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Posts posted by Kamuisaki

  1. 5 hours ago, StrangeFrog said:




    Same bug, but for me I'm just moving in Cellia. Also in an older save I can move quite a few blocks but in the last one I made I can only move 3 blocks before the message appear.

    • Fixed 1
  2. No he was male because the mother said that it's strange for a male Eevee to become a Sylveon, because it's more a female eevolution than a male one. Scarborough was the name that the breeder/orginal trainer of the Eevee. Edie called him Scarlett wich his a female name than a male one, because Edie wanted a cute name and e female Eevee/Sylveon

    • Disregard 1
  3. 1 hour ago, troloofolo said:

    I have Soul Candle in my possesion, but not a single pumkin reacts to it. Is there something else I need in ep19? 

    The same goes for Scraggy, I have the Dull Key, but I can't find the place, where it should be used in Obsydia Slums. 

    Anybody, please??

    For Scraggy you have to go beetween the escalators, the left ones.

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  4. 8 hours ago, Alexandre_Oeder said:
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    Does anyone know where the five missing police officers are? I found the two in Jasper Ward, the captured officer in the Underroot, and the dead officer...I'm having trouble finding the last one.


    The last one is in one of the building in the Underroot, we can't see where it's open but it should be the bottom right side. It's in the same zone that Stantler event.

  5. It's just a question that I posed myself, and it's quite stupid but when Gothitellle teleport us out of Carotos Mountains is it instantaneous or it take time to make the travel ? 


    A week passed from when we are teleported from Carotos Mountain back to the moment when we reappear in Shedidan Village, so is it that the teleportation take time because of the distance or the MC was teleported to a place where he didn't have awareness ? Nothing serious, I was just wondering.

  6. Well in the end I changed the difficulty from Intense to Normal and it was easy. The difference is so huge, in Intense you need to EV (takes hours) but in normal you don't need to care about your EV, just which pokemon you take.

  7. She didn't have any insurance because she knew she would win. Melia was mentally hurt and Melanie was overconfident so she should have win.  For the question What would she have to gain by touching and absorbing Melia? Well, she gain more power, can do things that she couldn't before, it can be many things. 

  8. 3 hours ago, MhicKy said:

    I played the hardest mode once and never saw that..
    I even played it in debug mode so.. I don't know where this is going.. Unless there was some change that I am unaware off (I've been offline of this forum for a year).

    But if this mechanic do exist, why is it only exclusive of the hardest difficulty tho'? I mean, Casual doesn't really need the 31IVs in everything but the Reborn Style (normal difficulty) kinda does, specially around Terajuma.

    I just checked, I don't know why you told me this but that's just false.. I started a new game in Intense Mode and my starter didn't had all IVs on 31.. Then I decided to capture some other Pokemon to see if that's just the starter and he also didn't had all IVs on 31.. So I don't know if you're confusing something here or just lying to me for some reason..

    It's an error from him, he was surely talking about the enemy's pokemons, not the one you catch.

  9. I don't know if it's really important for the story but some characters have resemblance with certain pokemon. For Tiempa and Spacea we can see Dialga and Palkia. But there is other.


    Spacea:Palkia, control space
    Tiempa:Dialga, control time

    Comet:Metamorph, can morph in every living beings
    Cosmia:Mew,can morph in every living beings (can do it better)

    Keiran:Meloetta, because of his voice

    Freya: a fusion between Zoroark and Beheeyem

    Puppet Master:Darkrai, live and is the master of Nightmare city

    Protag/Interceptor: Jirachi or a fusion with Jiraichi and another pokemon

    Aelita: Groudon/Regigigas can feel the Earth.


    I did this with the pokedex description


    Then there is the characters who I have no idea: Madame X, Crescent, Melia and others.

    Some Garufan Magic can be a way for a human to have the power of pokemon and all these characters have history with Garufan Magic.

    Sorry for my english.

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