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So I am stuck here at the palace underground thingie, and I need to get past the whole walking puzzle, which does not make sense to me at all.

Puzzle is typed as below:

A girl on her way to school saw a shopping mall that held many of her interest.

While on her way to the shopping mall, she noticed a small park which had the most green of grass.

She then visited the park and stayed there for 5 minutes.

Then she forgot her most prized possession, her doll

As she rushed home she realized that she had forgotten her bag at the park.

Once she got home and got her doll, she then ran back to the park to realize that her bag was gone.

She then travelled to her school in the opposite direction, and made it to school late.

After school was done, she ran home in the eastern direction to look for her missing item.

However, as she got to the park it started to rain and ran towards the shopping mall.

When she got to the mall, she was so dizzy from running that she began to spin in each direction.

She spinned 4 times, and then waddled in the direction of which she stopped spinning all the way home

Northwestern grid is the park, north eastern the school, south western the shopping mall, south eastern the home.

We start at Home

So how do we do this again?


Also, in my defense, she was on her way to school, shouldn't it be home > upwards to school > back to home to side track to mall > Go upwards from mall to Park > Go back home not using school way > Go back park not using school way > Go to school > Go to park > Go to mall > Spin > Home?

But if I go upwards and not reach school and turn back, I'm incorrect.


Edited by ArthurZH
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Sorry for false alarm guys, managed to figure it out after some trial and error.

Also, I'd like an explanation.

Correct Route according to game:

left back up back up left right left down up right down (back is home)

Meaning, Home > Mall > Home > School > Home > School > Park > School > Park > Mall > Park > School > Home

Thanks in advance!

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go left , go back .

go up , go back

go up again

go left , go back

go left

go down, go back

go down go back

go right go down

thats what i think if i remember it right

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