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Realizing the mistake of swapping char sprites.

Arkenciel Zeno

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Well i just went full stupid mode and decided to change my sprite to the new one. I went from Kuro to Decibel and i IMMEDIATLY REALIZED AFTER SAVING that i actually liked Kuros poses and battling sprite better. And now im stuck as decibel and his kinda weird mouth. Anyone else done this too?

BTW i was wondering if amethyst was ever wondering about adding in episode 15 a way so we can revert back to our old sprites, at least for that episode only?
And yes i know that its my responsability and im stupid for saving afterwards, but still wondering.

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You can't revert back to the normal sprites, sadly. But what you can do is swap the names for Kuro's and Decibel's graphics files in the Graphics->Characters and Graphics->Transitions folders. That way, you'll still be able to play as Kuro.

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You can't revert back to the normal sprites, sadly. But what you can do is swap the names for Kuro's and Decibel's graphics files in the Graphics->Characters and Graphics->Transitions folders. That way, you'll still be able to play as Kuro.

One question: will that change the sprites animations in battle and the cut in when doing gym battles?

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As long as you change all the names properly then everything shoulld be swapped, but you should also check the transition map for the "boss" battle scenes and character for the overworld stuff. (just to overclarify)

Edited by mwijsman
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If you want you can upload your save file and I will change it for you. For the ones that have Rpg maker its the script "pbChangePlayer(1-9)".

Ok ill message you my save file somewhere tomorrow, i gotta keep playing today but tomorrow i have a long gap of time were i wont be playing, thanks for the help!

EDIT: I did hear that the save files are saved somewhere, so do i really need to send you save files themselves? Or do you tinker with the save files so you can set my player sprite back to normal instead of just changing the names on the sprites images?

Edited by Arkenciel Zeno
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