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Reborn Development Blog

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Starlight Divide Devblog

Desolation Dev Blog

Posts posted by Nyah

  1. Hi, locking this since it got so nasty. While discussion is fine, the kind of negativity and insults being exchanged is not. Please be polite when posting

  2. Originally I wanted to post separately for each category, but I don't want to spam.


    There's lots of people I want to nominate (many already have been) So I'm going to try to keep this to people who aren't nominated yet, who I think deserve acknowledgement still! Though I feel bad having to pick and choose.



    The Sugarpop Sunbeam Award 
    For the member this year who's been sweeter than any candy store could hope to be!


    The Smelliest Auth Award
    For the auth member who, regardless of conduct, most desperately needs to take a shower!

     Posty  (Who has already been nominated but, he really do need a shower)



    The Profile Picture Perfection Award
    For the member who's had the best avatars around this year!


    Emoji Excellence Award
    For the member who's wowed us all with creative use of emoji this year!


    Smollest Bean
    For the member who is just so smol and pure.


    Archbishop of Banterbury
    For the member with the best banter on the block!
    Bibs - urmom

    The Pointedest Poindexter Award
    For the biggest NERD this year!

    Cass - big brain over here

    Coolest Clown in Town
    Posty and Zumi


    Most In Need Of A Hug 
    For the member who just really needs a hug right away!


    Supportive Cinnamon Roll 
    For the member who is an actual cinnamon roll and always tried to support others!


    Wonderfullest Wallflower
    For the member whose presence is quiet, but beloved.
    Yume and Candy


    Member Most Likely to Never Give You Up
    For the member who would never let you down, nor run around, nor desert you!
    Azzie - She knows why

    Award Award Award

    Award award award award award award award award award award award award award award award 



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