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Vanguards of Luchi [OOC/Sign-Ups]


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Antares Ryder here to bring you a brand-new, hot off the press RP. Thought it would be a good idea, so I'm gonna give you a summary of everything to know.


The world is spiraling down a road of destruction. The shortsightedness of humanity spurred conflict in centuries past, making the desolate world of today. Man exhausted it's resources and Pokemon to the brink of extinction. Catacylsms of this caliber are rare at best, but all it takes is one. Natons rise, nations fall, it's a common occurence every few decades. Technology is sparse. People and Pokemon are few and far between. Our story is set in a region named Luchi. At the time of our tale, three nations cross swords regularly. Their names:

The Glorious Lorraine Empire

The Eternal Kingdom of Alsace

The Imperial Dominion of Exter

You as an RP'er assume the role of a newly enlisted cadet in the Imperial Dominion of Exter. Your current job is to finish your basic training and advance through the ranks of the Exterian Imperial Army.

The nations have to be flexible in terms of weapon choices as for both defense and aggression. Due to constraints on Pokemon and other resources, each nation supplies each enlisted soldier a non-ballistic weapon to support both themselves and their Pokemon

The three nations have not fought for a few years now, thanks to a young man named Kenchira Robins. Kenchira practically singlehandedly stopped the fighting by himself.

However, there is always a calm before the storm.

Exterian Army

The Exterian Army has four main branches: the Judicial Corps, the Palisades Corps, the Scout Corps, and the Vanguard Corps. Each branch has a unique role in furthering the glorious name of Exter.

Judicial - The enforcers of the law. Any jurisdiction to uphold any Exterian law applies to this branch.

Palisades - The homeland defenders. The Palisades Corps is an equivalent to the National Guard. Any guards posted in any area of Exter are most likely under hire by the Palisades.

Scouts - The seekers of knowledge. Any informaton - known, unknown, sought after, etc. - is logged and retrieved by this branch of the Army. Scouts are taught to uphold all Exterian secrets with their life.

Vanguards - The first strikers. Vanguards are the largest branch of the Exterian Imperial Army and used to see the most action. Vanguards must conquer all they seek, or die trying.

National Politics

Each nation is led by it's own unique form of government and it's own way to survive. Each government has it's own upsides and downsides but each nation has thrived under it's unique form of government.

Exter - Exter is led by an oligarchy, spearheaded by the Viscount and each Supervisor to every branch of the Exterian Army. Exter strives for a strong economy based on farming and minute manufacturing. The Army is led by two Inquisitors from the Judicial Corps, one Taskmaster of the Palisades Corps, one Orienteer from the Scouts, and two Generals from the Vanguards.

Alsace - Alsace formed a semi-successful democratic republic / constitutional monarchy. Joint power is held by a Senate and and the Royal Family consisting of: a King, Queen, and their offspring. Both entities have equal power by constitutional terms, but the Royal Family controls more power dispersed under less people, making it a "Kingdom". Alsace survives by a cottage system of manufacturing and mining for valuable minerals.

Lorraine - Lorraine is led by a single dictator whom enforces the law assisted by the watchful eye of an Elite Squad. Lorraine lives off of hefty taxes and a constant presence of fear in exchange for loyal service. Lorraine sells most of the technology that exists in Luchi.

The Land Of Luchi

Luchi is a region with a varying climate annually. During the good years, the climate provides a warm, lush landscape, with a fair balance of rain and sunshine. The bad years leave an awful dry and cool feeling throughout most of the region. Although there are several smaller areas, such as a glacial cavern, a desert, and a rainforest, the climate changes tend to apply here to. Exter is inhabited to Central Luchi, a large flat plain for the most part, broken by occasional rivers, lakes, and hills, seperated by Alsace and Lorraine by a large mountain range. Alsace is in the North. A cooler, drier area, ideal for the mining they do. Lorraine is in the East. A large valley occupied by the capital city that is mostly dry throughout the year.

Utopian Scholar Society (USS)

Very little is known about this mysterious group of intellects, except they are hermits and stay away from the national dealings of each government. It is rumored the USS knows what happened to cause the world to spin out of control, and they know how to revive the world.

This fact has yet to be confirmed and all Scouts sent to the encampments have never returned. The encampments have disappeared as well.

Other rumors claim they have unlocked the secrets to Pokemon handling long lost by the world.

