fully updated to the latest version, not sure)


And if that particular stone cant be found, but actually can be mined you can always softreset when mining till you get the one you want, but yeah that can be a bit time consuming.

And for the team, I dont like giving much info or opinions but I enjoyed my earyl-mid game with my starter, lillipup, oddish and misdreavus (and ofc their evolutions) .

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You dont necessarily need leaf stone to get vileplume, Terajuma jungle has several wild Vileplume that you can interact with after you sprinkle some powder on it~ Amoonguss is same typing with almost same movepools with access to spore and regenerator, plus it doesnt need stone to evolve, can serve as alternative to Vileplume~In term of yawn users, i'd prefer Munna and Slowpoke to Chingling, which is in Route 2 and BlackSteeple prison respectively~

Edited by TimTim
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