Details About New Recruits

Each new cadet is evaluated under two parameters: An Araments Alignment, and and any special talents. A cadet's Araments Alignment determines which of three classes of soldier would suit them the most. A Corps Suggestion is also given as an evaluator's recommendation based on the cadet's personality and aptitude. Cadets do not have to abide by the Corps Suggestion, but must abide by their Araments Alignment in all fairness.

The three classes are as follows by Araments Alignment:

Huntsman - A person well-adjusted more to conventional weapons than Pokemon handling. They are either more inept to handling Pokemon, are better at handling weapons, or can function well without them, showing athleticism. Huntsmen are easily able to overpower Pokemon or other humans by themselves or with little assistance from Pokemon. Huntsmen are allowed only a max of two Pokemon and any non-ballistic weapon of their choice.

Tamer - A person either less athletic than a Huntsman or have a knack for handling Pokemon and understanding them. Tamers are terrible at handling combat situations by themselves, and are better off using their Pokemon for battle.Tamers are excellent tacticians. Tamers are allowed a max of four Pokemon and are limited to only daggers or brass knuckles.

Shaman - A person who shows both an equal aptitude for conventional weapons and handling Pokemon. These people are jacks of all trades in general, master of none. Shamans are both somewhat athletic and somewhat observant and can handle combat situations by either Pokemon or themselves equally. Shamans are allowed a max of three Pokemon and their conventional weapon is limited to any single-handed weapon of their choice.

Each new cadet is issued one Pokeball and a uniform. Pokeballs are extremely rare and difficult to produce, so cadets are taught to use their one Pokeball wisely.

Assuming you are a new cadet, you have already been evaluated by Araments Alignment and will be issued your rightful possessions upon basic training.

Available Pokemon:

Cadets are sent on a daylong journey by the training advisors to catch one Pokemon amongst the many they are allowed to seek. Everything is relatively easy to catch and docile. Some species will be major exceptions

Cadets must capture or subdue one Pokemon into their possession by the following morning or else be dismissed from training.

The following Pokemon inhabit the areas accessible by cadets: Starly, Slowpoke, Vulpix, Sewaddle, Drilbur, Croagunk, Ralts, Staryu, Tyrogue, Azurill, Buneary, Roggenrola, Purrloin, Swablu, Pichu, Smoochum.

Every Pokemon is technically available, but the rest are allowed to be captured later on.

Properties of Pokemon:

Certain species are extremely hard to subdue and train, such as every pseudo-legendary. Any cadet procuring a pseudo-legendary is held in a higher regard.

Pokemon with aura or psychic abilities are able to heal other Pokemon as well as any medicinal Pokemon such as Chansey.

Important NPC's:

Kenchira Robins - Inquisitor, husband to Alice Moriah, and hero of Exter. Leads training of new cadets.

Alice Moriah - Wife of Kenchira Robins. Successor to the Taskmaster.
Mileena Kinter - Oversees training of cadets with Kenchira.

Gekko Moriah - Brother of Alice Moriah and the Orienteer. Instructs cadets on Scouting

Ashe, Kizan, Elric, Serenity - Lucario (F), Bisharp (M), Garchomp (M), Gardevoir (F), under the service of Kenchira Robins and the only Pokemon instructors to the cadets. Each one teaches different aspects of Pokemon handling. Each can communicate by either telepathy or direct English


Luckily for you, I have a high tolerance for any BS put forth, although you as an RP'er must follow the following rules:

1. My roof, my rules. Respect anything I, as the host, have to say. If I say no, I normally mean no.

2. Respect other players. This should be rule 1, but I am setting the rules here. Respect others players and their decisions or risk being booted.

3. No trolling. Minimal powerplaying, only at the consent of other RP'ers. Godmodding is prohibited.

4. Respect the mods. Pretty obvious.

5. Be innovative. Creative thoughts are welcome here as long as everyone believes it is fair. If I agree, I'll allow it.

6. Have fun.

First time to fail to comply with these rules (EXCEPT #6), if any negative posting streaks occur, you will recieve a warning from me or a mod via post or PM. If you recieve two warnings, you will be suspended for a week. Third warning you recieve punishment by a higher mod, such as Hukuna however seen fit, along with exilation from my RP for one month (unless I say otherwise). You may appeal to me when your thirty days are up.





Chosen Corps:

Araments Alignment:

Special Talent: (The Exterian Army denies people without special talents, such as tracking or outdoorsmanship)

Starter Pokemon:

Backstory: (your reason for joining the Exterian Army)

Hope everyone likes this idea and it takes off. Leave a post if you're interested. I'll start the first chapter when I can round up five people (excluding myself).

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